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华侨大学2017年硕士研究生入学考试专业课试卷(答案必须写在答题纸上)招生专业英语语言文学科目名称翻译与写作科目代码 820_Part One: Translation. (110 points)1. Put the following words or phrases into the target language, Chinese orEnglish. (20 points)1) all class2) Look out!3) a world of differenee4) MTI5) shortage of money6) the Sino-British ties7) Nobel winner8) the Cultural School of tran slati on studies9) Tokyo and Pek ing10) traditi onal Chin ese culture11) 孙中山12) 喜结良缘13有花不完的钱14) 欢天喜地15) 大惊小怪16) 精密武器17) 上班18) 办厂19) 一亿元20) 读大学2. Put the following into Chinese, as required (for the underlined part). (20 points)1) Could you help me in any way? (Omission: ignore the underlined part in your translation)2) Talking to his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young mans past wrong doings.(Conversion: use a Chin ese verb for this part)3) Each time they met, they would have a quarrel. (addition: add a number or numerical word in the Chin ese tran slati on)4) Whoever violates the disciplines should be punished. (Repetition: Repeatedly represent orren der the un derli ned part in your tran slati on)5) Everywhere you can find in terest ing men and things in Huaqiao Uni versity. (Omissio n: Omitor ignore the un derli ned part in your tran slati on)6) He was very clever. He was worki ng very hard. (Comb in ati on: use one Chin ese sentence for the two sentences of En glish)7) The entire nation was united and armed quickly. (Use the active voice in Chinese for the passive voice in the source text)8) Gen tleme n may cry peace, peace but there is no peace. (Additi on: add an adverb to the verb 喊9) Alone Roosevelt could have accomplished little. (Amplification: add words or lengthen this part (in)to a clause or a Ion ger phrase)10) The windows all refused to open. (Negation: use the Chinese negator 不in your tran slati on)3. Translate the following, paying attention to the rhetorical values of the underlined parts (trying not to lose any rhetorical value). (20 points)1) Great_ minds_ think alike. (Use a metonymy in your version for the underlined part, not n ecessarily of the same (kin d)2) I_ don have a red cent to lend you, Tom. You re a fine friend in deed, Peter. (Use an irony in your version for the un derl ined part, for it is one)3) She is a fox in a lamb . (Usena metaphor in your version for the underlined part, not n ecessarily of the same (kin d)4) 干这行他还是菜鸟呢。 (Use a metaphor in your version for the un derl ined part, notn ecessarily of the same (kin d)5) I_ be_da mn ed_ if I trust him. (Use an equivale nt (idiomatic) Chin ese expressi on in your version for the un derl ined part)6) Today is my grandpa birthday, sixtieth birthday. (Use an idiomatic saying rather than an exact nu mber for the age or year in your version for the un derl ined part)7) 我差点没跪下来求他了,他就是一。 (Use a metaphor and an overstatement inyour version for the un derl ined parts, not n ecessarily of the same (kin ds)8) At last she felt a ray of hope. (Use a metaphor in your version for the un derl ined parts, not n ecessarily of the same (kin d)9) Rain, rain, go away;Come aga in ano ther day.(Use rhymes in your translation, not necessarily of the same (kind)10) The movie I saw last ni ght was called A True Lie .(Use an oxym oron in your version for the un derli ned parts, like the source text)4. Answer the following questions briefly. (20 points)1) In what case can the moon be translated into Chinese as 玉兔?2) If someone is fat ?we can say in Chinese s/he is胖/肥实 /脑满肠肥 /胖墩墩 /富态 /丰腴?.But what do you think is the differe nee betwee n them?3) What do you think of 教猪吹笛 ? as tran slatio n of to teach a pig to play on a flute in a n eutral con text? How would you tran slate it?4) What do you think of sell like hot dogs as tran slati on of 畅销in a n eutral con text?5) In photography, while all are ready, the photographer shouts, Cheese?.Why is 奶酪a poor tran slati on?5. Translation. Put this passage into Chinese. (15 points)Student X: Lets go to the movies toni ght.Student Y: I have to study for an exam.In this example from P. Grice (1975), Ys remark, which seems to be a stateme nt, like an ews announ ceme nt, is actually a refusal to the request. The first speaker (X) has to infer a lot, but easily: a) I made a proposal; b) I expected him to accept or decli ne, but he did n tell me in an explicit, direct way; c) so his illocution (言外行为)must be different from the literal meaning; d) I know that the study for an exam means a lot of time; e) going to the theatre means some time; f) he probably cannot do both in one evening; g) probably his primary illocuti onary act is a reject ion to my proposal.6. Translation. Put this passage into English. (15 points)丈夫:搞好了?妻子:我把灯都修好了。对于旁人来说,丈夫的话似乎是在问妻子是否把灯修好了,实际交际往往比这更复杂。他可能问的是其他事,如“我的稿子你抄好了没有?”或者“投保的事搞好了没有?”但 是妻子的回答(不是肯定,也不是否定,而是一个陈述)似乎与问话没有关联。但是只要 他们双方具有共同的背景和一般的认知能力和推理能力,他一定能懂她的话,即言外之意、弦外之音。我们
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