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北京语言大学21春高级写作在线作业一满分答案1. ( ) their luggage, they hurried to the railway station.A.PackingB.Finished packingC.Having packedD.Finished packing参考答案:C2. They didnt start the work _ their teacher came back.A.untilB.whileC.as soon asD.if参考答案:A3. 【D2】DIANA: LOOK AT THOSE STRANGELY-DRESSED KIDS. WHAT ARE THEY DOING THERE? ARTHUR: DONT【D2】DIANA: LOOK AT THOSE STRANGELY-DRESSED KIDS. WHAT ARE THEY DOING THERE? ARTHUR: DONT YOU KNOW? TODAY IS THE HALLOWEEN DAY.【D1】_OCTOBER 31ST. THE LAST DAY IN OCTOBER IS A HOLIDAY FOR KIDS. WE CALL IT HALLOWEEN. DIANA: HALLOWEEN! I HEARD IT BEFORE, 【D2】_ ARTHUR: CHILDREN CELEBRATE IT BY MAKING LANTERNS THAT NIGHT. DIANA: PARDON? ARTHUR: THOSE ARE LANTERNS MADE OUT OF FRESH PUMPKINS WITH A CANDLE BURNING INSIDE. DIANA: TODAY I SAW SOME IN THE STREET WITH CARVED FACES ON THEM. ARE THEY ALL MADE BY CHILDREN? ARTHUR:【D3】_YOU KNOW, IT IS TOO HARD FOR THEM TO DO IT BY THEMSELVES. SOMETIMES THEY ARE AVAILABLE IN VARIOUS SHOPS TOO. DIANA: THEY ARE FASCINATING. ARE YOU GOING TO ANY HALLOWEEN PARTY TONIGHT? 【D4】_ ARTHUR: NO PROBLEM. A. PARENTS USUALLY HELP THEM.B. THE KIDS ARE GOING TRICK-OR-TREATING.C. BUT I DONT KNOW HOW IT IS CELEBRATED.D. IF YOU GO, TAKE ME WITH YOU.正确答案:C根据下面阿瑟的回答“这天晚上,孩子们做灯笼庆祝这个节日”,可知戴安娜不知道如何庆祝万圣节,所以选C项“我不知道怎样庆祝”。4. The boss said he would _ in his mind one plan against the other to arrive at an answer.A.thinkB.getC.discussD.weigh参考答案:D5. He promised that he would ( ) at least two hours on his English study every day.A.put downB.put onC.put awayD.put in参考答案:D6. She is a _ observer of slight differences in accents.A.commonB.peculiarC.subtleD.plentiful参考答案:C7. The bacteria are ( ) small to be seen without a microscope.A.far tooB.far andC.so farD.as far and参考答案:A8. Which do you like _, football or ping pong?A.bestB.wellC.betterD.more参考答案:C9. Though we _ serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.AundThough we _ serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.Aundergo fromBsuffer fromCexperience withDput up with正确答案:B解析:B项意为“承受的痛苦”。该句意为“尽管我们承受着自然灾难带来的痛苦,但我们肯定能克服所有困难”。其他选项不符题意。10. Its one thing to make a promise, but it is quite _ to carry it out.A.other thingB.the otherC.othersD.another参考答案:D11. ( ) to take a walk with us now?A.Do you likeB.Would you likeC.Will you likeD.Have you liked参考答案:B12. Sometimes examinees expect too much and become terrified if they cant ( ) the words they practiced.A.celebrateB.uateC.contributeD.remember参考答案:D13. When cooking supper, _.A.there was a knock on the doorB.someone was knocking at the doorC.we heard a knock on the doorD.we heard someone is knocking at the door参考答案:C14. “( ) is your watch?” “Its very expensive.”A.howB.how manyC.how muchD.how nice参考答案:C15. In the envelope _ .A. there are several one-hundred dollar bills in it.B. are severaIn the envelope _ .A. there are several one-hundred dollar bills in it.B. are several one-hundred dollar bills.C. where there are several one-hundred dollar bills.D. which holds several one-hundred dollar bills in it .答案:B16. Shall we go to see Mr Green tomorrow afternoon? -_.A.Its very kind of you.B.You are all right.C.Thats great.D.It doesnt matter.参考答案:C17. _ good engineer he is!A.howB.what aC.whatD.how a参考答案:B18. Hi, Tom, John sends his regards to your parents. -_.A.Thats kind of him.B.Thats kind of you.C.Of course.D.How are you?参考答案:A19. In the second paragraph, the word track could best be replaced by which of the followingIn the second paragraph, the word track could best be replaced by which of the following?ABand.BRails.CPath.DSequence.正确答案:C解析:词汇理解题。Track指“路线,轨道”,只有path有此意,其他都不对。20. I didnt know where to send this _ letter.A.registeredB.maidC.mailD.male参考答案:A21. These networks are _ for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can precede an earthquake.A.in alertB.for the alertC.with the alertD.on the alert参考答案:D22. embrace选择能代替的选项( )A.includeB.employC.encourageD.conclude参考答案:A23. Dont forget to _ to let us know you arrived safely.A.cableB.cageC.borderD.bay参考答案:A24. Parents and teachers should work together to ( ) students lives.A.effectB.makeC.influenceD.shape参考答案:D25. I wonder whether our life ( ) considerably by 2010.A.will changeB.will be changingC.will have to changeD.will have changed参考答案:D26. A _ political and economic situation is very important for the development of any country.A.stainB.stableC.peacefulD.pink参考答案:B27. Wh
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