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Lesson 5P74 S2The best salesmen,the best teachers,the best business managers have an intuitive ability to read body language and put it to profitable use,They adapt their presentation to the messages they pick up.最好的销售员、最好的老师、最好的业务经理都具有一种能够理解肢体语言、并能使之带来利益的直觉上的能力。他们根据自己理解到的信息来调整他们的言语。P74 S3For example,the most sucessful trial lawyers are those who can look at a jury and a judge and pick up little cues that tip off what people are thinking.An observant lawyer may notice that the judge is compressing his lips into a thin line as the lawyer is speaking.例如,成功的出庭律师能够通过对陪审团和法官的察言观色来攫取细微的暗示,从而了解到他们在想些什么。一个善于观察的律师也许会注意到当他在说话的时候法官把自己的嘴唇抿成了一条缝。P75 S4When people show rapport with each other ,they swivel their upper bodies toward each other and align their shoulders in parallel.当人们展现与其他人的观点一致的时候,他们会将他们的上半身朝向彼此,他们的肩膀会处在一条平行线上。P75 S5Do people more often than not try to exhibit dominat behavior in the presence of others?人们常常试图在他人面前展示出有控制欲的行为吗?P75 S7 By contrast,people in submissive roles will thend to crouch slightly and display self-protective stances.They may fold their arms or hug themelves,cross their legs or reach up and touch their throats. People with a more dominat attitude will use more expansive gestures. spreading the arms and legs,creating an air of openness.相反,人们表示谦恭的时候,会倾向于微微屈膝,表现出自我保护的姿态。他们会屈膊或双手交叉,双腿交叉或者伸手触摸他们的喉咙。具有更强控制欲的人会使用更加开放的姿势,他们会伸展开胳膊和双腿,给人一种开放的气势。P77 S2A woman attracted to a man will tile her head down and to the side,then look in his direction in a coy or coquettish way.一个被男人吸引的女人会把她的头低向一边,然后用一种害羞和卖弄风情的表情看着他。Lesson 6P95 S1I have often wonderde at the savagery and thoughtlessness with which our early settlers approached this rich continent.我常常对我们早期的殖民者通过野蛮的和轻率的方法得到这片富饶的大陆感到惊讶。P95 S2This tendency toward irresponsiblity persists in very many of us today;our rivers are poisoned by reckless dumping of sewage and toxic industrial wastes,the air of our cities is filthy and dangerous to breathe from the belching of uncontrolled products form combusion of coal,coke,oil,and gasoiline.这种不负责任的倾向在我们今天许多人身上依然存在:我们的河流被随意倾倒的污染物和有毒的工业废料污染;我们城市的空气变的肮脏,对呼吸有害,因为空气中充满着不加限制排放的燃烧煤、焦炭、石油和汽油所产生的废气。P97 S3Then the trickle of innigrants became a stream,and the poulation began to move westward-not to grab and leave but to settle and live,they thought.然后移民的人数越来越多,就像涓流变成小溪一样,而且人们开始向西部移动-不是抢夺和离开,而是像他们所想的那样,定居下来生活。P98 S1 l4The merciless nineteenth century was like a hostile ecxpedition for loot that seemed limiteless.Uncountable buffalo were killed,stripped of their hides,and left to rot,a reservior of permantent food supply eliminated.残忍的19世纪看起来就像为了无止境的掠夺而进行的一次充满仇恨的远征。无以计数的水牛被杀害,它们的皮被剥掉,尸体被留下来直到腐烂,一个永恒的可以提供食物的宝库就这样被消除了。Lesson 7P117 S1The feeling is familiar to most everyone-nothing seens satisfying,things dont work out,you cant get yourself to do much of anything and your mental landscapes is bleak,这种感觉每个人都很熟悉-没有什么看起来让人满意、事情发展不顺利,你什么都做不了,而且你的精神世界一片空虚。P117 S2Most serious depression are reactions to stressful life events-loss of a job or a spouse, serious financial setback,a serious illness or injury,the end of a love affair,大多数严重的抑郁症都是使人抑郁的生活事件的反映-失业或者丧偶、严重的财政危机、严重的疾病或者伤害、失恋。P117 S3But for some people,depression is a recruring phenomenon that is provoked by events that ohters seen to weather with little difficulty or get over very quickly.但是对于一些人来说,抑郁症是一种重复发生的现象,也就是被那些对其他人来说很容易就能承受或者很快就能解决的事件引发的。P117 S4 Some experts say the social tensions of the times-the erosion of trust,diminished personal impact,unrealistically high expectation for success,disintegration of the family,social isolation and loss of a sense of belonging to or beliveving in some stable,larger-than-self institution foster a society especially prone to depression.一些专家认为,时代的社会压力造就了这样一个极以让人抑郁的社会。这个社会充斥着信任的缺乏、个人影响力的降低、对成功不切实际的期望、家庭的破裂、社会孤独感和缺乏归属感、盲目相信一些看似稳定,模似强大的机构。Lesson 8P134 S3It is hard to define the precise pleasure of the supermarket,Unlike the saloon ,it does not hold out promise of drugged senses commonly considered basic to pleasure .很难给去超级市场购物所带来的快乐下个精确的定义。不像在沙龙,不会给人带来通常认为是快乐基础的飘飘然的感觉。P134 S4There is,to be sure,the the brilliant color of the fruit-and-vegetable department to lift the spirit out of gray Januarys wearies,provided you do not look at the prices.确定的是,假如你不去留意价格,水果和蔬菜部门所摆放出来的食品个个鲜艳明亮,不再和销售惨淡的一月一样。P134 S5There are fantastic riches of pointless variety to make the mind delight in the excess that is America.在物质极其丰富的美国,许许多多毫无意义的东西可以人变得愉悦。P134 S4Groaning and sweating, they heave their tonnage up to the checker,see it packaged in a forests worth of paper bages and,the whole now reassembled as a tower of bags pyramided on another cart,they stagger off to their cars,drained of their wealth but filled with pride in their awesome capacity for consumption.气喘吁吁、汗流甲背,他们举着成吨的货物涌向付款台。看着无数的装有物品的纸袋,他们把一辆辆购货车装成了金字塔。他们跌跌撞撞地奔向购货车,掏尽腰包购物,为他们有如此的购买力充满自豪。P134 S6Urban people,of course,are terribly scared nowadays.They may yearn for society,but it i
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