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Module 2 Unit 1 同步练习( 五年级 )一、 单项选择(15)( ) 1 Will you help_ ? A he B him C his ( ) 2 How many _ do you want ? A apple B apples C an apple ( ) 3 How _milk do you want ? A many B much C few( ) 4 How much is it going _ ? A to cost B cost C costs ( ) 5 How many things are there _ the list ? A in B at C on ( ) 6 I want to buy a _ . A hamburger B cheese C hamburgers ( ) 7 What about a _ ? A dog B apple C oranges ( ) 8 His birthday is on Sunday . I want to buy _a present . A her B him C he ( ) 9 Lets go to the _. We need food for our picnic . A supermarket B hospital C cinema( ) 10 Amy and Sam like _. A banana B bananas C cat ( ) 11 Here _ your oranges . A is B am C are ( ) 12 Hello. How _ oranges do you want ? A many B long C much ( ) 13 What about some pears ?_. A Yes, I do . B Yes, I like pears. C Yes, it is .( ) 14 Do you like _, Lingling ? A cheeses B cheese C chees ( ) 15 Lets buy one kilo of _. A noodle B noodles C the noodles 二、 连线(9)1 How much cheese do you want ? A They will come tomorrow.2 How many things are there ? B Im shopping .3 When will these things come ? C Half a kilo.4 What are you doing ? D Thirty-seven.1 How much do you need ? A 让我们列个清单吧!2 Lets make a list. B 你想要多少果汁 ?3 How much juice do you want ? C 让我们去购物吧!4 Lets go shopping. D 你能看见多少只鸭子?5 How many ducks can you see ? E 你需要多少?三、选词填空(5) for to at of in 1 They are _ school. 2 Do you live _ China ?3 We need some food _our picnic . 4 I want half a kilo _noodles .5 Lets go _ the supermarket.四、补全对话(16)A: Lets go to the _, Lingling. We need food for our picnic. Can you read the shopping _to me , please?B: The first thing is bananas. How _ do you want ?A: Six , please. Amy and Sam like bananas. Do you like _?B: Yes , I do .A: Good. Whats _ ?B: _. I can see the cheese . How _cheese do you want ?A: Half a _. Do you like cheese , Lingling ?B: Great !五、选词填空(5) 1 How _( much / many ) bananas do you want ?2 Herere _( you / your ) pears.3 Can you _( need / read ) the list for the old man ?4 Amy and Linda _( like / likes ) milk. 5. (Do/Are)you like bananas?Module 2 Unit 2 同步练习( 五年级 )一、 选择(10)( ) 1 There are _ books on the desk . A many B much C any ( ) 2 Do you have bags ? No, I dont . But I have six _. A box B boxes C boxs( ) 3 _ there much milk in the glass ? Yes, there is . A Is B Are C Am( ) 4 What are we going to take _our picnic?. A in B on C at ( ) 5 What about _ ? A play football B playing football C play the football( ) 6 How much milk do you want ? _ . A Six bottles , please . B Five apples . C Ten oranges .( ) 7 How many apples do you want ? _ . A Here you are . B Seven oranges . C One kilo , please.( ) 8 Do you like cheese ? _. A Five yuan, please. B No , I dont . C Yes, I am .( ) 9 Does John like bananas ? _. A Yes , he does. B No , he is . C Yes , he doesnt.( ) 10 What did you do yesterday ? _. A I am doing my homework. B I played basketball . C I am a pupil.二、选词填空 (14) How much How many 1 _ cakes do you want ? Five cakes, please.2 _ cheese do you want ? A kilo.3 _ books are there ? Twenty-eight.4 _ is it going to cost ? One hundred yuan . to for do next how many how much of on by an 1 _apples do you want ? Two kilo , please.2 Lets go _the supermarket.3 _ you like bananas ? Yes , I do .4 _ cheese do you want ? Half a kilo.5 Did you have _ ice cream yesterday ?6 Whats _ ? Cheese .7 Did you go home _bus yesterday ?8 We need food _our picnic .9 What are you going to take _
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