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一 在学习中我经常遇到一些困难,如解不出一些数学、物理难题,记不住英语单词,等等。父母经常生我的气,有时我真地泄气(discouraged)了,但在老师和我的好同学帮助下,我又获得了自信(confidence).我懂得了只要我努力去学,多投入精力就能学得好。生活也是这样,成功和汗水(sweat)从来都是一对好朋友。 请以 “No Pains, No Gains”(不劳则无或)为题,用英文写一篇短文。词数:80词左右。 No Pains, No GainsI am a middle school student. I am a bit poor in my study. I often meet some difficulties, such as I cant work out some maths and physics problems, and cant remember English words, and so on. My parents are often anger with me. I am very sorry. I think I am not clever. Sometimes I was discouraged. But my teachers are good to me, and my good friends often encourage me, and help me. They are so kind-hearted that I get the confidence again. I work harder than before. I know that “ No pain, No Gain.”. So does the life. The flowers are full of sweat and hard work. Success and diligence are good friends.二 李明的父母都是医护人员,他们因抗击SARS而离家一个月了。中央电视台真情互动栏目 准备做一个专访, 录下李明对爸爸妈妈说的话。假定你是李明, 你会对爸爸妈妈说些什么呢?栏目主持人提示:1 诉说情感,表达思念。(proud, miss)2 简述生活,健康有序。(take care of, wash , clean)3 汇报学习,努力进步。(school, hard, progress)4 祝愿父母,如意安康(wish, healthy)要求:(1)语言必须包含以上提示;(2) 词数在80左右 Dear Dad and Mum , How are you getting on? I miss you very much !You are great! Im proud of you! Dad and Mum , dont worry about me . I can take care of myself now.(Ive learned do some housework such as cooking meals, washing my clothes and) Also I know how to keep healthy. (I often do sport, wash my hands, and open the windows and let clean air in) Now Im stronger and healthier . I go to school as usual. Im working hard at my lessons, and making great progress. Are you glad for me? Dont forget to look after yourselves. Wish you healthy and happy! 三 通知 请以班长的身份, 用英语口头通知全班同学, 告诉大家下周一上午由王老师上公开课, 全体英语老师也来听,要求大家做到以下几点: 打扫教室,保持整洁。 做好课前准备, 不要迟到。 对老师要有礼貌。 课堂上认真听讲。 举手发言,多用英语回答老师的问题,多用英语与同学相互交流。 注意;字数为70个词左右。 Attention ,please , Ive got something to you . An open English class will be held in our class next Monday morning . Itll be given by Miss Wang . All the English teachers will be here for it . We should try to do the following well: Clean our classroom carefully and keep it tidy , please . Get everything ready before class and dont be late . Be polite to all the teachers . Listen to the teacher carefully in class . Put up your hands before you want to speak . And talk with each other in English as much as you can . 四 爱护校园 Im sorry to trouble you . I often see some students step on the grass , throw fruit skins about , drew on the public places , pick flowers in the school garden . I think these facts are unfit for a good school . They all do harm to our school environment . If we dont stop them at once . Our school environment will get worse and worse . School is also our home . We must keep it clean and tidy . So I want to tell everyone to protect our environment . Do you agree ? hats all . Thank you . 五 爱抚环境Taking care of our environment is very important. It is well known that man, as well as living things, cant live without water or air. However, many factories pour waste water directly into the river or lakes and also give out a lot of smoke directly into the air. Someone throws rubbish everywhere. So our environment is getting worse and worse. Polluted water and air is harmful to us. It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. We shouldnt throw about waste things. We must plant many trees, flowers and grass. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment , the world will become more beautiful.六 旅游On May Day , Li Ming with his parents went to Huang Shan for travel . They took a bus there . They climbed the mountain first . When they got to the top of it , they had a picnic there . After that they took many pictures on it . The scenery on the mountain was very beautiful .The sea of clouds could be seen all around them . Though the trip was a little dangerous , it was a lot of fun . 根据下面提供的材料以 A Days Visit to Changyu Stone Crave 写一篇80字左右的短文。 Mike是温岭某一学校的外籍教师,国庆节那天他和他的朋友去温岭长屿洞天旅游。他们早上七点乘汽车出发,八点到达。一路上他与同伴谈着、笑着、玩扑克牌,不停地观赏窗外的风景。他们玩得很尽兴,吃了一顿丰富的午餐。他花费1000人民币。这次旅行是短暂的,但是他对这次旅行难以忘A Days Visit to ChangYu Stone Crave Mike, a foreign teacher, teaches English in a school in Wenling. He likes traveling. On National Day, he and his friends went on their first trip to Changyu Stone Crave. They went on a bus. They set off at 7:00 and arrived at 8:00. On the bus, they played cards, talking, laughing and kept enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the window. Mike spent ¥1000 on the trip. He had a wonderful time and had a big lunch there. The trip seemed short, but his memory of the pleasant trip will last long! 七 某校决定学生轮流打扫厕所,以次作为教育学生的一种方式。这件事在学生中引起了强烈的反响。请你把下下列不同意见整理成一篇书面材料,报告给学校。 同意 不同意多数学生是独身子女, 不会做事。 学会做艰苦的工作。 学会理解和尊重清洁 工人的劳动 。很脏,容易使学生生病。 不是学生应该做的事情。 打扫教室就够了。Some students say many of us are the only child in our family .We are not able to do hard work .To clean the toilet is good to teach us how to do difficult jobs .By cleaning
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