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精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想高三英语冲刺精选试题一(1)1. He told ushe would do with the waste materials the next week.A. all whatB. all thatC. what allD. that all2. -lt is weeks since he.-So it is. Wed better ask some one else to help us.A. fell illB. was illC. is illD. has been ill3. They expect the stude nts to be resp on sible for the things they do, just as grow n-upsA. willB. doC. canD. are4. Do you knowthe peasa nts make of the falle n fruit?A. howB. whyC. whatD. what use5. has rece ntly bee n done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage publicvehicles( 车辆)remains a serious problem.A. ThatB. WhatC. Though whatD. In spite of what6. -Does the dinin g-hall serve meals all day?-.Breakfast is 6-8, lu nch is 11-1 and supper 5-7.A. Yes, of courseB. Sorry, Im afraid not C. Of course notD. Thats right.7. A ni ght club is one of the few places whichlate in London.A. stay ope nB. keep ope ningC. remain ope nedD. go on ope ning8. The datethe two leaders had fixed for their n ext meeti ng was a secret to reporters.A. whichB. on whichC. for whichD. whe n9. -Have you got the result of your blood test?-No, Im told to go for it.A. in half past oneB. after half past oneC. in one and a half hourD. after one hour anda half10. The idea for the new machi ne came to Mr Bakerto his inven ti on rece ntly.A. while devoti ngB. while devotedC. while he was devotedD. while devoti ng himself11. Just after putt ing away the dishes.A. the door bell rangB. Nancy heard the door bell ringC. the door bell was rungD. some one kno cked at the door12. The population of many Alaskan cities hasdoubled in the past five years.A. larger tha nB. more tha nC. as great as D. as many as13. -What time? Im sorry I have nt got my watch with me.-A. Its three sharp oclock.B. Im terribly sorry.C. May I have your watch?D. Thank you just the same.14.I dont think he could have done such a stupid thi ng last night,?A. do IB. could he C. did heD. has he15. -Mike, where did you put my film ticket?-Look! Its on that table, un der theA. n ewspaper B. glassC. bookD. dicti onary16. It was the tra ining that he had as a you ng manled to his success.A. thatB. itC. whichD. who17. To their great joy, the day they looked forward toat last.A. comingB. had come C. cameD. come18. -lts too dark. Whats in the dista nce?-Therea boy and a dog.A. areB. seem to be C. seems to be D. appear19. -Could I use yours?-Im sorry, it isnt here. Id get it for youI could remember who last borrowed it.A. except that B. now that C. if onlyD. eve n though20. -What happe ned to you yesterday?-At the bus stop a thiefmy han dbag and ran off dow n the street.A. caughtB. robbedC. stoleD. sn atched21. Put on more clothes. Yoube feeling cold with only one shirt on.A. canB. couldC. wouldD. must22. There was ple nty of time. She.A. must nt have hurried B. could nt have hurried C. must not hurryD. n eed nt have hurried23. - Shall we go skat ing or stay at home?- Whichdo yourself?A. do you ratherB. would you ratherC. will you ratherD. should you rather24. This is an old photo of my aun ts whe n she had, and now she has.A. short hair; grey hairs B. short hairs; grey hairC. short hair; grey hair D. short hairs; grey hairs25. twen ty-fifth of December isChristmas Day.D. The;/A. The; aB. The; theC. A; the26. They all lookedat the master and felt quite.A. sad; sadB. sadly; sadlyC. sad; sadlyD. sadly ;sad27. Professor White has written some short stories, but she isknown for his plays.A. the bestB. moreC. betterD. the most28. Mr. Smith, theres a man atfront door who says he hasn ews for you ofgreat importa nee.A. the ;不填B. the ; theC.不填;不填D.不填;the29.1ve won a holiday for two to Florida. Imy mum.D. will have take nD. whichA. am tak ingB. have take nC. take30.I read about it in some book or other, does it matterit was?A. whereB. whatC. how31. Have a good rest, you n eed toyour en ergy for the tennis match this after noon.A. leaveB. saveC. holdD. get32. late in the morning, Bob tur ned off the alarm.D. Having sleptA. To sleepB. Sleepi ngC. Sleep33.ln that case, there is nothing you can dotha n wait.A. moreB. otherC. betterD. any 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼34.I am surprised that you should have bee n fooled by such a (an)trick.A. ordinaryB. easyC. smartD. simple35. One lear ns a lan guage by making mistakes andthem.D. to correctA. correctB. correcti ngC. corrects36. -Whatthe taxi drivers in Beijing to take up the study of English?-Bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games.A. comfortsB. dema ndsC. forces D. in spires II精诚凝聚 7=成就梦想37. As we all know, several primary schools and factories were renamedhim.A. fromB. atC. afterD. to38. The seller would sell the coa
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