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美句赏析 高考英语题型之读后续写素材整理(6) 适用于20212023届高考01. The idea of danger made Conseil go pale.一想到危险, Conseil脸色苍白。02. Weeks passed and nothing happened.几周过去了,什么也没发生。03. But at that moment I heard a voice shouting out through the salt air. It was Ned Land.但就在那一刻,我从咸咸的空气中听到一个声音在呼喊。是奈德兰德。04. The water around it splashed and bubbled. At the last minute it dived below the waves and came up on the other side of our ship.它周围的水溅起了水泡。在最后一刻,它潜入波浪下面,来到我们船的另一边。05. I stared at the giganticdantk creature. It was unlike anything Id seen before and I had no idea how to fight it.我盯着那巨大的生物。这和我以前见过的任何东西都不一样,我不知道怎么对付它。06. The tail of the creature beat violently, frothingfr up the water as it moved.它的尾巴猛烈地拍打着,在它行进时,水面卷起泡沫。07. I was taken by surprise and felt myself falling forward. I grabbed helplessly at the rail and then I tumbledtmbl over the side and into the sea.我大吃一惊,觉得自己向前倒了下去。我无助地抓住栏杆,然后翻过船舷,掉进海里。He slipped and tumbled down the stairs. 他脚一滑滚下了楼梯。08. I rose to the surface, gasping for air, only to see the ship steaming away from me at full speed.我浮出水面,喘着气,却看到船全速离开我。09. It wasnt long before my strength ran out and I couldnt hold on Conseil any more.没过多久,我的力气就耗尽了,我再也抓不住Conseil了。10. A dark shape loomedlum up ahead of us.一个黑糊糊的影子隐隐出现在我们的前面。11. I watched them with joy, delighted to be following Darwins trail.我欣喜若狂地看着他们,很高兴能追随达尔文的足迹。12. Restless, Ned paced up and down like a caged animal. Even the sight of the giant tortoises didnt interest him for long.内德坐立不安,像笼中的动物一样来回踱步。即使是看到巨大的乌龟,他也没有兴趣。She paced up and down outside the room. 她在屋子外面来回走着。Ted paced the floor restlessly. 特德焦躁地在屋里走来走去。13. He scowledskal, and slammed the door behind him.他怒气冲冲,摔门而去。14. Suddenly the ship shuddered and came to a halt, leaning to one side.突然,船颤抖着停了下来,向一边倾斜。15. But best of all, it was a great chance for us to make friends again. The three of us chatted excitedly on the small boat as though we had never fallen out.但最重要的是,这是我们再次成为朋友的好机会。我们三个人在小船上兴奋地聊着天,好像我们从未闹翻过似的。16. The island was covered with enormous trees, many tens of metres tall, mingledml with swaying palms, white orchidskd and green ferns.岛上有许多几十米高的大树,夹杂着摇曳的棕榈树、白色的兰花和绿色的蕨类植物。The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air. 笑声和歌声交织在夜空中。17. And in a clearing, I saw several birds with long, brilliantly coloured feathers, swoopingswup around in graceful circles.在一片空地上,我看到几只羽毛鲜艳的长羽毛鸟,在优美地打转。18. A herd of kangaroos sprang out of the bushes and Ned hopped along with them, holding his hands to his chest like kangaroo paws. Conseil and I laughed so much we scared the birds away.一群袋鼠从灌木丛中跳了出来,奈德和他们一起跳了起来,双手像袋鼠的爪子一样捂在胸前。康塞尔和我笑得太厉害了,把鸟儿吓跑了。19. Ned and Conseil were looking at me with hope in their eyes. How could I ask them to give up their chance of escape just so that I could find out more about the science of the oceans?内德和康塞尔看着我,眼里充满了希望。我怎么能为了我能更多地了解海洋科学让他们放弃逃跑的机会呢?20. But before I could give them an answer, a stone flew through the air and hit our fire, spraying sparks everywhere.但我还没来得及回答,一块石头从空中飞过,击中了我们的火堆,火花四溅。21. Another terrifying scream split the night.又一声可怕的尖叫划破了黑夜。22. I staggered to my feet, stumbledstmbl along the corridor and burst breathlessly into the room.我踉踉跄跄地站起来,在走廊上蹒跚而行,气喘吁吁地冲进房间。23. He landed with a joltdlt and lay there groaning.他颠了一下落在地上,躺在那里呻吟。Her heart jolted when she saw him. 她看到他时心里咯噔一下子。24. Ned sank into another deep silence, angry that we had not manage to stay on the island and find a rescue ship.奈德再次陷入深深的沉默,对我们没能在岛上找到一艘救援船感到生气。25. I loved being in the water, even though there was the chance of becoming a sharks dinner. Fish swam before me like sparkling jewels. Plant life swayed in the gentle currents.我喜欢在水里,即使有可能成为鲨鱼的晚餐。鱼像闪闪发光的宝石一样在我面前游动。植物在轻柔的水流中摇曳。26. A huge shark was swimming towards him, its eyes on fire and its jaws open. I was speechless with horror and unable to move.一条大鲨鱼朝他游来,眼露凶光,张开大嘴。我吓得说不出话来,动弹不得。27. All this took only a few minutes, but it taught me a lot. I now knew that Nemo was a man of courage. He wouldnt think twice about risking his life.所有这些只有几分钟的时间,但它教会了我很多。我现在知道尼莫是个勇敢的人。他会毫不犹豫地牺牲自己的生命。28. The sensible part of me agree with Ned, but another part of me didnt want to agree with him.我理智的一部分同意内德的意见,但另一部分我不想同意他。29. I was now used to the wonders I saw every day and I didnt think there was anything left in the sea to shock me. But I was wrong. The oceans had a terrible surprise in store for us.我现在已经习惯了每天看到的奇事,我认为海里没有什么东西能让我震惊的了。但我错了。海洋给我们带来了令人吃惊的事。30. The horrible sight of the sinking ship kept coming into my head.沉船的可怕景象不断浮现在我脑海中。31. We sat in silence for a moment, thinking that we were going to die. The sound of the raging waters outside grew louder, and the boat rocked more and more violently.我们静静地坐了一会儿,以为我们要死了。外面汹涌的水流声越来越大,船摇晃得越来越厉害。32. grin broadly at.朝.咧嘴大笑33. say in a choked voice哽咽地说道34. say sourlysa(r)没好气地说35. whisper to me under his breath压低声音对我说36. let out a terrifying yell发出可怕的叫喊声37. he
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