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四年级英语学科(上)第一单元形成性测试参赛试卷 听力部分一、听音,圈出你听到的单词。1、Where are you going? To the office stairs. 2、Whats Wheres the gym? Turn left. 3、This is a yellow bicycle dress,4、Wheres the classroom? Turn right left.5、Im going to the office school.6、I want to buy a new dress an ice cream.7、Wheres the silk shop cloths shop ?8、Ten Nine plus five equals fourteen.9、Lets go to the restaurant market to eat ice cream.二、听音,圈出你听到的单词。1、car cab 2、truck bus 3、left right 4、twenty thirty三、听音,写数字并连线。1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 seventy thirty-one one hundred ninety sixty-three四、听音,看图标号。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、听录音,补充所却的内容: A: Excuse me ,where is the ? B:Well,just go this street and at the light. A: I dont undersdand,please speak .B: Sure .Then you will see . A:Thank you .B:Youre welcome.笔试部分一、把单词补充完整,并翻译出来。clas ro m l br ry p_ _k st irs ho_ el( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、理解句子,选择正确的答案。( )Where are you going? A. On the desk.( )Where is the gym? B. Go straight.( )Where is your book? C. To the classroom.三、标出你所学过的单词填入所缺字母并连线。 四、连线。20+13= eighty-two43+54= eighty-seven37+50= one hundred50+50= thirty-three64+18= ninety-seven五、按要求画图。1、Draw a bus.2、Colour the bus yellow.3、Draw a small ball near the bus. 4、Colour the ball blue.
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