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第21学时 九年级 Units 910一、单项填空1.(安徽滁州明光二模)Sphen Hawking, o hadi a the ae of76,wasnot nly on e greats cinists balso sow he _ of hehuman srtto rise above(克服) rius ills.A.reply B.pzeabity Defft2.(四川内江威远严陵中学二模)Its ineresg o earn te _ad cusos of otr coutries.A.mans value C.chane coies3.(山东青岛市北二模)All the clerks wen oe _ Jac. h?Becase e hadto finsh is wor.Aexcept BbesidesC.witht D.eside4.(预测)KelyandSady are goodfriends They hare evethin with eacotherppnesand _.Aairness kndneC.sdnss Dsyess(原创)Youshould_ teime you sen togther ith y frnds.A.wake B.vaue C.it Dview6(湖北恩施利川模拟改编)Myfvrte aor sJacki Ch _ iom China.Awo BhomCose Dhat(预测)I rnceyou soult pt adone tabl. You_pu itonthepae.soudtre supos towouldliketo D.will8.(江苏无锡滨湖一模)ou sold go to seehm sinc e is so seriusl ill. _, heisyubroterAI alB.Firstof alCAove all DAfter al9(原创)Ifyou smll gasr ee ken lie, _the main ave(阀门) fom the utsde.se up Bshut oC.gven upD.ureoff10(安徽安庆桐城四模)Th b ymoter bout e_ gts t of style, itisstilhe be thng in myn.Agrualy B.ormayC.sudey finall二、阅读理解(广西河池中考)Mybiet chalnge s ernng how tobhave atte dinner tal. As yu can iaine,tings arverdifen from the wayheyar home. Fr examl, notpposd out our bre on our late our suppod tot on the tale! I thugt ht a prty strange t first, ut now Imued toi.Aother apl s that yure o supposedoet anythingwit u hads exept brad,ot evn fruit. Youhae to uti p anetitwih a fokAntherhig is that it mpolieto ay that yoell. If yo dont antany mefod, you shuld uss,“Th waselicios.”Ao, your ot upsedo ut you elbows oe able. Ihave osay ha find it difficult toremmer evryhin,buIm gradualetn uedto itI dntind rench cusoms sosrangenor.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,对的的用“A”表达,不对的的用“”表达。1Youot suppsd to ut yourbreaonyour plate.12NowI ed o putting my bread n the tae1our suppsed to eat nig with yor ds exct bred.1.Its ilte to saytha yufull.15.I stilfinFrenc custms s strg.B(辽宁铁岭中考)e moning,y dad ake eto riveim a frawa villa ad pick hm u at 4 pm.I pakd our caat neabygarage(修车厂) Becaueof verl hurswaitinie, I weto atheatHoevr, w te las ovie fnished, i a alay s ges Da wulbe relly gr if heoundt thatI wasatebecuseI wawatchna vie. So Idecdednot to tell i tetruth. When I picked m u, Iapolgiefobeingl, adol hm thecar soe mor(严重的)rai Ill nvefget the look he gaveme“Im ispointedtou fel youe o le o e,Jason” Dd looke t me agi “Whenyu dint appear, I caleth gaage to akifthee ere somprolems. hey told eyou hadnt beenr.”feltad(羞愧的) andtol m te eareasn.Ater he litened to ,Dadaid, “I realize Ive ild s a fahr. Imoito alk oe no an hin bout where Iv gone o alltee yeatomk you le t me.”“But Da, is 18 iles!” My pologiesee uselss. Dad walkd hmethatday. eeig Da in so mucai wanunorgtabe expeiece.wev, itals taught e an importat lesson. Sice that im, I ha never ledto yone.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。16During th seral hours iting tie, the witer went o _.A.a tear BretaurntCauum Da shp17The fathrkneis son tld li y _.A.gussing the esult Btelephonn trageC.aingthheae Dsking hi son irectyHis ter felt _ t hen he heard his son le.Asurprised BdispointedC.aaidDfs19.he undelned word “aogizd”mens _.Acied out .explainetheeaoCaid sory D.di something nice0.Whch f t llowing i RUE cordng to e passage?Te writer didn iketopckp hifther.BTh writer hada gfightwithhis fate.he wrter nevertlalie ate te leson.D.The rter didntcar outDas feelings.C(吉林中考)2._Thai poleae sedtoeatin rieasa meal. Alo, os h pele do o it doo eat a mal behyusully ea whe they arung,espcialykis and teenger.2_ashio s fl oculture. TheTg ostue sans r ine hi
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