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课程(中文)Course NameCredit课程简介(中文)Course DescriptionExamination mode管理学(石振香)Management3管理学是经济、管理类专业的专业基础课程和核心课程,是一门系统地研究管理过程的普遍规律、基本原理和一般方法的科学。本课程详细讲解了计划、组织、领导与控制等管理职能的客观规律和实施方法。课程采用课堂教学、科研和实践活动一体化的教学方式,以课堂教学为主,科研和社会实践活动为辅,加强学生对管理学理论和知识的理解和认识,增强学生参与管理实践的意识。本课程的任务是使学生能够系统地掌握管理学的知识体系,能综合运用管理学的基本理论和方法,并分析和解决管理中的实际问题,为后续专业课程的学习奠定管理学基础。Management, the basic and core discipline of economics and management students, is a science which systematically studies the universal law, basic principles and general methods of the management process. This course teaches the objective laws and methods of the management functions in details, such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling, etc. In order to strengthen students understanding of management theories and knowledge and enhance awareness of participating in the management practices, the course uses teaching methods including classroom teaching, researching and social practicing. Classroom teaching is the main part, while others are auxiliary. This courses target is to enable students to master the managements knowledge system, to apply basic theories and methods, to analyze and solve practical problems in management and lay a good management foundation for follow-up study of major disciplines.Written examination 经济学原理(李林芳)Principles of Economics4经济学原理是一门研究一定经济制度下资源配置与利用的课程。本课程包括微观经济学和宏观经济学两部分。微观经济学以单个经济单位为研究对象,通过研究单个经济单位的经济行为说明价格机制如何解决社会的资源配置问题。宏观经济学研究整体经济运行的规律,说明怎样实现经济稳定和增长。Principles of Economics is a course studying the allocation and utilization of resources under a certain economic system. This course includes two parts, microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics take single economic unit as the object of the research. It explains how does price mechanism solve the problems of resource allocation. Macroeconomics studies the rules of how modern market economy operates. It explains how to achieve economic stability and economic growth. Written examination市场营销学(刘文斌)MarketingManagement3本课程阐明市场营销学的基本理论、基本知识及市场营销的基本技巧与技术,并结合案例分析市场营销中的实际问题,以提高学生分析和解决问题的能力。通过学习本课程,学生应掌握以下内容:市场营销的基本观念,市场营销的管理,市场营销环境的分析,市场的调研与市场预测,消费者的购买行为,市场竞争者以及其竞争策略,目标市场的营销,产品分析以及产品策略,企业的定价方法以及价格策略的选择,产品的营销渠道及其选择与管理,企业产品的促销手段以及促销策略的选择,企业的形象的策划与企业危机的处理。This course explains the basic theory, knowledge and skills and techniques of marketing, and combines with case study to promote students ability of problem analyzing and solving. After learning this course, students should grasp the knowledge including basic concepts of marketing, marketing management, analysis of marketing environment, market research and prediction, customer behavior, competitors and competition strategies, marketing in a target market, product analyzing and marketing strategies, price decision and price strategic choice, marketing channels as well as its selection and management, the promotion of product and the selection of promotion strategies, corporation identity design and treatment with the crisis when company encountered, etc.Written examination组织行为学(石振香)Organizational Behavior2组织行为学是管理学发展过程中形成的以心理学、社会学、人类学、政治学等多学科为基础的独立的应用科学。它以各类组织中人的心理与行为特点和规律为研究对象,探讨个体、群体和组织三个层面的因素如何影响个人及其所在组织的行为,目的使管理者能够根据人的行为规律,创设健康的工作氛围,发挥人的积极性和创造性,以实现组织的目标和提高人的满意度。通过本课程的学习,学生可以掌握组织行为学的概念体系、理论模型和分析架构,获得相关的知识,以及专业术语的英语表达,能够看相关国外文献资料;培养科学的思维方式和掌握客观的研究行为的方法,避免直觉经验式或主观片面式的行为分析Organization Behavior is a branch of applied science mainly based on psychology, sociology, anthropology and political science. It focuses on peoples psychology and behavior within organizations, and it investigates the impact of individuals, groups, and structure on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward creating healthy working atmosphere, giving full play to peoples professional knowledge or skill, improving an organizations effectiveness and job satisfaction. On the completion of this course, students will be able to: understand the essential rules of psychology and behavior within organizations; grasp systematically the theories and methods of modern HR management; develop scientific ways of thinking; master the methods of behavior study; avoid empiricism and lopsided analysis.Written examination运筹学(孙学珊)Operations Research4本课程是经济与管理系各专业的专业基础课。它以数学为主要工具,寻求由生产、管理和生活中提出的若干问题的最优方案,是一门研究优化决策的科学。通过本课程学习使学生掌握运筹学的基本模型及其求解原理、方法技巧、主要算法和实际应用;同时能够运用常用数学软件(Excel,LINGO等)求解运筹学的一些实际应用案例,从而培养学生建立数学模型,选择优化方法,利用计算机去处理、分析数据和解决实际问题的能力。This course is the professional basic course for department of economics and management. It takes mathematics as the main tool to search the optimal solution for problems in production and management. It is a branch of science that studies the optimization decision. This course makes students master the basic mathematical model, the solving principles, operational research techniques, main algorithms and actual applications. At the same time, students can use commonly mathematical software (such as Excel, LINGO etc.) to solve some p
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