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初二英语作文00字汇总9篇 无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都有写作文的经验,对作文很是熟识吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化沟通的目的。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我细心整理的初二英语作文300字9篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 初二英语作文300字 篇 一轮考试结束了,成果在意料之中,有点不志向,有一些应当能考的很好的学生,也没有考好,思其缘由,也找不到合理的说明,所以我让学生自己反思总结找出缘由和不足之处,以下是几个有代表性的几个学生的总结。 魏X说:“一轮考试的试卷的分数下来,我很惊讶,但我细细想起来,也并不是没有道理。这些天,我并不是没有仔细学,只是这些天来,我没有深化其中,没有真正的领悟,以致于考试成果如此的差,让我心中自责的很。不过我想说的是对于英语我会尽自己最大的努力,不为别的就为自己,为了自己的水平,为了自己的付出,做最好的自己。 邵XX说:“通过这次英语一模考试,我觉得主要失分在有关单词刚好态的把握方面,是基础学问没有驾驭好的缘由,一些单词明知道是什么,却不会写,一些选择马虎大意也错了,各方面因素结合起来以致英语成果不志向。 王XX说:“本次考试,由于自己马虎大意和对课本学问驾驭的不坚固,一些不应当错的题却错了,而作文失分最不应当,我没有按其要求写作,写离题了,导致作文分数太低,影响成果。在今后的复习过程中,课本内容应当更加坚固初二英语作文30字篇2n my mind, erne shal hav is on dea. thk tht havin a ream menat w hae a idea, an n e will do all the hings to achieve te aret A ong ase hae oal to berazed, we won beblind tleas. My ream sto ecoe asucesful statemn,hlping tse people woned elp with thir igt. Of course, to a od staemn is vy dfficlt, ut wl do whtever I cn do to ee eerone satisie.hats y dra. Now erything do i close to myream. I fel lie i fl ih hp and i coorful, an hv enoug confdencetoelize y drm初二英语作文0字 篇3 am prehealth. I xrcise eery d. Meaing habits ar prety god. I likeeatng vegetablesand fuits. drnk ilk er day.I evrink cofee I dont lik junk od. Because theya vryunhalth. I like eatingchocole too, and I t thewo or tree im a wek. sleep ine hur everynigt. yhelthesyl elps get ood grads Goodfoodnd exerisehelpme o tudy btter.t is sy to he ahealthy lfestye,aI s imortant toeat a baancd diet. Do you ve a eaylfestyl?What boutyou?初二英语作文300字 篇4 It is mporantosta heathy. ou wnt to tay heathyou u eecse ee da and you shoudt et ot o jk fo. You soul lsea veetables and oherelthoods. Dontgt stresed ot. Itisot heathy. when you are tired, you shouldntgo ut aght Yu houd go to bed ay fo fewih. t a alnced diet, it s god fo your healthI hpyou ncareo yr eath初二英语作文30字 篇5 Drn heng umrhoiday, ae united happins. Now,I seak a mmerunfor y. Oned,Isayed atho,felver boing. Sudnly, ma branwave, thought f a go idea.I e gme play with sster t tee. Itolh idea t siter, site, rdily aed 在漫长的暑假,有无限的欢乐。现在,我给你讲一个夏天好玩的。 有一天,我呆在家里,感觉很无聊。突然,我灵机一动,想到了一个好办法。嬉戏玩的妹妹把鼻子。我告知妹妹,妹妹,欣然同意。初二英语作文30字 篇6An InvitaionrZhag Ming,A mbirtday wil tke ace xt aturday,my paentshve iniste on havi a birthdayy fo m. Theyareery axius to et al my youngfriends, a thy want me to have goodtietis occason. e pay l bin at7oclckthis Stray eveig.lease me ely. You cntak a o. 1 bus an ge fft XjiRodGo sraiht ahead adwalk acrssWulan reet. e restatison he cornerofh street. Its ame is Da Fg Restaat.Weare loking orard o eing you thn. t beswishes! or sncerl,X初二英语作文300字篇7 omalways eeps a sict hador me B I tink ometies he sto stct Tak my stuyngEnlih as an apeSh la regd me asalazy boy in itAnd hewantsistant efects. Bu ontyou now that eanng aforeig langua tes a longtime,mom? er ieh ushedet hrd, Itghtoysef that hms regret treatn me ik htA timegoes by,bega to ndeta r doin radlly. I kow se love me and wnts e tobe the bs ndI downt t ysef. So mom,dn awas forcm too hard.t is othelpful Just vememo te and I on let oudw.初二英语作文0字 篇8coolules Wecoeto ourshol,Mar.Here some of our schol ules etme el yu: e cant arrve late fclas.We cant tlk ldlyi lass. ae t e quit in las, and we e to kpouclss cen. hn we meet h teaes o the way, we must greet them We ant et r drink inthe cssom. utwe n tuside. cantlisten t sc r play es in cls,eiter We cat pick low rlmb es.初二英语作文300字 篇9 Autumns oing. Seis na yellw dres. he s coing acrssthefid hfid a yelown. Thwhat i smiling There ae som farersin the fids.hey are prcessihe wea.Lok tthe ees, hre aremanybissnngi te teesAimas ar dcig ne heres. Ty are happy! e skyis luend can. Mny white clouds are i th ky. he ook ike albats ake a de bret, nd he yomay feel eae. tun is bewithng I love uum.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页
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