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高考重点、热点动词短语辨析1, The rise in electricity costs has added to our difficulties.2, These figures add up to 50. 3,A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person. 4,Does the medicine take long to act on the nerve centers? 5,The children started to act out the whole accident.6. You must break away from the illegal group at once.7,Im sorry to arrive late, but my car broke down halfway.8,The peace talks broke down without any agreement being reached. 9,I cant have you breaking down in health. 10,Jim began to break the ice up on the frozen lake.11,What broke up their friendship ? 12,Their marriage broke up.13,The police had to use force to break up the crowd.14,The two countries have broken off diplomatic(外交)relations.15,break into laughter 16, A stranger broke in on the morning without knocking.17,She broke in with some suggestions of her own.18,She made various efforts to bring about a peaceful solution to the problem. 19,I was born in Texas but brought up in Chicago.20,They brought in some experts to give them advice. 21,The sale brought in over &200. 22,.The increased responsibility brought out her best qualities.23,He generally wears a pale blue tie to bring out the colour of his eyes.24,The speakers brought out the important aspects of the problem.25,I dont really care for tea, I like coffee better.26, Im glad to see that you are being well cared for.27,. This kind of work calls for care and patience.28,Shall I call for you at 6?29,Do you think I should call at Bobs home while we are in Paris ?30. Police have been called in to help find the missing boy.31,The football match was called off because of the snow. 32,This song calls up the memories of my childhood. 33, I expect you to carry out your duties.34, The sky cleared up soon after the rain.35,Dont expect me to clear up(your things)after you all the time.36,How did the accident come about ?37, I came across some old books of much value while clearing up my room.38,Come along. I will show you to your room.39,It was several weeks before the truth of the matter came out. 40,When will the book by Mr Li come out ?41,Your problem came up at the meeting. 42,When it comes to tennis, you cant beat him. 43, Come on! We are going to be late.44,Cut down(on)the cost of living by 20%45,Her finger was cut off in an accident. 46,We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.47,He was cut off from all his friends while studying abroad. / 48, We should make a positive contributions to building the new socialist countryside. 49,Various factors contributed to his downfall. 50,She contributes to China Daily regularly.51,Hold on! Dont drop out of the game halfway! 52,Dont try to cheat our teacher; you will never get away with it.53,How is your work getting along ? = How are you getting along with your work ?54,He is easy to get along with. 55. Sooner or later you will get over the shock.56,How shall we get over this difficulty.?57. The law succeeded in getting through.58,I am afraid I cant get through the exam.59,When you get through(with)your work, lets go out.60, I couldnt get through to my mother yesterday. 61, It is difficult to get down to work after a nice holiday.62, When can we get together for a chat ? 63,She gave away all her money to the poor.64,He made me promise not to give away where it was hidden.65. I have given up smoking. = give up ones seat to sb. 66,The sun gives off light and heat, making us live on the earth.67,The polluted river gives off a terrible smell.68. Give out / Hand out the money to the children. 69,The date of election will be given out soon.70, Our supply of sugar has given out. My strength gave out. 71,The runner gave out in the middle of the race.72,. The company had to give in to the workersdemand.73, Go ahead, we are listening. 74, A:Do you mind if I smoke ? B:No, go ahead.75, He will not go against his fathers will.76, Smith is going for a gold medal at the Olympics.77, Tom goes in for football.78,. We went over the accounts(帐目)and couldnt find any mistakes.79, No other country in Europe went through more wars than England.80,After you complete your paper, please go through all the problems.81,I want to buy a new tie to go with this suit.82, Dont touch that unexploded bomb; it might go off.83, The alarm went off when the thief got in.84, As the days went on, it grew colder.85 This ring has been handed down in my family for generations. 86, Please hand in your papers at the end of the exam.87, The thief was handed over to the police.88, The old government will hand over power to its successors next week.89,They built banks of earth to hold back the rising flood waters.90, Jim was able to hold back anger and avoid a fight. 91, These plans hold out the opportunities of new job for the area. 92, The town was su
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