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2022年考博英语-湖南师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Polio has been so effectively suppressed by vaccination programs that most doctors have never encountered its symptoms; in fact, when the rare patient today is _ with the polio virus, doctors are likely to misdiagnose the illness.问题1选项A.affectedB.exposedC.engagedD.afflicted【答案】D【解析】考查定语从句。A选项affected“假装的,做作的”;B选项exposed“(地方)不遮挡风雨的;(人)易受攻击(或批评)的”,be exposed to“受攻击”;C选项engaged“正从事的”;D选项afflicted“受困扰的”,be afflicted with“患病”。句意:小儿麻痹症已经因为疫苗接种计划有效地抑制住了,以至于大多数医生从未遇到过其症状;事实上,当如今患者中罕见_小儿麻痹症时,医生很可能会误诊。小儿麻痹症现在已经很少见了,以至于碰到患有小儿麻痹症的患者,医生很可能会误诊,D选项afflicted“受困扰的”符合题意。因此D选项正确。2. 单选题He had read a patent liver-circular, in which were detailed the various( )by which a man could tell his liver was out of order.问题1选项A.signalsB.systemC.symptomsD.symbols【答案】C【解析】句意:他读过一个专门的肝脏循环图, 里面详细地描述了各种症状, 人们通过这些症状可以知道他的肝脏是否出了问题。选项C符合句意。3. 单选题Military orders are( ) and cannot be disobeyed.问题1选项A.detectiveB.conservativeC.alternativeD.imperative【答案】D【解析】detective侦探的;conservative保守的;alternative可选择的;imperative命令的,势在必行的。根据句意可知,这里指军事命令是必须执行的,不得不遵守。选项D符合语境。4. 单选题All the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons( )slowly into the sky.问题1选项A.ascendingB.elevatingC.liftingD.lingering【答案】A【解析】ascend上升;elevate提升,举起;lift提升,举起;linger徘徊。 根据句意可知这里指气球慢慢上升到空中,选项A符合语境。5. 单选题With his face ( )by a mask, the fireman dashed into the house on fire.问题1选项A.hiddenB.concealedC.screenedD.buried【答案】C【解析】四个词都有“掩饰, 掩藏”之意, 但侧重点不同。hide 般用于hide sb/sth in a place;conceal隐瞒, 一般表示“掩饰, 不让别人发现”;screen表示“遮蔽以起到保护的效果”;bury表示“埋葬”。根据句意可知, 所以C符合语境。6. 翻译题Time is always a riddle for man throughout the ages. People alive can only have “today”the very day and the very moment. However, we are different in making use of 24 hours. We differ in what we do in 24 hours (what we do in 24 hours is different), therefore, what we get is different. Some idle their time away and missed many opportunities because of delay. Some spend their time in benefiting others, some work hard to move forward. How do you spend your time? If you spend some time thinking it over, you will be benefited.【答案】古往今来,时间对人来说难以捉摸。每个活着的人只能掌握“今天”只能掌握今时今日。不过,怎样运用这二十四小时,我们每个人都各有差异。我们在这24小时里所做的事情不同,因此得到的也就不同。有的人虚度光阴,延误时机;有的人做利他之事;有的人则奋发向上。你怎样运用你的时间呢?如果你花些时间思考,定会从中受益。7. 单选题The elegant decorations ( )the gym into a starlit ballroom.问题1选项A.transplantedB.transferredC.transcendedD.transformed【答案】D【解析】transplant移植, 迁移;transfer转让, 移交;transcend胜过, 超越;transform改变, 转换。句意:优雅的装饰把体育馆变成了星光灿烂的舞厅。选项D符合句意。8. 单选题Competent researchers cite the most authoritative source, but what counts as authoritative again varies by field. Note the authorities whom researchers in your field cite most often, what procedures they trust, what records they regularly cite. If you are dealing with primary sources (original texts of books, plays, diaries, and so on), be sure that your edition is recent and published by a reputable press. There are on-line electronic editions of Shakespeare so sloppily edited that using them would label you as incompetent.When students are unfamiliar with or cant find authoritative secondary sources-scholarly journals and booksthey often resort to tertiary sources: textbooks, articles in encyclopedias, mass-circulation publications. If these are the only sources available, so be it, but never assume that they are authoritative. Be especially cautious about books on complex issues intended for mass audiences. Authors who write for the ordinary reader about brains or black holes are usually competent, sometimes distinguished researchers. But they must always simplify, sometimes oversimplify, and are always out of date. So if you start your research with a popular book, look at the dates of the journals cited in its bibliography.Authority also depends on being current, but again, different fields judge currency in different ways. In the sciences, out-of-data might be a month ago. In the humanities, a scholar might judge as reliable a book more than a century old. The best way to judge currency is to skim dates in bibliographies of recent journal articles. What seems to be the cutoff date? Assume that most textbooks and reference books are out-of-date.1.The authors purpose of writing this passage is to tell students( ) .2.The authors would probably agree with which of the following statements?3.According to the authors, what are authoritative sources?4.Which of the following best paraphrases the sentence “what counts as authoritative again varies by field”?5.What can be inferred from the passage?问题1选项A.how to cite authoritative sourcesB.how to be competent researchersC.how to judge authoritative sourcesD.how to read authoritative journals问题2选项
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