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北京语言大学21春高级写作离线作业1辅导答案1. He promised that he would ( ) at least two hours on his English study every day.A.put downB.put onC.put awayD.put in参考答案:D2. Shall we go to see Mr Green tomorrow afternoon? -_.A.Its very kind of you.B.You are all right.C.Thats great.D.It doesnt matter.参考答案:C3. The enemy air force dropped bombs _ all over the city, causing many deaths together with great destruction&39;s.A.scarcelyB.carelesslyC.randomlyD.hardly参考答案:C4. The Foreign Minister made an excellent _ on the current international situation.A.committeeB.commandC.commentD.commission参考答案:C5. So involved with their computers _ that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.A.became the childrenB.become the childrenC.had the children becomeD.do the children become参考答案:D6. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _.A.capacityB.strengthC.lengthD.possibility参考答案:A7. He did not repay me five hundred dollars; ( ) he wished to borrow another five hundred dollars.A.in factB.indeedC.thereforeD.instead参考答案:D8. I think, Im _of his memory than I was of _.A.fond, himB.fonder, himC.fond,itD.fonder,it参考答案:B9. Without your timely help, we ( ).A.would not succeedB.would succeedC.would have succeedD.would not have succeed参考答案:D10. All of the people at the conference are ( ).A.mathematic teachersB.mathematics teacherC.mathematics teachersD.mathematics teachers参考答案:C11. It is not an easy job for the teacher to ( ) the books because there are 100 students in this class.A.distributeB.passC.sendD.disperse参考答案:A12. How did Sequoyahs family react to his idea of developing his own“talking leaf”?A.They arrHow did Sequoyahs family react to his idea of developing his own“talking leaf”?A.They arranged for his hunting accidentB.They thought he was crazyC.They decided to help himD.They asked him to teach them to read and write正确答案:B13. You _ your homework lately and your classwork isn&39;t up to standard either.A.didnt doB.havent doneC.werent doingD.wont be doing参考答案:B14. She often talks with a _ appearance but in fact she is always telling lies.A.tidyB.sincereC.worshipD.merry参考答案:B15. Hi, Tom, John sends his regards to your parents. -_.A.Thats kind of him.B.Thats kind of you.C.Of course.D.How are you?参考答案:A16. _ me or aren&39;t you?A.will you helpB.have you helpedC.are you going to helpD.will you be helping参考答案:C17. It is _ hot in the room _ we have to go out for a walk.A.such; thatB.so; thatC.as; asD.such; as参考答案:B18. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your _ in college.A.performanceB.policyC.smartD.statement参考答案:A19. He is the only one ( ) these files.A.to access toB.to have access toC.to have accessD.to be accessible to参考答案:B20. How are things back at the office? one of the gentlemen in my bicycle tour group asked mHow are things back at the office? one of the gentlemen in my bicycle tour group asked me as we were nearing the end of a lengthy ride through the scenic countryside. I assume they are going fine, I said. I haven t had any contact and I don t plan to. Why would I ruin the environment we had traveled thousands of miles to create by bringing my work environment into it? One of the primary purposes of taking a vacation is to rest and restore. How can you accomplish that goal if you simply move the source of the stress to a different location?正确答案:“办公室一切都好吗?”骑车穿越美丽乡村的长途之旅即将结束时同团的一位先生问我。“我猜一切正常”我说。”我没和办公室联系也没打算联系。我为什么要把工作带人这次旅行来毁掉跨越数千英里才换来的美好氛围呢?”度假的首要目的之一就是好好休息、恢复精神。如果只是把压力的来源又搬到另一个地方又怎能实现这个目标呢?“办公室一切都好吗?”骑车穿越美丽乡村的长途之旅即将结束时,同团的一位先生问我。“我猜一切正常,”我说。”我没和办公室联系,也没打算联系。我为什么要把工作带人这次旅行,来毁掉跨越数千英里才换来的美好氛围呢?”度假的首要目的之一就是好好休息、恢复精神。如果只是把压力的来源又搬到另一个地方,又怎能实现这个目标呢?21. Children live, ( ), in a different world from adults.A.to speak soB.so to speakC.to speak nothingD.to speak of参考答案:B22. During these ten years, many new methods have been _ in the field of foreign language teaching.A.adoptedB.adaptedC.alarmedD.aided参考答案:A23. Although in great danger, the wounded still did not want to _ from the front.A.feedbackB.backwardC.withdrawD.departure参考答案:C24. _ the PLA men the villagers would not have survived the flood.A.were it not forB.are it not forC.has it not been forD.had it not been for参考答案:D25. Most Americans, when they are free, concern themselves with their _ at home.A.actsB.actingC.actionsD.activities参考答案:D26. Much to their joy, the day they looked forward to _ at last.A
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