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六年级英语上册单词拼写专项基础练习人教新起点班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据句意填写出下面的单词。(1)Thanksgivingismyfavourite_(节日)(2)Wealwayshavea_(特别的)meal.Itsabig_(家庭)dinner.(3)Mymothermakesmoon_(饼)onMid-autumnFestival.(4)AllChineseeatjiaoziat_(春节).2. 根据汉语写单词,每空一词。1. Clever people can see the_(国王的)new clothes.3. Dont_(带来)your toy car to school tomorrow.5. My mother_(讲)me a story last night.7. The weather_(变成)windy this morning.9. Can I have a_(瓶子) of milk?3. 根据语境和首字母提示将合适的单词拼写在横线上。每空一词。1.Wu Yifan wants to find a post o_to send a p_.2.Turn right here? No, turn l_and then_straight.3.John lives in Canberra. He likes doing word p_and going h_.4.In this cartoon the cat is a p_officer. The mice are a_of him.5.Mikes father is a f_.He works on a boat. He goes to work_bike.4. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I_(see)hisnameinthenewspaperyesterday.2.Where_he_(live)?3.Iwouldlike_(be)yourpenfriend.4.Myfather_(like)_(play)basketball.5.We_(visit)thefarmnextweek.5. 单词拼写。1My father_his_to work yesterday.2I_with my grandfather every day over the holiday.3The boy_his_on his holiday.4My brother_a big_yesterday.6. 按要求写单词。1.apple(复数形式)-_ 2.buy(现在分词)-_3.thing(复数形式)-_ 4.fly(现在分词)-_5.orange(复数形式)-_ 6.balloon(复数形式)-_7.fall(现在分词)-_ 8.stair(复数形式)-_9.try(现在分词)-_ 10.put(现在分词)-_7. 改写单词。1. _ (tell) ustherulesofthecompetition.2.Thereare _ (many)bicyclesthancarsintheworld.8. 单词拼写。1. The_(魔术)show is wonderful.2. Its Manchester United, my_(最喜爱的)team.3. Having a_(野餐)in the open air is cool.4. My family usually go to the park at_(周末).5._(保持)healthy, and you can do the work well.9. 根据图示,补全下列单词。1footb_ll 2k_ke3gl_e 4d_g5pian_ 6 br_sh7 wr_te 8 b_ll9 envel_pe 10l_f10. 根据所给图片填上合适的单词。 (1)The workers useto make a house(2)There are many tallin the city(3)Where did you put the? I need some to light the candles(4)Plant moreto make our city beautiful and clean(5)Thickis over thereThere must be a fire11. 补全单词。(1) .boug _t buy的过去式,买(2) at_ eat的过去式,吃(3) _aw see的过去式,看见(4) we_t go的过去式,走;离开;去做(5) t _ught teach的过去式,教,教授12. 根据所给单词首字母及句意完成单词,使句子意思完整正确。1.M is the thirdmonth(月份) ofa year (一年).2. Look, Wang Bing iss David. Hes in front of David.3. Wheres your handkerchief? Its in myp .4. What does this sign mean? It means “D”. We shouldnt touch it.5. Today is the Childrens Day. Everyone is verye.13. 请根据照片和首字母提示写出单词。1e_ 2s_3p_ 4p_5s_14. 补全单词并写出汉语意思。ph_to(_) bicyc_e(_)ice cr_am(_) dr_gon(_)hobb_(_)15. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,使句意完整。1. Id like to b_a football for my son.2. She cant go to s_at night at the moment.3. Mr. Dai is the h_of our school.4. Can you m_model planes, David?5. My grandparents are b_teachers.31Is there a yard before your house?Yes,.页码 / 总页数
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