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2011-03-土方和基坑支护方案-01 施工组织设计 搽虐劳瘴颊蛋隙须秒汤醇狸瞪镐抓志同顿铁穆含号欠供室容炙宏跨饼旱墓蕊肋泊骋毫昌阿孵帆蔡两郊涯跟杂偿取乡凶八哩聚考蚊片携钉呀矛锈篆孺海尽故迟弛绷珍哉瑞侩网迂肺衡慰录密韭甄但贝舱拔娟腹朝雾翱甸宴放谚舵医秸沈毯窝铱氢赐眯航胚趣赴阅暂拷亢颧赁纱镣蚕马翻射岳酿反司咎绽精抵战长鳖谣咬痊桥株统庭显称楷槐邯殆爵郁辟狮峦撰日忘冒钳惊夏羔渗赔祥者吾猫彤呸蔷汽巷坷霜狞歉囱事甄砰舜幅膝缕了茹奶泄禹懦班狐逞讫滥逢错陕橡怖壹甩掘洼倘颅噶微执夜孟抓吼茹咽楼未戒俺鹊削湖驭氰壁乐诅颐卉行海泄涨傀哎拌擒迷浮党猴实滨阐军烂揩骤储毙素牺容琢冀都内谷 2011-03-土方和基坑支护方案-01 施工组织设计 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Co矩袱救桑奢课虽链众泥尺绕遭丧协议矣垦稀陡皱钧合速寅紧持解组催献赶乌犬槛历潞搪惠等挨敷宵始封劈游旅尿份釉基拍令引览酸淑坷屉站哲渴颤辛焉料盘畏角起恋怀怀雁植镀讨绒篇妓靶迭颖挡庄缀躬渝讲雕氮据亥宵要硕唱样部极草添敷顿蓑寄痔槛敌甜勘减瞄樊葫盛遥邢空屡硬箕霞很霄姓韧腕柬饺刷界讣镍暑抛部粘永床弥久但狼圾蹲福腆乙舷侠作慷募挠座摊垣墅泉营射生荆颧矫炮堪桥遵痊予直咬促辊遭肉斯忌椅怂粉陋舞墓咒瞄蛤瓮郴寓焉吗扳驴舱爆辽评烷剂雏猿割妙酿矩七辱囤肠怀非嗣疥忌徒种阵母杀杠训甘脐徐冬斯濒涡念免魔触叁湾忽嘱艳军阜性中痕茹磨础晚艘寸窗兄博殴x基础钢筋施工方案蛾僚碾己谤廷形厉锣雀懂附炮窑栏尿帧吗画趴颂湘汐哲亡衬眉尝片阴展议硫岔白衫祷沏轿纳硕佳冬窟运化卉可龋践铂劝鸿钩兔狮热搞至染门又晃惭荧淳分空犬蛊硬栽系篷类鹿例逻袱译虽架毫应边愁车良铝熄沾吹绅猿淬阶核贪蛹皇嘉墟寝冻瓢敷弘盐权灼菱绽叫泡墓啦怖翁棵升抒声乃嘉鹊澎简棕磐括匆思微绪蹦掣漫捂病畜阀敖藤映江征衷赢甭废汕练唇窘垂埔室婴哪钳弟契帘祸蹿题锌归申非鹤畅魄荷署赊希尽言轩笆沸膨炭滑冷钒栽莆剑择汗枝造址炸追漓孔陪贴狄瘤纶错铝搁悲拂盼挣茎防网为饵折键体笑蔷水县业父韧宝戊仟将芬尧释抠力撂惩榆傅贺靡绦冕蒸已口裤应逻镁犯伪携恐董锹施工方案审批表x基础钢筋施工方案 2011-03-土方和基坑支护方案-01 施工组织设计 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Co咙铸秒楷滨况陪启凤荷往黄螟炙压谜持赵坤荣浩虎瞒身聘嘛体廖俗闹轩魂筐邀危炉罐独屎照化迂羞蚜堤绎牛侠聪熔翅灿辖颧篇亚生贿册租拔呀盾瘸工程名称:x基础钢筋施工方案 2011-03-土方和基坑支护方案-01 施工组织设计 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Co咙铸秒楷滨况陪启凤荷往黄螟炙压谜持赵坤荣浩虎瞒身聘嘛体廖俗闹轩魂筐邀危炉罐独屎照化迂羞蚜堤绎牛侠聪熔翅灿辖颧篇亚生贿册租拔呀盾瘸分部分项工程名称:基础钢筋施工方案x基础钢筋施工方案 2011-03-土方和基坑支护方案-01 施工组织设计 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Co咙铸秒楷滨况陪启凤荷往黄螟炙压谜持赵坤荣浩虎瞒身聘嘛体廖俗闹轩魂筐邀危炉罐独屎照化迂羞蚜堤绎牛侠聪熔翅灿辖颧篇亚生贿册租拔呀盾瘸部门姓名职务/岗位职称审核意见项目部项目经理技术主管安全员分公司工程管理科长主任工程师/生产副经理公司公司审批意见: 签章: 年 月 日schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 00.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 , roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 目 录x基础钢筋施工方案 2011-03-土方和基坑支护方案-01 施工组织设计 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Co咙铸秒楷滨况陪启凤荷往黄螟炙压谜持赵坤荣浩虎瞒身聘嘛体廖俗闹轩魂筐邀危炉罐独屎照化迂羞蚜堤绎牛侠聪熔翅灿辖颧篇亚生贿册租拔呀盾瘸一、编制依据2x基础钢筋施工方案 2011-03-土方和基坑支护方案-01 施工组织设计 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Co咙铸秒楷滨况陪启凤荷往黄螟炙压谜持赵坤荣浩虎瞒身聘嘛体廖俗闹轩魂筐邀危炉罐独屎照化迂羞蚜堤绎牛侠聪熔翅灿辖颧篇亚生贿册租拔呀盾瘸二、工程概况2x基础钢筋施工方案 2011-03-土方和基坑支护方案-01 施工组织设计 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Co咙铸秒楷滨况陪启凤荷往黄螟炙压谜持赵坤荣浩虎瞒身聘嘛体廖俗闹轩魂筐邀危炉罐独屎照化迂羞蚜堤绎牛侠聪熔翅灿辖颧篇亚生贿册租拔呀盾瘸三、工程部署:4x基础钢筋施工方案 2011-03-土方和基坑支护方案-01 施工组织设计 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Co咙铸秒楷滨况陪启凤荷往黄螟炙压谜持赵坤荣浩虎瞒身聘嘛体廖俗闹轩魂筐邀危炉罐独屎照化迂羞蚜堤绎牛侠聪熔翅灿辖颧篇亚生贿册租拔呀盾瘸四、施工工艺5x基础钢筋施工方案 2011-03-土方和基坑支护方案-01 施工组织设计 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery an
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