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北京语言大学20春综合英语()作业1答案注意:图片可根据实际需要调整大小To_our interest, the clothes must be very special and of high quality.A.catchB.getC.grabD.excitingYou ought to have told me in_.A.advantageB.adverbC.aheadD.advanceOnly when you have a large vocabulary_read fast.A.you willB.you canC.can youD.cant youThey have been on good_with each other since they met.A.relationsB.friendshipC.termD.termsBecause of his hard-working, he_through at last.A.wentB.madeC.cameD.succeededChinese reform and opening-up policy_the way for its economical development.A.paveB.pavesC.putsD.movesThis problem is not difficult_.A.and neither is that oneB.neither that one isC.either is not that oneD.neither isnt that oneHis tastes are in_ with mine.A.harmoniousB.termsC.needD.harmonyShe asked me what I_all these years.A.have been doingB.had doneC.have doneD.had been doingThe old man was very worried about his sons safety, and he walked_in his room.A.by and byB.to and froC.again and againD.foot by footThe crowd stared at the giant and the dwarf as if they were_monsters.A.credulousB.incredulousC.creditableD.incredible_you may go, he will not forget you.A.WhateverB.WhoeverC.WhicheverD.WhereverWhat the Professor talked about was too difficult; its really_my head.A.inB.overC.aboveD.offSince he is the general manager of the company, he takes_of many important things.A.chargeB.placeC.positionD.changeHe is_man whom I have been looking for.A.theB.aC.anD.xAmong the visitors are five_.A.woman chemistsB.women chemistsC.women chmistD.woman chemistYesterday they erected a fence to_off the dogs.A.wardB.avoidC.warnD.awareIt was cold last winter,but it is_colder this year.A.justB.evenC.onlyD.fairlyThe builders have_down the old building.A.tearB.tornC.toreD.destroyedFor the_of your health, you should give up smoking.A.benefitB.profitC.resultD.sakeHe will spare no efforts to_his goal.A.reachB.getC.come toD.foreseeThe evidence_essence cannot prove anything.A.onB.inC.withD.intoI wonder how the doughnuts bear_.A.upB.inC.onD.atThe water isnt warm enough for us_.A.going swimming eitherB.to be going swimmingC.go swimmingD.to go swimmingLast week the teacher, as well as a number of students,_to attend the party.A.was askedB.had been askedC.be askedD.were asked【参考答案已附】参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:A
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