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外商直接投资对我国金融业的影响分析摘 要随着我国金融市场的不断开放,金融服务贸易在我国国民经济中的地位日益重要。FDI的流入在很大程度上促进了我国金融业的发展。但近年来,由于外资规模、结构的不合理尤其是短期资本的大量流入对我国的经济持续稳定增长产生了一系列负面影响。如何有效的利用外资,减少外资引进中对我国金融安全产生的负面影响,成为日益受到人们关注的问题。本文从我国利用外资特点出发,从宏观上分析了其对金融安全所产生的负面影响。在金融全球化加速发展、金融危机频繁发生的基本背景下,我们必须加快有中国特色社会主义金融事业的建设和改革步伐,必须实行渐进的金融开放,积极而稳步地推进金融机构改革,不断完善人民币汇率形成机制,建立良好可靠的金融风险预警体系,从而更积极、更有效的维护我国的金融安全,为高效利用外资、全面建设祖国提供可靠而又良好的金融保证。关键词:外商直接投资(FDI), 金融安全, 利用外资Analysis on the Influence of the Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to ChinasAbstractWith the increased openness of Chinas financial market, Financial Services Trade played an increasingly important position in the national economy. FDI inflows to a large extent contributed to the development of Chinas financial sector. In recent years,however,the scale and structure of foreign investment become unreasonable that cause a series of negative impacts on stable economic growth,especially the large number of short-term capital inflows to ChinaHow to use the foreign funds,and reducing the negative impacts on financial secufitypeople become increasingly concerned about the issue. From the characteristics of introducing foreign investment,the paper analysis the negative impact on financial security.On the background of the accelerated development of financial globalization,and financial crisis frequent,we must speed up the pace of reform and construct Chinas characteristics finance,we must implement a gradual financial liberalization,and actively and steadily push forward the reform of financial institmions,and constantly improve RMB exchange rate formation mechanism,establish a good and reliable financial risk early waming system,more active and more effective to preserve our financial security,provide reliable and good financial guarantee for the efficient use of foreign funds and the comprehensive construction of the motherlandKey words: Foreign direct investment, Financial security,The use of foreign capital目 录1 绪论. 11.1 选题的背景和目的.11.1.1 选题背景.11.1.2 选题目的.11.2 国内外文献综述.21.3 研究内容和方法.31.3.1 本文的研究方法.31.3.2 本文的研究内容.32 外商直接投资我国金融业的现状. 4 2.1 金融业FDI的现状.42.2 金融业FDI存在的主要问题.62.2.1 外资享受超国民待遇.62.2.2 吸收外资重数量轻质量.63 金融业FDI的影响.9 3.1 FDI对银行服务贸易的影响.83.1.1 积极影响.83.1.2 消极影响.83.2 FDI对我国金融安全的影响.103.2.1 容易造成中国经济控制权的丢失.103.2.2 可能会使中国财富滚滚外流.113.2.3 金融企业可能失去控制权.123.2.4 可能降低中资银行的对外竞争力.133.2.5 可能带来道德风险.144 针对金融业FDI现状应采取的措施.154.1 强化国际收支的调节功能.154.2 引导合理外资流向和外资进入方式.164.3 完善金融立
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