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小学英语五年级下册第三单元整合情境教学课例测评模块:Johns Family Birthday Chart宜昌市伍家岗区实验小学 林静整合情境教学单元模块框架设计表 2008年5月25日学科英语年级五年级教材名称PEP人教版第六册学习单元第三单元主要设计者林静合作设计者本单元包括的课文名称My birthday本单元的主要教学目标和要求1.能够询问并回答某人生日在哪一月份。2.能够表述家人或朋友的生日在哪一天。课程标准及“内容标准”中与本单元的相关内容(二级)读:5.能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。6.能正确朗读所学故事或短文。(二级)写:1.能模仿范例写句子。 4.能基本正确地使用大小写字母和标点符号。本单元要求学生掌握的关键能力1.能够询问并回答某人生日在哪一月份。2.能够表述家人或朋友的生日在哪一天。学生已经掌握的(与期待掌握关键能力相关的)知识水平五年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础知识,在本课时之前已经掌握了表述月份的十二个单词,学会了询问对方的生日及回答本人的生日。学生容易理解和容易误解的知识内容学生容易理解如何询问对方的生日及如何表述自己的生日,在谈论“第三者”的生日时,不太容易正确使用所有格的形式。复杂情境的初步构思以Johns Family Birthday Chart为阅读文本,创设谈论生日的情境,设计表格让学生在阅读的过程中完成,引导学生针对课文内容提出问题,帮助学生理解短文,然后在理解短文的基础上模仿制作学生自己的家庭成员生日表,并进行全班交流。发生于情境并指向关键能力的具体问题1理解Johns Family Birthday Chart这篇短文的主要内容,填写John的家庭成员生日表。2鼓励学生自己在回答教师问题的基础上,能够针对短文提出自己的问题并解决问题。3仿照文本,制作一个自己的家庭成员生日表。评价指标的选择评价指标的表述目标分类层次最低/完美标准1.语言理解准确理解2.语言知识应用应用3.语言综合表达应用4.语言质量应用整合情境教学课例测评模块目标能力理解Johns Family Birthday Chart这篇短文的主要内容;理解名词所有格的正确使用方法;询问并表达某人的生日;理解并制作自己的家庭成员生日表。 阅读材料:Johns Family Birthday ChartGrandma: What are you doing, John? John: I am making a birthday chart for our family. When is your birthday?Grandma: Its in May. John: My mothers birthday is in May, too. When is Grandpas birthday?Grandma: Its in June.John: There are three birthdays in June. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too. When is Aunt Marys birthday?Grandma: Her birthday is in November. Cousin Alices birthday is in April. John: Great! Heres the chart. 问题Q1: Listen and answer the questions. (初读感知。听录音,回答问题。)(1) How many people are there in Johns family?(2) Who are they?Q2: Read and fill in the blanks. (自读对话,填写表格。)Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.DadMayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Q3: Read the passage again and answer some more questions. (再读对话,回答问题。)(1)When is Grandmas birthday?(2)Whose birthday is in June?Q4: Discuss in groups and ask your questions. (小组讨论,提问解答。)(1) Q: ? A: .(2) Q: ? A: .(3) Q: ? A: .My Family Birthday ChartQ5:Do a survey and make your family birthday chart. (调查并制作你的家庭成员生日表。)参考答案Q1: Listen and answer the questions. (初读感知。听录音,回答问题。)(1)How many people are there in Johns family? There are eight people in Johns family.(2)Who are they? John, Dad, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Bill, Aunt Mary and Cousin Alice.Q2: Read and fill in the blanks. (自读对话,填写表格。)Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.DadNoneNoneCousin AliceMayJuneJulyAug.MomGrandmaJohnGrandpaUncle BillNoneNoneSept.Oct.Nov.Dec.NoneNoneAunt MaryNoneQ3: Read the passage again and answer some more questions. (再读对话,回答问题。)(1)When is Grandmas birthday? Grandmas birthday is in May. or: Her birthday is in May. Its in May. May.(2)Whose birthday is in June? Johns, Grandpas and Uncle Bills.Q4: Discuss in groups and ask your questions. (小组讨论,提问解答。)(预期部分问答:)(1) Q: When is Moms birthday ? A: Her birthday is in May .(2) Q: When is Aunt Marys birthday ? A: Her birthday is in November .(3) Q: Whose birthday is in April ? A: Cousin Alices birthday is in April .Q5:Do a survey and make your family birthday chart. (调查并制作你的家庭成员生日表。)(答案略)评价指标与标准评价指标最低标准完美标准语言理解语言知识应用语言综合表达语言质量Q1短文理解准确/1Q2短文理解准确/1Q3语言应用准确/2语言表达正确/2Q4语言应用准确/2语言表达正确/2Q5语言表达正确/2语句通畅 /3总分2463
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