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扬中市实验小学六年级下册英语蓝本教案一问:学生的起点在哪儿?1. 问教材Cartoon time通过Tina和Bobby的卧室的对比告诉学生要爱整洁,保持卧室的干净。2. 问学生二问:学生要到哪儿去?三问:学生怎样到那儿? 第三课时【教学内容】Unit 2 Good habits (sound time & cartoon time)【主备人】 兰金娥【审阅人】姚文彦【课型】 新授课 【上课时间】【教学目标】1. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。2. 能理解Cartoon time的内容并动手实践3. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活【教学重点】1. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。2. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活3. 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力【教学难点】1. 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力【教学具准备】PPT【教学过程】Step 1 Preparation1 Greeting and make a self-introductionShow a picture of me and let Ss ask me questions about my English name, hobby, best friend, and favourite colour.2 Tinas e-mailMy best friend Tina invited me and other friends to her house.We should bring some presents. Encourage the Ss to get my apples and flowers for Tina.Step 2 Presentation1. Sound timeChallenge1: Reading.Rule: You can get my flowers by reading the words correctly and well.Lets enjoy a rhyme about my favourite animal horses.四问:学生有没有提高? 五问:学生学得快乐吗? Lets read some words in the rhyme and think the pronunciation of “or”.Make a conclusion: or /:/Lets read the rhyme and words in four. ( Flowers)Challenge2: Picking apples.Rule: You can get my apples by knowing the different pronunciations of “or”.Find and discuss in 4. 摘下or 字母组合发/:/的苹果。fortymorningcorndoctorworldactorworkornorthApples: forty, morning, or, corn, pork, north work, world, actor, doctor.Make a conclusion: “or” can not only be pronounced /:/, it can also be pronounced / and /:/.2. Cartoon timeWe got some apples and flowers for Tina, so lets go into Tinas house.Miss Rabbit and Mr. Duck come to Tinas house, too. They are talking. Lets listen.Q: How many rooms do they talk about? What are they? S1: Three. They are a living room, Tinas bedroom and Bobbys bedroom. Lets go into Tinas house and look at the rooms. Read and underline in 2. Room How is it? A living roombig and cleanTinas bedroomsmall but niceBobbys bedroommessy and dirty Listen and repeat. Tip: Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Lets read in 4. choice1: Read it together. choice2: Each student reads a sentence. choice3: Read in roles.自己分配角色。Step 3 Consolidation 1. Look and talkBobbys bedroom is messy and dirty. (出示图片) Lets help him and give him some suggestions.We can say: We shouldMake a conclusion: We should put our things in order and keep good habits.2. Write a diary. Tip: Write down three suggestions.Thursday, Dec.11th Today we took some _ and _to Tinas _. Firstly, we _ _ the living room. Its _and _. Then we went into_ bedroom. Its _ but _. At last we went into _ _. Its _ and _. There were a lot of _ and _ on the floor. Tina was very _ because Bobby had _ habits. She told Bobby that he should _ everything _ _. I thought he should _ , _, and _.Step 4 Homework 1. Read sound time and the story three times.2. Tell the story to your parents.Blackboard design板书设计:Unit 2 Good habits sport horse for short or /:/We should put our things in order.
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