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2022年考博英语-宁夏大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Some linguists believe that the( ) age for children learning a foreign language is 5 to 8.问题1选项A.optimisticB.optionalC.optimalD.oppressed【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项optimistic“乐观的,乐观主义的”;B选项optional“可选择的,随意的”;C选项optimal“最佳的,最理想的”;D选项oppressed“受压制的,受压迫的”。句意:一些语言学家认为儿童学习外语的( )年龄是5到8岁。本句表示“儿童学习外语的最佳年龄”,因此C选项符合题意。2. 单选题For one brief moment in April, Larry Ellison came within a few dollars of being the richest man in the world. The computer tycoon was holding a global conference call on a Wednesday morning, when the value of his company surged.It was the moment he almost overtook Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, as the wealthiest on the planet. For a few seconds, as share of traders marked Microsoft down and Oracle up, Ellison came within US $200,000 of Gates. The self-proclaimed “bad boy” of Silicon Valley found himself worth more than US $52 billion, up from a mere US $10 billion this time last year. Then Microsofts share price, which had plunged in recent weeks, recovered and the moment passed.Once, Ellison, founder of the software company Oracle, would have danced around his desk cursing like a pirate at failing to bring down Gates, a rival he had constantly made fun of in public. But Silicon Valley insiders said he remained calm, and muttered: “One day, one day very, very soon.” He knew his moment was close. Unlike Gates, he is not big on charity, preferring to spend his money in his way. He has his own private air force, a military-style crew based at San Jose airport near Redwood City, to help him fly his Gulfstream V jet (with two marbled bathrooms), a Marchetti fighter plane imported from Italy, and a handful of other aircraft, including a trainer for his son. He also plans to import a Russian Mig-29 fighter (capable of 1,500 mph). Why does he want one? So that, he joked, he can blast Gates home near Seattle. Cars are cheap and cheerful by comparison. He has a relatively-modest Porsche Boxster, two specially altered Mercedes and a US $900,000 silver McLaren. In San Francisco he owns a magnificent house in Pacific Heights, one of Western Americas most expensive stretches of real estate. The house is a technical marvel: When he inserts his key, the opaque glass door turns transparent, revealing a Japanese garden in the middle of the house. For reasons he knows best, Ellison is obsessed with Japanese culture.While Gates comes from a strong family, Ellison still does not know who his father was. He was born to an unmarried mother and adopted by his Russian uncle and aunt. A brilliant but unpredictable self-promoter, he dropped out of college, drove to California in a battered Thunderbird car and ended up working with computer technicians at a bank. “He always had a champagne lifestyle on beer money,” his first wife said.He set up Oracle in 1977 as a super-salesman with 3 programmers, creating software for businesses. It almost collapsed when it promised more than it could deliver, but since then its fortunes have soared. Now it employs 43,000 people and has designed data-processing systems used by Britains Ml5 spy service as well as big western companies. Oracles software is more Internet-friendly than Gates Window one factor behind the companys recent share price rise.Since his company got big, Ellison has promised shareholders that he will spend more time in the office. But can he escape being the thrill-seeker he is at heart? As summer approaches, he may find it hard to resist the lure of his yachts, Sakura, one of the longest in the world, and Sayonara (Japanese for “see you later”), which he races furiously. It is dangerous sport, even for guests. Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch once nearly lost a finger when he grabbed a rope during a race onboard the sayonara. Ellison joked at least he could still wrote checks.Regardless of distractions, Ellison will not give up in his battle against Gates. He hates to lose. Ellison declares that any such dominance by one man, like Microsoft in computer industry, is unhealthy. He has obviously forgotten his own plan for a global empire, which he wanted to call the Universal Titanic Octopus Corporation.1. In the stock market, ( ).2.Unlike Bill Gates, Ellison( ).3.Which of the following is NOT Ellisons belongings?4.Which of the following is TRUE about Ellison?5.Oracles advantage is that( ).问题1选项A.Ellison is as rich as Bill GatesB.Ellison has US $200, 000 less than Bill GatesC.Ellison is richer than billD.Oracle has more money than Microsoft问题2选项A.comes from a strong familyB.has a poor fatherC.does not spend much on charityD.was born in California问题3选项A.A Gulfstream V jet.B.A Marchetti fighter.C.A Porsche Boxster.D.A Russian Mig-29 fighter.问题4选项A.Ellison lacks the characteristics of calmness.B.Ellison dislike Japanese culture.C.Ellison is keen on yachting.D.Ellisons business h
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