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本 科 毕 业 论 文题 目: 辽宁树莓出口现状分析及对策 院 系: 经济管理学院 专 业: 工商管理 班 级: 2006级(工商)02班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 论文提交日期: 2010 年 6 月 22 日 论文答辩日期: 2010 年 6 月 29 日毕业设计(论文)任务书工商管理 专业0602 班学生: 毕业设计(论文)题目: 万科房地产整合营销传播的策略研究 毕业设计(论文)内容: 首先阐述了整合营销传播的含义及其主要特征,其次介绍了房地产整合营销的必要性和房地产行业整合营销传播的形式,再次讲述了整合营销传播在房地产企业的策略研究,最后总结了整合营销在房地产行业广泛应用,希望能够抛砖引玉。 毕业设计(论文)专题部分:一、整合营销传播的含义及其主要特征 二、房地产实施整合营销的必要性 三、万科房地产行业整合营销传播的形式 四、整合营销传播在万科房地产企业的策略研究 五、结论与展望起止时间: 2010 年 3 月- 2010 年 6 月指导教师: 签字 年 月 日教研主任: 签字 年 月 日学院院长: 签字 年 月 日内容摘要树莓产业对经济的拉动具有重要作用。辽宁省树莓经济已经初具规模,并以良好的发展事态带动了农村经济的发展,小树莓促成了农村经济发展的大战略。但是树莓经济区在发展过程中也凸现了一些问题,为树莓产业的发展带来了一定的风险,直接影响了经济区和捉村经济的发展。本文由四部分构成:一、树莓行业发展概述。从树莓的特点及应用,树莓产业对经济的拉动作用,树莓行业的发展现状三方面来阐述。二:当前树莓市场供需调查分析及销售市场趋势预测。从当前树莓市场需求,树莓市场前景分析,树莓价格走势三方面来阐述。三、辽宁树莓产业存在的问题及树莓出口分析。四、树莓市场发展对策分析。市场供需关系是影响市场变化的主要因素,在激烈地市场竞争中,企业及投资人能否全面准确地了解自己以及所处的环境,做出适时有效的市场决策是制胜的关键。市场供需情况就是为了解行情、分析环境提供依据,是企业了解市场和把握发展方向的重要手段,是辅助企业决策的重要工具。本文对树莓监测统计数据指标体系,通过技术手段,形成的连续性监测数据,反映了一定时期内中国树莓生产消费的现状、变化及趋势。今后一个时期我国经济运行面临新的不确定因素,国民经济的不景气对树莓行业影响很大,就要求我们站在全球视野的高度、把握好经济发展的周期、剖析国家宏观政策走向,对速冻红树莓行业市场情况具体问题具体分析,认清形势、抓住机遇,合理预测树莓行业未来走势,制定正确的发展规划、及时调整发展战略、积极开拓新的市场,在危机中立于不败之地,在发展中更上一层楼。本文在充分调查研究的基础上提出了目前经济区发展过程中存在的问题,形成树莓市场定位以及市场战略扩张策略:判断该产品所在的细分市场,对中国树莓总体市场的需求总量和市场容量及前景做出判断;明确目标市场,对目标市场的用户、用途、产品特征、价位、用户需求及偏好进行分析;明确主要竞争对手,了解竞争对手的市场定位,产品特征、产品市场定价、营销模式、营销网络、营销手段等,并对竞争对手进行深入研究分析;提出市场定位及市场进入策略,对投入资金和配合要求提出可行性建议。【关键词】:树莓 出口 经济 金融危机 发展AbstractRaspberry economic pull. Liaoning province has begun to take shape, raspberry economy and to the good development situation contributed to the development of the rural economy, small raspberry contributed to the development of the rural economy of grand strategy. But raspberry economic region in the development process also highlights some of the issues, to the development of raspberry industrial risks, directly affect the economic zone and captured the village of economic development. This article consists of four parts: one, raspberry industry overview. From the features and applications of raspberry, raspberry industry to economic pull, raspberry industry to describe the current situation in three areas. Second: the current raspberry market supply and demand analysis and sales forecasting market trends. From the current market demand, Raspberry Raspberry market analysis, raspberry price trend for three years. Third, Liaoning raspberry industries and exports of raspberry. Four, raspberry market analysis. The market supply and demand relationship is the main impacts to market changes, in fierce competition, enterprises and investors will accurately understand themselves and the environment, make timely and effective market decision is the key to success. The market supply and demand situation is to market, and the basis of environment, is enterprise understand market and grasp the development direction of important means, are a valuable tool for business decision-making. This article on raspberry monitoring indicators system for statistical data, through technical means, forming a continuous monitoring data, reflects a certain period of China, consumption of raspberry, changes and trends. The future of Chinas economy running confronting new uncertainties, national economic recession on raspberry industry as high as we stand at the height of the global perspective, hold the economic development of the cycle, analysis of macro-policy, on the frozen Red Raspberry industry market specific issues specific analysis, understanding the situation, seizing the opportunity, reasonable forecast future trends, raspberry sectors of development planning, timely adjustment of development strategies and to actively pursue new markets, Invincible in crisis, more in development. This article in full survey on the economic development problems, market positioning, and raspberry formed market strategic expansion strategy: determines whether the product is located on the segment, the overall market of China raspberry aggregate demand and market capacity and prospects with discretion; a specific target market, on the target market of users, applications, products, features, price, user needs and preferences for analysis; clear key competitors, understanding the market position of competitors, product features, product market pricing, marketing, sales, marketing, etc., and on the competitors in-depth research and analysis; proposed market positioning and market entry strategy, to invest and cooperate with the request of the o
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