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2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 填空题Small children need to be( ) to look both ways before they cross the road.【答案】told【解析】语义题。句意: 小孩子需要被吿知横穿马路前要看两边/需要告知小孩过马路要看两边。因此tell符合句意, 空格处应用动词的过去分词形式和前面的be动词一起表被动。2. 单选题When I put the beautifully decorated gift canister into Mr. Kangs hands, he thanked me effusively for sending him such high-quality tea.问题1选项A.When I put the beautifullyB.decorated gift canister intoC.effusivelyD.sendingE.没有问题【答案】D【解析】动词误用。由前面的关键词“I put.into Mr. Kangs hands”知这里的sending(派遣,打发,发送)应该改为giving(赠送;赠与;送给)更符合语境。3. 填空题(1)more money I simply dont see how we can continue this project. Lets all put our heads together and think of possible (2 )of emergency funding.【答案】1.without;2. sources【解析】1.语义题。句意: 我不知道我们这个项目该如何继续, 由此可知该空应填入介词without。表示 “没有更多的钱”。2.语义题。第二空前为形容词possible,所以缺一个名词,由关键信息emergency funding “紧急专项资金”可知sources “来源”符合句意。4. 填空题A: I have a ballet ticket for this evening.B:(1) do we! Why (2)we all go together?A: Thats a good(3) . That way we can share a (4)and save a bit of money.B: When(5) we meet?A: Lets say at 6:30 in(6) of Building 5.B: Fine. Ill see you there at 6:30.【答案】1.so2.dont3.idea4.taxi4.shall6.front【解析】1.语法题。考查倒装。这里表示 “我们也有”。2.语法题。考查否定疑问。这里是否定疑问句表示肯定。3.固定搭配。A good idea 好主意。4.语义题。由后面的save a bit of money推测这里表示 “我们可以一起打的”。5.语义题。句意:我们什么时候见面?6.固定搭配。in front of 在前面。5. 填空题People are often (1)when they see that I have five umbrellas in the room.The truth is that they arent all mine. Several visitors have (2)umbrellas in the office. I dont know why this(3) happening. Maybe I should put up a (4)by the door reminding them to take their umbrellas when they go.大意: 当他们看见房间里有5把伞的时候,通常会感到困惑。真相是,不是所有的雨伞都是我的。很多来访者遗留到办公室的。我不知道为什么一直会这样。也许,我应该 在门口贴张便利贴,以提醒他们走的时候带上雨伞。【答案】1.puzzled2.left3.keeps4.note【解析】1.词汇题。根据句中 “当他们看见房间里有5把伞的时候”推测, 主句部分为: 人们通常感到困惑。2.词汇题。句意: 很多来访者遗留到办公室的。而且此处应填动词的过去分词,即left。3.词汇题。句意:为什么这件事总在发生。空后为happening,因此填keep语义跟语法上都符合。4.词汇题。根据后面的reminding them to take their umbrellas when they go以及前面的put up推测此处应填note (便利贴)。6. 单选题A large number of people from my hometown had moved to Qingdao in search of work,with the result that I already feel quite at home there.问题1选项A.had moved toB.in search of workC.with the result thatD.quite at homeE.没有问题【答案】A【解析】时态错误。had moved to 改为have moved to。“I already feel我已经感觉”是一般现在时态,因此,前一个表示原因的分句应该用现在完成时态。7. 单选题9. If there is any endeavour whose fruits should be freely available, that endeavour is surely publicly financed science. Morally, taxpayers who wish to should be able to read about it without further expense. And science advances through cross-fertilization between projects. Barriers to that exchange slow it down.10. There is a widespread feeling that the journal publishers who have mediated this exchange for the past century or more are becoming an impediment to it. One of the latest converts is the British government. On July 16 it announced that, from 2013, the results of taxpayer-financed research would be available, free and online, for anyone to read and redistribute.11. Britains government is not alone. On July 17 the European Union followed suit. It proposes making research paid for by its next scientific-spending round - which runs from 2014 to 2020, and will hand out about 80 billion, or $100 billion, in grants - similarly easy to get hold of. In America, the National Institutes of Health (NIH, the single biggest source of civilian research funds in the world) has required open-access publishing since 2008. And the Wellcome Trust, a British foundation that is the worlds second-biggest charitable source of scientific money, after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, also insists that those who receive its support make their work available free.12. Criticism of journal publishers usually boils down to two things, One is that their processes take months, when the internet could allow them to take days, The other is that because each paper is like a mini-monopoly, which workers in the field have to read if they are to advance their own research, there is no incentive to keep the price down. The publishers thus have scientists or, more accurately, their universities, which pay the subscriptions -in an armlock. That, combined with the fact that the raw material (manuscripts of papers) is free, leads to generous returns. In 2011 Elsevier, a large Dutch publisher, made a profit of 768m on revenues of 2.06 billion - a margin of 37%. Indeed, Elseviers profits are thought so egregious by many people that 12,000 researchers have signed up to boycott the companys journals.13. Publishers do provide a service. They organize peer review, in which papers are criticized anonymously by experts (though those experts, like the authors of papers, are seldom paid for wha
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