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平常交际用语及情境对话练习一、平常问候和答语1. Heo/ i你好。3.God orig/ frnoon/evenig. 早上/下午/晚上好。4 How areyu(his monin/atenoo/evnng)? 你今天上午/下午/晚上好吗?.Fine, thn you/thanks.我较好,谢谢。6.obd, takou不错,谢谢。7. How o you do? 你好。8. Niceto mt see you. 不久乐结识/见到你。二、辞别、祝愿和答语1.Goodbye/Bye.再会2. See yo! (ee yo lae!)再会,回头见。. Good igh 晚安。4.Happy bitda! 生日快乐! Thank yo!谢谢!5. Happy NewYea! 新年快乐! Happy Nw Year!/ The sameto y!(人们共同的节日)6HappChidrs Dy! Happy WoensDy!7.errChristmas! 圣诞快乐!三、简介和谈论人物1 M nmei I我的名字是/ 我名叫2. h is Mis/Mr/ rs 这位是小姐/先生女士。3.Ti s my friend.这是我的朋友。. He/ he is 她是/她是四、询问人:1)姓名1.Wats yourname, plse? 你的名字是什么? name 2. Whats ihe/t name?她/她/它叫什么名字? er/isIts am is 2)年龄1.How old are yo? 你多大了? Im. Hw od i he/she/it? 她/她/它多大? he H/ It i ) 生日Whe is yorhis/hr ihdy? Is July1t)出处1. ere i/ae .fom? Sheis om erican 她来自美国。2. Whe dodoes cme rom? She from eicn. 她来自美国。)人物1.ho is he ? He is myrhr 她是我弟弟。)职业1. What is he?He sa doctor 她是医生。. What does e do? e sadoco. hatshib? H adoctr.7)外貌1.W ihek? He is ortand thn. 她很矮很瘦。8) 喜好1Wha dooshe like? He ikes nglsh. D/dos lke English? Ys, hedoes/ N, he doent.) 事情1 Whatthe matter with you? 你怎么啦? have a cld我感冒了。物:1)颜色1.hat coour i are ? Its/he are blue. Is o pnblue? Y, i is. No, it isn.2)位置 Were i /are ? Is / Theyar ote de.2. Is / i /ner? Ye, iti/No,t isnt3) 名称1 Ws th? Its a cmuter.2 What re these/ths? Th a3. s this/that? Yes, it is / No, it snt.4.Ae these/ those? Ys, they ae. / No, hey rent4) 数量1. How many bo athre in our clas? Fiften.5)价格1.How muh is his ress? t 5 yu 元3. 其她1)天气.htste water lk in ijing? Itsuny.2. ow i the aher? Its suny.3. s tsnny?Ys, itis. N, it int.2) 时间1. Whttme i itnow ? It 5oclock.3)季节.hich sasois t? Itsumer.2Which seaso do you like est? Summer.hats your aoite seson?mmer.4) 日期.Wht h date? Its May 5h.五、道歉和答语. Imsor. 对不起。.Sorry, I dn k. 对不起,我不懂得。. Excuseme. 对不起,打扰一下。4 I hav a co 我感冒了。 Im srryo hearthat 我很遗憾听到这个消息。六、感谢和答语1.Thank yo./Thaks. 谢谢。Youe wcome 不用谢。/TatsOK. 没关系。2Its vey kid ofyo (to he e ). 协助我你真是太好了。七、祈求容许和答语.ay Icome in? 我可以进来吗? Come in, le. 请进。 CanI ha two ckes?我能吃两个蛋糕吗? o, yu cant. 不,你不能。3Can I v oe,ease?我能吃一种吗? Ys/ll rightHre u ae. 好的。给你。4. n I o withou? 我能和你一起走吗? ure 好的八、建议和劝告1.Shall w aotball tgether? llit. 好的。2.Les g oscho. OK Gooidea3. Do pen bok 不要打开书。九、邀请1. ts iet get up/o to schol 到了起床去学校的时候了。. I ime for inne/ Enlis class. 到了(做)的时候了。3. ulou ikesom ckes? Yes, Id lke o,thaks十、问路和答语)问路1Exuse me,wrs e cnem? 请问,电影院在哪?2. her th eachrsfic, lease? 教师办公室在哪?. xcuse me, ow ca I t th pot of? 请问,怎么走才干达到邮局?4. an yo ow me theway to th ank, pease? 你能告我去银行的路怎么走吗?5 t over the, nr th an ofChina. 就在那儿,中国银行的旁边。6. ow fa is i fromBejng o Saghi.? 北京离上海有多远?Its 2ouyln 乘飞机要两个小时。7I it fa fro ee?离这儿远吗? No, t not. 不,不是很远。2)指路1. Ths way, pase 请这边走。2.Yu antke No. us. 你可以乘5路车。3. Go straight/aong/own先前直走。4. Turn left righ 向左右转5. Sry,dnt k Yu may g d askhim 对不起,我不懂得。你可以去问她。十一、购物1. Ca Ihelp yu? 我能帮你吗? Yes, a ress m dauhtr. 是的,给我女儿买条裙子。2.Wh can I do fo y? 我能为你做点什么吗? Idlike我想买。3. Wt doyo wan, a dres r skirt? 你想要买什么?连衣裙还是短裙? How abou he blue ne? 这条蓝色的如何?5.ow mch ist/ e they? 多少钱? Ffty-nine uan. 五十九元。6. at olou woud you ke? 你要什么颜色的? Gre绿色。7.Whatsiz o yuan? 你要多大号码? Size 8. 八号。8. at / How abotti red oe? 这件红色的怎么样?9.Its t big/smal/expensiv/.Do u ave sm bigsml oes? 这件太小,你有大一点的?10Ilak it (the). 我买了。11. Herou ar给你。Tan you谢谢。十二、打电话1Helo, thi s / Thi s seking. 你好,我是。2.n Ispeak to ,please? 我能找。接电话吗?3. Whos that? h speakig? 你是谁? Is tat? 你是。吗? Hod on. /Just fo a mmet, pleae! 稍等, 别挂断。6. tsforyou.你的电话。7.Whatyour thon number? 你的电话号码是什么?根据汉语情景,选择对的答案。1.你把一位迷路的外宾送回旅馆,她对你说:Than you你应回答: . No, no . Its my dty . Thatsll iht D. I learnfrom LiFeng .2. 你不懂得今天星期几,想问同窗,应如何问: - ?
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