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湘少版三年级英语下学期语法填空专项调研班级:_ 姓名:_1. 填空题。1你想询问“我的小汽车在哪儿?”应该这样问:2书的位置在3铅笔的位置在4Is it in your bag?Yes,5你想表达“它在椅子下面。”用英语应该这样说:6你找不到你的帽子了。用英语你应该问:7同桌帮你找到了你的文具。用英语你应该说:8Where is my pencil box?中文的意思是:9同学邀请你一起逛书店,你愿意和他一起去。用英语你应该说:2. 根据图片补全对话。1.Will you visit your friends? - No. Ill visit my_.2.What will we see? - Well see lions and_.3.What is it? - Its a_.4.Is it new? -No, its_.5.Is he a bit_? - Yes, he is.3. 趣味练习。A. in B. got C. How1.Have you_a doll?2._many trees in the park?3. There are thirty_the basket.4. 看一看,不止一个答案哦。A. giraffe B. bear C. tall D. short E. fat1_2_5. 填空题。1My_is Tina.2翻译:_3I have a_.4I have an_.6. 根据图片,选出正确的单词写在四线格上。1Do you like. (pears/ grapes)2Where is my(ball/ car).3Look at that giraffe. Its so(short/ tall).4My brother is(in/ under) the car.5I have(fifteen/ seventeen) birds.7. 根据所给图片或中文提示,写出单词。1What are these?They are_.2_(谁)is that boy?He is Mike.3Nice to meet you, Mike.Welcome to my_(农场).4What is that over there?It is a_.5What are those under the tree?Theyre_(牛).8. 用share来说几句话。129. 根据图片选择合适的单词补全句子。tall short fat thin1The panda is_.2The cat is_.3The mother giraffe is_. But the baby giraffe is_.10. 从括号中选出适当的词填空。1Would you like_(a/ an) red apple?No, thanks.2Look at_(this/ these) pictures.How nice!3_(Where/ What) are my pencils?They are on the desk.4What are those?They_(is/ are) chickens.5Make a cake_(for/ to) our father.6What is it?_(Its/ Theyre) an orange bag.11. 选词填空。A. openB. monkeysC. breakfastD. sweetE. white(1)I have some bread and milk for_. (2)Please_your eyes. (3)Those apples are_. (4)My shoes are black and_. (5)I like_.Theyre cute.12. 将下列单词放入同类中。(只写代号)A. water B. fish C.eye D. bear E. blue F.pen G. pencil box H. CokeI. green J. milk K.ear L. bag M. monkey N. six O.four P. breadQ. brown R. cake S. head T.one U.panda1颜色类_2饮料类_3动物类_4数字类_5食品类_6学习工具类_7身体器官类_13. 读句子,选词填空,将序号填在横线上A. Close B. bread C. at D. red E. like1Look_my legs.2Colour the balloon_.3I_this panda. Its cute.4Sam would like some_.5_your mouth.14. 看图填空,补全句子。1I eat_.2I eat_.3I eat_.Yummy!4I eat_.5I eat_.6A_bowl in my tummy!15. 选词填空。isnt Where ready find Read1_a map.2_is my bag?3Are you_?4Where are you? I cant_you.5The eraser_in the pencil box.16. 根据语义或图片提示写出正确的单词。1The s_is u_.2My uncle is u_the umbrella.3The tiger r_very fast.4Do you like the clown (小丑)?Yes. Its f_.17. 用画线的词的反义词填空。1The tiger has alongtail. The deer has_tail.2I amshort. My brother is_.3He hassmalleyes. I have_eyes.4My watch isold. Your watch is_.18. 根据提示完成下列句子。1My mom is_(water) the flowers.2What are you_(do)?3The cat is_(run) now.19. 从括号中选出适当的词填空。1-Please listen_(to/ in) Mr Green. -Yes.2Come_(to/ in), please.3-_(Dont / No) open the door. -OK.4-_(Look/ Look at) my new rubber. -Its nice.5-Good morning, Miss Li. -Good_(morning/ afternoon).页码 / 总页数
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