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河北省藁城市尚西中学七年级英语下册 第3-21周清A试题(无答案) 人教新目标版一. 词汇.每空1分,共20分 班级:_ 姓名:_1.How many _ (小船) can you see in the picture?2.There are no b_ over the river.3.I think our d_ will come true some day.4. When you c_ the street, you must be careful.5.I want to know where your sister _ (live).6.It is difficult _(write) a story in English.7._(thank) for your letter, I am happy.8.You cant run _(quick). It is not safe(安全的).9.It often takes me two hours _(play) sports every day.10.Do you need _(ride) a bike to work?11.My hobby is reading books. What about _(you)?12.Do you like _(walk) to school every day?13.It takes me twenty _(分钟)to walk to school.14.Dont do it l_ that. Let me help you.二单选。每题2分。共40分1.I usually go to work _ bike but today I go to work _ a bus.A.by;byB.in;inC.by;onD.in;by2.We have _ books to read every year.A.three hundredB.three hundred ofC.three hundreds ofD.three hundreds3.For many students, _ is not easy to learn English well.A.itB.thisC.thatD.he4.It usually takes about ten minutes _ to school.A.by bikeB.on a bikeC.to rideD.ride5._ do you like the transportation in your town?A.WhatB.HowC.WhenD.Hows6.My brother wants to know _.A.where Tom liveB.where Tom livesC.where doesTom livesD.where does Tom live7._ kilometers is it from Beijing to Shanghai? Do you know?A.How farB.How longC.How muchD.How mnay8.Danny has three brothers, but he _ have any sisters.A.is notB.cannotC.did notD.does not9.Marry always finishes her homework on time. He _ leaves it for tomorrow.A.neverB.oftenC.alwaysD.usually10.-_is it from your home to the park?-About three kilometers.A.How manyB.How longC.How farD.How much11.- _ do you go to the park?-I walk there.A.WhatB.WhenC.WhyD.How12.-Wheres the bus stop?-Its _ the post office _ the zoo.A.between;orB.between;andC.among;andD.among;in13.-When did you get _ this morning? -At 11.A.homeB.to homeC.at homed.in home14.The bus ride usually _ about 10 minutes.A.takeB.takesC.walkD.walks15.He runs very _. A.quickB.soonC.longD.quickly16.Nacy loves _ stories for children.A.writeB.writesC.to writeD.wrote17.-Do you think Mike likes reading?-No. He only likes playing _ soccer and _ guitar.A.the;theB./;theC.the;/D.a;the18.-We need some fruit and vegetables.-Lets _ after lunch.A.go swimmingB.play footballC.watch TVD.go shopping19._ there any milk or apples on the table?A.HasB.IsC.HaveD.Are20.How does Sandy go to school, _ bike or_foot?A.by;byB.on;withC.with;onD.by;on三. 阅读。每题2分,共10分My home is far from school,so I usually go to school by bus. On my way to school, there is a cinema, a supermarket and a toy shop. The cinema is next to(挨着) the supermarket. My friends Jack and Tom go to school by car. Jack drives past a bank and a post office. The bank is next to the post office. My sister Mary likes riding a bike, so she usually goes to school by bike. 判断正误,对的写(T)错的写(F)( ) 1. My home is near the school.( ) 2. The cinema is across from(在对面) the supermarket.( ) 3. Tom often goes to school by car.( ) 4. Jack drives past a supermarket.( ) 5. Mary likes to go to school by bike.四. .句型转换。每题2分,共10分。1.Li Mings home is about 6 kilometers from his school(就画线部分提问)_ _ is it from his school?2.Tom often has bread for breakfast for breakfast.(一般疑问句)_ Tom often_ bread for breakfast?3.Mrs Smith goes to work by bus every day(同义句)Mrs Smith _ _ bus to work every day.4.I go to see my mother by bus.(划线提问)_ _ you go to see your mother?5.Tina likes going to school on foot.(同义句)Tian likes _ _ school.五连词成句。每题2分,共10分七书面表达(10分) 要求:句意通顺,完整,书写清晰,工整。60字左右。How do you go to school? _
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