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北京语言大学22春汉语写作综合作业二答案参考1. He agreed _ me _ an early start, so he agreed _ my proposal.A、with ,to , onB、toHe agreed _ me _ an early start, so he agreed _ my proposal.A、with ,to , onB、to, with , onC、with, on, toD、on, to , with正确答案:C2. When you come to Wuhan, I can put you _ for the night. A) down B) up C) in D) oWhen you come to Wuhan, I can put you _ for the night.A) downB) upC) inD) outBput up“提供食宿”;put down“记下,放下”;put in“驶进”;put out“熄灭”。3. “小说”一词最早见于( )。A.庄子外物B.统一是在某一阶段、某一时期,针对某一目标市场的C.新论D.世说新语参考答案:A4. Ben and his wife Susan were on their way to have dinner with their friends , Ian and Betty. It was a (21) (wind ) dark , night , and they did not know the road very well. They drove through Cookstown参考答案:21. windy22. what23. where24. narrower25. blowing26. caught27. moved28. until29. opened/was open30. friends5. “自我性”是散文审美表现的重心。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A6. 文学作品的( ),是文学名著必须具有的艺术属性。A.直接性B.接近性C.模糊性D.含蓄性参考答案:CD7. When Jane fell off the bike, the other children _ . Awere not able to help laughter BcoWhen Jane fell off the bike, the other children _ .Awere not able to help laughterBcould not help but laughingCcould not help laughingDcould not help to laughC8. 解说词的特点有哪些( )A.附着性B.拓展性C.审美性D.分合性解说词有分有合,合中有分,分中有合,节段分明参考答案:ABD9. English has never been the only language in use over the British Isles , and it certainly is not now!English has never been the only language in use over the British Isles , and it certainly is not now! Welsh is still used in Wales. Some Welsh people still speak it as their mother tongue , and it is widely taught in Welsh schools. Some people in Scotland and in Ireland still use a language that is related to Welsh. It is called Gaelic. These languages have a long history in these islands - longer than the history of English. In addition , people fromoverseas have settled in England quite recently during this century. In some industrial cities , though not generally in Britain , you find groups of people who speak Polish , and other groups speaking the languages of the Indian subcontinent. A survey of North London schools in the early 1980 s found that nearly a third of the children spoke a language other than English at home.The majority of the 55 million people living in England use English all the time. Standard English , that is , written English , is in use throughout Britain. Spoken English , however , sounds very different in different parts of the country. There is a story , a play. by the famous writer George Bernard Shaw , about a professor of English Language who can tell you someone s address when he hears that person speak! That is exaggeration of course. Not even a Professor , who has studied the sounds of English all his life , can really do that. However ,it is true hat most people who have lived for a long time in Britain can tell a number of things about the people as soon as they speak! Usually we cannot tell the speaker s address, but we can guess the part of the country where the person comes from. We can tell how well educated he or she is too! If an international user of English , like anyone of you here , happens to meet speakers from , say , the North or the West of England , you may find them hard to understand. Unless you understand what is going on your confidence in your ability to use the language may be badly shaken.36. Gaelic is related to Welsh. ( )37. Welsh is not taught in schools anymore. ( )38. One third of the 55 million people in England speak other languages besides English at home ( )39. Written English is in use throughout Britain but spoken English sounds different in different parts of the country. ( )40. Most people who have lived for a long time in Britain can tell how well educated a person is by the way he/ she speaks. ( )参考答案:36. T 37. F 38. F 39. T 40. T10. 对比式导语是指开始便得出结论,把事件的意义和结果揭示给读者,然后再叙述事实。接着用较大的篇幅叙述了这一世人关注的事件。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A11. _ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers_ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.AIn caseBIn the caseCIn this case DIn that caseA12. 教学论文的“文献性”要求论文作者要用辩证唯物主义的科学的思想、精神和方法对论题进行实事求是的科学论证,得出符合教育教学规律的科学结论。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A13. 意见可用于上级机关对下级机关,也可以用于下级机关对上级机关,还可以用于平级机关相互行文。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A14. 如要获取材料,观察的条件有( )A.端正观察态度B.运用比较方法C.选好观察点D.加入理性思考参考答案:ABCD15. Julie has been given leave from work because she is _a baby in two weeks.A. excitedJulie has been given leave from work because she is _a baby in two weeks.A. excited aboutB. expectingC. heading forD. carrying答案:B16. 一篇好的通讯,须将叙述、描写、议论、抒情等多种表达方式综合起来,灵活运用,方能生动、形象、真切地予以表现。( )A.错误B.正确参考
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