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中考英语分类复习之名词和代词考点及练习题一、名词考点:1. 名词词义的考察2. 名词的功能3. 可数名词和不可数名词的判断-4.可数名词变复数的规则变化5. 可数名词变复数的不规则变化6. 专有名词和集体名词7. 含名词的固定搭配8. 名词所有格(一)考试类型:所有题型1)考察名词词义匚 Lucys father works in No. 1 Hospital. He is a.A. teacherB. doctor C. postman D. policeman解析:因为Lucy的爸爸在医院,所以他的爸爸是一名医生,因此答案选You can see the in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past70 years.A. doubtB. prideC. regretD. ability解析:当他说到在过去70年里的成就是,你看见他一脸的骄傲,因此答案选择B。Mr. Brown, I will keep practise reading to improve my English.If you make a, you must keep it.A. order B. decision C. promise D. agreement解析:如果你做出了承诺,就定做到,因此答案选择C。Keep a promise信守承诺。 - The bestto come to Chongqing is spring .-1 think so .The green water and green mountains are unforgettableA .seasonB .environment C .temperatureD .journey解析:这句话句意为去重庆最好的。是春天,由春天可知,是季节,因此答案选择A。2)考察名词所有格: Its aboutfrom our school to my house.A. 20 minutes walkB. 20 minutes walkC. walk of 20 minutesD. 20 minutes walks解析:20分钟为复数,排除答案B, 20分钟的应该应该用名词所有格20 minutes5,因此答案选A。 June 1st isDay. My sister is happy on that day every year.A. Womens B. Fathers C. Teachers D. Children5 s解析:六月一号为儿童节,因此答案选D。Is this hat?No, the red one is.A. Lucys; herB. Lucy; her C. Lucys; hers D. Lucy; hers解析:句意为那个帽子是Lucy的吗?应该用名词所有格,排除答案BD,那个红色的帽子是她的,该用名词性物主代词,因此答案选C。is your home from school, Ben?Oh, Its not very far, onlywalk.A. How long; ten-minuteB. How far; ten minutesC. How long; ten minutesD. How far; ten minutes解析:对具体提问,特殊疑问词用how far,排除答案AC, 10分钟的步行,应该用名词所有格,因此答案选D。3)考察名词单复数In the nice restaurant across from the street, there are manyand their food is delicious.A. man cooks B. man cookers C. men cooks D. men cookers解析:man与woman修饰名词用复数时 man/woman和后面的名词都需要变复数,cook厨师:cooker厨具,因此答案选C。L) Sandy really likes eating meat, but she doesnt like eating .A. breadsB. vegetablesC. chickens C. fruits解析:她不喜欢吃蔬菜或者水果,因为水果不能加复数,因此答案选B。(二)相关练习1. Its not wise to tell lies. Youd better tell the.A. communication B. promise C. truthD. difficulty2. After climbing fbr nearly three hours, we were glad to takerest.A. a few minutesB. a few minutes,C. a little minutesD. a little minutes3. Thethat there is life on other planets has always encouraged scientists to explorethe outer space.A. invitationB. possibilityC. orderD. advice4. Jane doesnt like to cat.She likes fruit and vegetables.A. pearB. meatC. waterD. potato5. Whats your favorite animal, Bob?.Theyre symbols of China, too.A. DogsB. PandasC. ElephantsD. Koalas6. -Who called me just now? I dont know,but it was a boysA. soundB. voice C. noisyD. noise7. Would you send me someof yours? I miss you very much!A. magazinesB. photosC. moneyD. advice8. I dont know how to make a speech in public. Can you give me some二、代词(一)考点:一 1.主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法和正确选择2. 反身代词的用法和选择3. It作形式主语和形式宾语的用法4. 宾语从句中,连接代词的用法一5. that的用法(用于前后作比较时,代指前面提到的不可数名词)6. 不定代词的用法(something,anything 等;both,either,neither;all,none, other;theother,others,another 等)7. 特殊疑问句中疑问代词(二)考试类型:所有题型(三)例题1)考察代词的形式选择 Mary is a friend of. Do you know?A. I; sheB. me; herC. mine; her D. my; she解析:玛丽是我的一个朋友,这里该用名词性物主代词,你认识她吗? Know后面这里填宾格,因此答案选C。 Boys and girls, you should look afterwhen your parents are not at home.A. himself B. herself C. yourselvesD. themselves解析:前面的对男孩和女孩们说的话,你们好好照顾你们自己,因此答案选C。2)考察不定代词 What shall wc do next week, go shopping or see a film?. I think we just stay at homeA. Both B. All. C. Neither D. Either解析:问句中提出了,两种方案,但一种都没有选择,因此答案选C。 There arc three books on my tabic yesterday. One is here. Where arc ?A. others B. another C. the others D. the other解析:桌上有三本书,一本子这里,其他的呢?其他两本是复数,定指。因此答案选择C(3)一Did you dothis morning?-Yes. I took some photos of my dog.A. everything interesting B. interesting anythingC. something interesting D. anything interesting解析:形容词放在复合不定代词之后,且这里是一般疑问句,因此答案选D。3)考察代词指代-What do you think of the price of these computers ?-They arc not cheaper thanat the other companies .A .itB .onesC .thatD .those解析:这里指代的是电脑复数,为了避免和前面的重复,需要用代词,因此答案选D。(四)相关练习:1. Hi, Lucy, is therein todays newspaper?No, nothing.A. interesting somethingB. something interestingC. anything interestingD. interesting anything2. The wild animals are in danger now. Lets protect.A. theyB. them C. their D. theirs3. My father goes to work either by bike or by bus. He says theyregreen ways.A. bothB. neither C. all D. none4.1 dont want to beelse. I just want to be.A. anybody; myself B. somebody; myselfC. everybody; meD. anybody; me5. Is therein China Daily?Yes. Xis hero spirit is mentioned.A. something new B. anything new C. new something D. new anything6. -is the hair band?-It might belong to Sally.7. AMrs.Li,Anna left her exercise book home,can s
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