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选修七Module 3 导学案班级: 姓名: 设计人:聂文华 第2 课时 课型:Reading 备课组审核: 教研组审核: 教务处审核: After Class (课后篇)1. After the explosion, the shop was a _ of total confusion. A. scene B. situation C. view D. occasion2. The _ after the earthquake were terrible, the houses damaged, people buried or dead. A. scenes B. spot C. scenery D. view3. The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle. _ it was! A. What a dangerous scene B. What dangerous a sceneC. How a dangerous scene D. How dangerous the sceneModule 3 Literature Reading.Studying aims :学习目标1. Read the new words on page 3031. (熟读第30-31页单词。)2. Have a correct understanding of the passage. (正确理解文章大意并掌握文章细节。)3. Master the important phrases and the important points: eager, in astonishment, not until, no soonerthan( 掌握重难点词汇:in astonishment, not until, no soonerthan )(掌握重点单词:eager。) Before Class (课前篇)Preview the new words and expressions(P148)While Class (课上篇)Teaching process:Step one: Word-study.Read the words by yourselves first. Then read after the teacher.Step two: Reading Fast reading: Read the passage and choose the best summary.A. The boys in the workhouse decided that they needed more food. Oliver Twist said that he would ask the warden for more to eat. The workhouse managers decided that Oliver must be hanged.B. The boys in the workhouse were starving and choose Oliver Twist to ask for more food. When Oliver did this, the workhouse managers were very angry and locked Oliver in a room.C. The boys in the workhouse chose Oliver Twist to ask for more food. When he did this, the workhouse managers were very angry and sent Oliver out to work. Careful reading: Read the passage and choose the best answers. 1. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The room where the boys were fed was large with pots at two ends.B. The boys never needed to wash their bowls as somebody did that for them.C. The boys slowly starved for three months and were wild with hunger.D. For each meal, the boys could get one bowl of soup and 60 grams of bread.2. Why did the boys choose Oliver to ask for more food?A. Because he was tall and was too hungry.B. Because he was good at telling stories.C. Because he was brave and had rich experience.D. Because his name was picked out after the boys wrote their names on a piece of paper.3. We can infer from the passage that _.A. the tall boys father had kept a small cook shopB. the poor suffered a lot and had no right in the old societyC. when Oliver asked for more, he was immediately locked in a roomD. Oliver Twist would be put into prison4. When Oliver went to ask for more food, his feeling was _.A. hopeful B. happy C. desperate D. excited5. When Oliver asked for more food, the wardens face became very pale because he was _.A. frightened by Olivers wordsB. astonished at Olivers wordsC. very angry about Olivers wordsStep three: Read the passage and find out the following important phrases. (阅读文章找出重要的词组。)1. 需要被清洗_ 2. 盯着罐子_3. 有很好的食欲_ 4. 饿得都快发疯了_5. 不习惯一直处于饥饿状态_6. 走近,走向_ 7. 要求更多的食物_8. 挑出_ 9. 对低语_ 10. 因饥饿和痛苦而绝望_11. 从上升_ 12. 十分惊讶地_ 13. 以非常弱的声音_ 14. 非常激动_ 15. 张贴_ Step four: Language pointsRead the examples after each important points to summarize more uses.(读下列句子猜测所划单词或词组的意思,并通过例句总结出该单词或词组的更多用法。)When they had cleaned their bowls in this way, they would sit staring at the pot with eager eyes, as if they wanted to eat it.他们这样把碗刮干净以后,就坐在那儿,眼巴巴地瞅着汤锅,似乎要把它吞进肚子。More sentences for you to study eager. The boy was eager for success.那个男孩子急于获得成功。 My teacher is eager about everyones progress.我的老师渴望每一个人的进步。 The saleswoman in the shop is always eager to please everybody.商店里的那个女售货员总是十分殷勤,希望使人人满意。 She is eager for her parents to buy her a doll.她盼望父母去给她买一个洋娃娃。试总结:eager 词性:_ 词义:_常用结构为: be eager _ / _sth.渴望某物 be eager _ sth. 渴望干某事 be eager _ sb._ sth.渴望某人干某事1. He stared in complete astonishment at the child and held on to the pot for support.in astonishment 译为:_ More examples for you to study “in +抽象名词”. He looked at me in astonishment.他惊奇地看着我。 He looked at me in surprise.他惊奇地看着我。 He sat there in silence.他静静地坐在那。 He turner away in disappointment.他失望地走了。 The two communities live together in pea
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