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Uni1Aft twenty year as chin moker,Mr.Nthe ha given up th habit。二十年后,作为一种烟鬼,m.athe已放弃的习惯Ie hat our tak s ve y sm isis into the id orkhat wev eedon我但愿我们的谈话能让你对我们始终在做的工作有某些理解。Itwas cear ha mh of hat h said wa fa rom theth.Anone with omnsense wuld havea har tmeelevigt.很明显,她所说的大部分都不符合事实,任何有常识的人都很难相信.。ou hv t e pten ith smll cildren,nce hecannot tellth fferce between right d rog.你必须对小孩子耐心,由于她们辨别不出对与错。Hr as thy tried,he nwpaper eortrs uldnt ge access t h uildinghereth mrrad ten plac to hours bore.尽管她们很努力,报社记者还是无法进入那座谋杀案发生前两小时发生的大楼.。Hewsso ilthat e ws unabe keepu t what a gig on.她病得很重,无法跟上正在发生的一切。The tme has come o us treapth bents te strong foundo wli inscience and techogy.目前是我们收获科学技术所奠定坚实基本的好处的时候了.。Hwihed toha teppuntyt partiipae the port et.她但愿有机会参与运动会.。en thohhea po,heyar aganst the l t radland frgods nd mony.尽管她们很穷,但她们反对用土地换取货品和金钱。mdointhi to crae cruanes uner wch wecancncate itheach otealy.我这样做是为了发明一种环境下,我们可以很容易地互相沟通。Uni2Sandys aercldot stdte ofsiv music,she skdhert trn toff/don.桑迪的爸爸受不了这首讨厌的音乐,因此她请她把音乐关掉.。 can tthe tap ff ,and theres water loe t foor.我关不开水龙头,地板上到处都是水。Heis buy asusal, ivig lectue ad woring n heextbok她像往常同样忙,授课和功课的教科书。S aske the stdnts whoer wongn the dk classoom hy they hadnt tured t lightson.她问那些在黑暗教室里工作的学生们为什么没有开灯。Sinng in te sand,he ached or his friends hnd,but it as o fa away.她陷在沙子里,伸手去够朋友的手,但是太远了。eachers may exerise moflenconupn eir studnts tan parts教师对学生的影响比父母大。The roand romusic apals especiallyto youn peope摇滚乐特别吸引年轻人.。Id lik otalk your er ovr wthmy ife forecidngwhetherto takeit or t.在决定与否接受之前,我想和你太太谈谈你的建议。h money ffery notbe u,ut nny cae II tke theob.提供资金不多,但在任何状况下,我要工作。Perhaps litening toli msicay getridof som ftheknot in your sach也许听轻音乐也许会消除某些结在你的胃。it3They engaedin rioudiscussinf several ours wthou reacing anyimporant desions.她们认真讨论了几种小时,没有做出任何重要决定.。ehope all chldrn can liv i a ord fee o violenc.我们但愿所有的孩子都能生活在一种没有暴力的世界里。He s hoon laefomthe Nvnow,adhell be thom or anohetwo wees她目前休假回家了,她还要在家呆上两个星期.。He viits the bookstoe at the subwy stainooccin to see whethr n newoshv come ou.她偶尔到地铁站去看看书店里有无新书问世.。Wi yo see toittha h eter ts pose today?t has to rechthe head ffic bforeThuday.你能保证今天收到这封信吗?必须在星期四之前达到总公司。I as n a nghtcub in New Yokwhe a fire broke ut.我在纽约的一家夜总会失火时。Iths been hrtoadust tothe deaofbe a junir ler,but nw Injy it.我很难适应做一种低档职工的想法,但目前我喜欢它.。No onwould willgl subjec himself t sch rude treatment没有人乐意服从这种粗暴的看待.。In evluating ps,thiscmpany le havily oninterviews在评估应聘者时,这家公司非常注重面试.。The po reeive eeral cmplats aboutenoise rom the arty hd by ou next-dor eghbor.警方收到了我们隔壁邻居举办的约会上的几声投诉。UnitThe tudentsare committed o the use of helping those who re n able o elpthemsels.这些学生致力于协助那些不能协助自己的人.。Dont joke thLida;she takes evrythin far to siosly.不要和琳达开玩笑,她把一切都看得太认真了.。r h extwhours sheas absobd in th film,whchtnd out to be s god assh had hope.在接下来的两个小时里她全神贯注于这部电影,这部电影本来是她所但愿的那样好.。He hagivn u unnng in orde to fosn telong jum.为了集中精力跳远,她放弃了跑步.。Once h make uhis nodo ometin ,thereas o toppghim一旦她下定决心要做什么,就没有措施制止她.。ould you plase turn e raio down while I rading?Th lod nisi dring e craz.我看书时请你把收音机的音量关小好吗?巨大的噪音在驱使我。I this store,y nfd aid varietytoV sets ith prie agingfo $50 to ,00.在这家商店,你可以找到多种各样的电视机,价格从500美元到000美元不等。he didtfel at her es inthe mtc .Thats h selost he gameZ.她不觉得她在比赛中最佳的。这就是为什么她输了游戏。Itis onlatet uve filed ligt up ;its nt amaer fife r det.这只是一种考验,你没有削弱,它不是一种生命或死亡。She was so shy tat sheept he eysn telor while aking to h clas.她很害羞,在上课的时候眼睛盯着地板.。Unit5Everyone as he rit tliveheehe wansto,rearleo te cor of hs skin.每个人均有权生活在她想去的地方,不管肤色如何。The dieas peadig,ad all the chdrnnder five are sk.这种疾病正在蔓延,五岁如下的小朋友都处在危险之中.。OutsitheEmbassy,tdents were hanig tlletsto eeroe who pase .在大使馆外,学生们分发传单给每个路过的人.。Tomdmit hatwathin TV sometimes ditract him fro hshomeok.汤姆承认,看电视有时会干扰她做作业。Wwillnot have the pncunless mor peope sin up for.除非有更多的人报名参与,否则我们就不去野餐了.。Ppl canony e ifcted with IVi aiitdumerof ways.人们只能在有限数量的方式感染艾滋病毒。Ding execi
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