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学学美国出名脱口秀主持人柯南奥布莱恩的口才吧。如下是她在达特茅斯学院毕业致辞。睿智与风趣,这是我喜欢她节目的因素。如下是演讲全文(中文配合视频字幕观看): Ie been vin iLosAngeles frtw yars, andv nev ben this col nmy lfe I wilpay ayone he 30 for RE-TE glovs.Anybd. Im seous. Iave hesh.BfoeI begin, Ist ponut tha behin msis a highly amrd Priento e United States nd decoratewr ho wle , a cabe tleision k shw hs,has been chn stand ere and ipar wisdm.I pa I ever winess me amni ex owht s ron th Amerca ody.Graduates, acuty,pent, reves,ndegraduts, ndld peop hat jus ome totese thngs: od orningd ongratuton to theartou Clas o oay,yuhave aed somethin spi,somethinonly2 cent of Americans yu ag willve knw:a lleg dlom.Tats right, wthyourcolee ipoo o av a crushingdvntage over8prn othe workorce. Imtaling out dopout losrske BillGates,Stev b,and Mark Zukerbeg. Icentlly,spkgof Mr. Zukerbrg,onlyat Harvardwoul meonehaveto invnt a masi socia ntrkus o tlk ithsomeone inth net om.M f jo as your comencmt speker is o illstate tha lif is nt ar. For eape, yohav red tireesly forfur yeas a the dioma yoll e recevin tis weknd.That as grat.AndDartmouh s ging me the ae dree intervewing fourh lea i Twilght.ea wit it. Anoter eampe tha lifeis ot fair:if it does an, the orfulich pepe o stag etthe tt. Deal ith I wd litohan resient Km for iniing m heetoday.After mypone call wi President im, I ecied tofinu a ltle biabot t man. He gs y Presidet Kim nDrKm. To his frend, hs JmKim, to he, Scial K, JKowlig, th ut Kiddi Kimr, andst puzlig, Stiky Pe. He ve as thhair te Deartmentof Goal Health ndocal dicine at Havrd MdicScho,sehded a ask forcefort World Healt Ornizion nloal ealth Initiaive, won Macrthur Genus Gra,an a neof TIE Mgins 100 Most nenti Peple . GooGod, a,wat th he reyo comnsatigfor? Seriously W getit. ore mar By thwy Dr. Kim, yo webrought o armuto lead, and as a wrl-clas anthopologst, yo ere so hredto igure ou weh these graduatng studets ran arond a nre 11imes.But I thank y fo nvitng here,Snky ee, nd i is an nor Thougom f you maysee e s aceleity, you soldknow atI ce sat wh you sit Lteal. Late lastnit suck out here ad satin ver at. id itto ove pint: I a not brigh and ave ot reetm.ut ths i a onrful occsion and it i great o be ee in NewHashire,whre I amgttng anhoorry degree and all thelealirewok can fi ittunk of my cr.Yu now, ew Hapshire s uch aspelplce.Wen I rriv Itok deep beth o this crisp NewEngadair tought, Wow, Iin thet tats next othe state where Beand Jery icceam i ae.But dnt getmewrn, I tke m ts today ver seriosly nI gohe cal two onth ago to be your speaer, I ecided pere withte sme inity ay o yu ve dvote t animportan erm pap. olate last ight, I bg. I drak two c of e Bull,sortesm Aderal, layda fwhours o all o Dy, and then enedy rowsr. thinkWkpdpttest whe hey saidarmouhColeg is privatevy LegueUnivrsty inne, New Haphre, UnitedStateThn ouan gooduk.T cmmunicae wth ou stunts today, havegoe t geat lenhs t becoe wl-versedn your nque uisticpaerns. In fact, justthis orning I ef Bker Bry wth mytripeearryto eat aBilly Bob at te a when myfltzto ranceca s Blitz jakd by som -bag onhs PYes, Ive don y rsrc.Tis collge wanmed atethe SecodEal o artoh, good friend the hir Earlf UC Snt Cruzad te Duke othe arbiz School of Bauty our schoomto i Voxcamantis i desero, wi as Voiecrying o n the wldernessisiseail he st athetic scl mot I v evehea. Aparetly, narowly beat o Sietl Wepng in ik Shrub and Whimperig noist eav wthou Pans Yrschoolcoor is green,n thi colr as chseb Frdec Mathr in 867 becae, and his is trueI lke it upit ws th nly coloht ad not bn takn alread. I annot rembe hring nythig ss.Dartoth, you hae ainfeiority omple, an yu huld Yu ave raduatedmoegeat fciiouAmrics than an thr coeg Medthey ofGrysAnatomy. e Cmpel rom Mad Me. Michael Coreoe from hGofather. n fact,
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