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北京语言大学21秋英语国家概况在线作业一答案参考1. Had he worked harder, he _ the exams Awill get through Bwould get through Cwould have goHad he worked harder, he _ the examsAwill get throughBwould get throughCwould have got through Dgot throughC从句部分是省略if的虚拟条件句,是had done形式,与过去事实相反,所以主句用would have done。2. There is hardly _ rain here in summer. A) some B) any C) no D) muchThere is hardly _ rain here in summer.A) someB) anyC) noD) muchBhardly具有否定意义,在含有疑问和否定的句子中只能用any。some用于肯定句中。句意:“夏季这几乎不下雨”。3. Excuse me for interrupting, _ I have some good news to tell you.A、soB、andC、butD、yeExcuse me for interrupting, _ I have some good news to tell you.A、soB、andC、butD、yet正确答案:C4. JPY1003 per yard CIF Qingdao including 2% discount.JPY1003 per yard CIF Qingdao including 2% discount.正确5. The largest seaport of the United States is _.A.San DiegoB.San FranciscoC.ChicagoD.New York参考答案:D6. The original inhabitants of New Zealand are called _.A.EskimosB.AboriginesC.IndiansD.Maoris参考答案:D7. The largest freshwater lake in the world is _.A.lake SuperiorB.lake ErieC.lake OntariD.lake Michigan参考答案:A8. In Britain, the First Civil War was fought between the Roundheads who were the parliamentary soldiers led by _, and the Cavaliers who were King Charles&39;s supporters.A.John LilburneB.Oliver CromwellC.Prince RupertD.William Joyce参考答案:B9. New York City is the second largest city of the United States.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A10. 你一定是吓坏了。(翻译成英文)你一定是吓坏了。(翻译成英文)参考答案:YOU must have been terrified.11. I am writing to find out the facts ( ) to your recent insurance claim.A. be relatedB. relateC. relating参考答案:C12. 150 cases of hardware are shipped from Dalian to Alexandria, Egypt. The measurement of the case is 2150 cases of hardware are shipped from Dalian to Alexandria, Egypt. The measurement of the case is 20cm x 30cm x 40cm;gross weight is 25 kilogram per case. Freight standard charged for the shipments is W/M 10 Degree and the basic freight rate is HKD388per ton. Besides, additional charges , such as Bunker Adjustment Factor ( BAF)is 30o-/oand Port Congestion Surcharge is 10% . Could you please calculate how much the total freight is?13. The President of Ireland is only a symbolic Head of State and does not have executive power.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B14. In the 1970s, oil was discovered in _, but the revenue from oil did not create an economic miracle for Britain.A.the English ChannelB.the Irish SeaC.the St.George SeaD.the North Sea参考答案:D15. On August 6th and 9th, 1945, the US dropped two atom bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing over 200000 Japanese people.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B16. Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe?A.The growth of capitalismB.The RenaissanceC.The Religious ReformationD.The spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church参考答案:D17. We are _ you for the special offer you send us. Athank Bappreciate Cgrateful for DindebWe are _ you for the special offer you send us.AthankBappreciateCgrateful for Dindebted toD18. Mrs. Thatcher exercised tight economic control.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B19. When Britain lost its status as a world power after World War II, Canada became a junior partner helping _ global interests.A.IndianB.AustralianC.AmericanD.Russian参考答案:C20. The largest public library in the U.S. is _.A.Library of CongressB.Library of HarvardC.Franklin LibraryD.Roosevelt Library参考答案:A21. When did industrialization take place in the United States?A.Around 1776B.Around the turn of the 19th centuryC.Around the turn of the 20th centuryD.After World War II参考答案:C22. The land can be divided into three parts according to its geographical features:the eastern part,the western part,and the central Plains.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B23. What are the original inhabitants of Canada now called?A.The IndiansB.The First NationsC.The Eskimos参考答案:B24. The city&39;s name, “Philadelphia” means _.A.fishing pitB.brotherly loveC.waste landD.wild laral参考答案:B25. The state to which the Mayflower sailed is _.A.FloridaB.MaineC.MassachusettsD.Virginia参考答案:C26. The organization started a (nation) _ campaign against cigarette smoking in public places.The organization started a (nation) _ campaign against cigarette smoking in public places.national27. (1) Tian&39;anmen is located in the center ofBeijing.It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtian(1) Tiananmen is located in the center ofBeijing.It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen.At the end of the Ming Dynasty,it
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