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六年级单词归类专项复习(一)班别: 姓名: 一、 颜色(colour):red红色 yellow黄色 green绿色 blue蓝色 orange橙色white白色 black黑色 brown棕色 purple紫色 pink粉红色grey灰色 golden金黄色 1. What colour is the dog? The dog(It) is yellow.2. What colour is it? It is green.3. What colour is your shirt?(单数) My shirt(It) is white.4. What colour are your jeans?(复数) My jeans(They) are blue.二、 星期(day):Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1. What day is it today?(今天星期几) It is Monday.2. What day is it tomorrow?(明天星期几) It is Tuesday.3. What day was it yesterday?(昨天星期几)It was Sunday.三、 月份(month):January(Jan.) February(Feb.) March(Mar.) April(Apr.) May June July August(Aug.) September(Sept.) October(Oct.) November(Nov.) December(Dec.) 1.How many months are there? There are twelve(12). 2.What are they? They are(列举月份)3.How many months are there in a season? There are three(3).四、 季节(season):season季节springsummerfall(autumn)Winterweather天气warm,windyhot,sunnycool,windycold,snowymonths月份3,4,56,7,89,10,1112,1,2clothes衣服shirt,jeansT-shirt,shorts,skirtdress,shirtpantscoat,jacket,sweateractivity事情plant trees,go hikingswim,eatice-creams/watermelonfly kites, climb mountains, eat fruits(apples)go hiking,skate,ski,make a snowman,play with snow1. How many seasons are there? There are four(4). 2. What are they? They are spring,summer,fall and winter.3. What season is it now? It is spring/summer/fall/winter.4. Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm and windy.5. What do you wear in summer? I wear T-shirt and shorts.6. What can you do in fall? I can fly a kite.7. Why do you like winter? Because I can make a snowman.8. Whats your favourite season? My favourite season is spring./I like spring.9.Which season do you like best? I like spring best.五、 天气词(weather):warm温暖的 hot热的 cool凉爽的 cold寒冷的 windy大风的 cloudy阴天的,多云的 rainy下雨的snowy下雪的 sunny晴朗的 1.What is the weather like today? It is hot and sunny. 2.What was the weather like yesterday? It was cloudy.六、 数字:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleventwelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty forty fifty sixty七、 序数词(the+序数词):first(1st) second(2nd) third(3rd) fourth(4th) fifth(5th)sixth(6th) seventh(7th) eighth(8th) ninth(9th) tenth(10th)eleventh(11th) twelfth(12th) twentieth(20th) twenty-first(21st)twenty-second(22nd) twenty-third(23rd). 几十的变个位数为序数词。1.Whats the date today? (今天是几月几号) It is March 1st. 2.When is Childrens Day? (儿童节在什么时候)It is June 1st. 3.When is your birthday?(你的生日在什么时候):有两种回答:一是只答月份(用in,不能省略);一是具体说出日期(on可有可无):Its in+月份(March) / Its on+日期(March 5th).八、 节日及具体日期:ChineseEnglishdate新年(元旦)New Years DayJanuary 1st植树节Tree-planting DayMarch 12th妇女节Womens DayMarch 8th劳动节Labour DayMay 1st儿童节Childrens DayJune 1st建军节Army DayAugust 1st教师节Teachers DaySeptember 10th国庆节National DayOctober 1st圣诞节Christmas DayDecember 25th九、 家庭成员(family member)及人物:father(dad)爸爸 mother(mom)妈妈 sister姐妹 brother兄弟 uncle叔叔 aunt阿姨 cousin堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹grandmother(grandma)祖母,奶奶 grandfather(grandpa)祖父,爷爷 grandparents祖父母 parents父母亲 friend朋友classmate同班同学 boy男孩 girl女孩 twins双胞胎1.Who is that man/woman? He is my father. / She is my mom.2.Whos that boy/girl? He is my brother./ She is my sister.3.Who are they? They are John and Mike.十、 课程(class): English英语 Chinese语文 P.E.体育 math数学 music音乐 computer电脑 art美术 science科学 Moral Education思想品德课 Social Studies社会课1. Whats your favourite class? (你最喜爱的课程是什么?)My favourite class is English. / I like English.2. Which/What class do you like best? I like math best.3. What do you have on Mondays?I have English,math and art.十一、 动物(animal):dog panda tiger cat lion monkey elephant squirrel(松鼠) pig duck chicken cow fish horse 1.What is your favourite animal? I like cats.十二、 动物本能:fly jump walk run sleep climb fight swim swing drink water十三、 外貌(形容词用be,have第三人称单数是has):tall short young old strong thin heavy light(轻的) fat(胖的) big small beautiful美丽的 pretty漂亮的 handsome英俊的 have big/small eyes有大(小)眼睛(复数形式,不要漏) have big/small ears有大(小)耳朵(复数形式,不要漏) have long/short hair有长(短)头发(头发不可数名词,不能加)have a big/small mouth有一个大(小)嘴巴 have a big/small nose有一个大(小)鼻子1. What is your mother like?She is tall and young.2. Whats your father like? He is tall and strong.3. What is your room like? 你的房间怎么样?Its big and nice.十四、 性格:kind和蔼的 strict严格的 smart聪明的 clever聪明的active活跃的 cool酷的 quiet安静的,文静的 十五、 味觉:tasty好吃的 yummy好吃的 sweet甜的 sour酸的 salty咸的
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