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Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?Teaching AimsKnowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary: achievement, southwestern, thick, include, freezing, condition, take in, succeed, challenge, in the face of, achieve, fore, nature, even thoughKey sentences:1. One of the worlds most dangerous sports is mountain climbing, and one of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas.2. Of all the mountains, Qomolangma rises the highest and is the most famous.3. One of the main reasons is that people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.Ability ObjectsTo learn about the facts about Qomolangma.Moral objectsDont be afraid of the difficulties and never give up trying to achieve our dreams.Class typeNew lessonPeriodPeriod 2(Section A3a-3c)Teaching Key PointsKey vocabulary and sentences.Teaching Difficult PointsTo understand the passage about Qomolangma.Teaching MethodsCommunicative method, Task-based teaching method.Teaching AidsA structure chart, a tape recorder, PPT.Teaching ProceduresProblems and situationsStudents activitiesPurposesStep 1 Revision and lead-in1. Lead the class to revise the geographical facts they learned last class (the longest river, the biggest desert, the deepest salt lake and the highest mountain in the world).2. Have a free talk with the class about the facts about Qomolangma to lead in the new lesson.1. Say out the facts they know actively.2. Talk about Qomolangma.Have a revision and lead in the new lesson.Step 2 Presentation (words and phrases)1. Show some pictures and sentences to introduce some facts about the Himalayas and Qomolangma and ask some students to read the sentences.2. Teach the new words and phrases, and lead the students to read them.1. Look at the pictures and read the sentences to learn about facts about the Himalaya and Qomolangma.2. Read the words and phrases after the teacher.Teach the new words and phrases and let students learn something about the Himalayas and Qomolangma to prepare for the reading tasks.Step 3 Reading (3a)1. Pre-readingAsk students to look at the title of the passage and discuss why Qomolangma is the most dangerous mountain in the world.2. While-reading1) Let students read the first and last sentences of each paragraph and finish 3a.2) Ask students to listen to the recording and find out the four comparisons in the passage.3) Let students read the whole passage quickly and find the answers to the questions in 3c.4) Have students read the first and second paragraphs carefully and list four dangers for climbers and three achievements.3. Post-reading1) Ask students to complete the mind map according to what they learned from the passage.2) Show a video and tell students dont be afraid of the difficulties and never give up trying to achieve our dreams.1. Think about why Qomolangma is the most dangerous mountain in the world.2. Read the passage and finish the related tasks.3. Watch a video and learn the spirit of the climbers.Help them understand the passage and learn the spirit of the climbersStep 4 Consolidation1. Lead students to have a competition to recite the new words and phrases.2. Play to a song for students to remind them to insist on their dreams and assign homework at the same time.1. Review the new words and phrases together.2. Listen to a song.Review the knowledge they learned in this class and tell them to insist on their dreams.Homework Design1. Learn the new words by heart and read the article fluently.2. Finish the related exercises in the guidance case.3. Preview the next period.Blackboard DesignUnit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?Period 2 (Section A 3a3c)Key vocabulary: achievement, southwestern, thick, include, freezing, condition, take in, succeed, challenge, in the face of, achieve, fore, nature, even though
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