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浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学七年级英语unit9 period 5学案学习目标:掌握词汇并能进行阅读和写作训练。培养学生的阅读和写作能力。学习重难点:用一般过去式描写上周末自己所做的事。提 示教师寄语:从自主中培养能力,在学习中获得乐趣一【课前准备】:自主学习1. 预习课本P53 ,在文中划出新词及新词组, 并试着朗读几遍.将不会的圈出来.2. 单词和短语冲浪。汉语英文音标汉语英文音标度过,花费昨天编号中间的大多数的谈话,交谈歌,歌曲中学、购物、访谈节目、3. 先在3a中划出下列短语,再抄在下面。在第三中学_ 对大多数孩子来说 _去购物_去图书馆_ 玩电脑游戏_ 看电影 _ 呆在家_ 访问朋友 _ 打扫房间_ 做运动_你能在本页找到下列短语吗?一个繁忙的周末 一点儿困难 给某人做饭 读一本关于历史的书籍 脱口秀 写一首新歌 【课前练习】写出下列动词的过去式。1. play _ 2. stay_ 3. enjoy_ 4. visit_5.clean_ 6.go_ 7. have_ 8.are_9.read_ 10.see_ 11.write_ 12.sit_13.does_ 14.study _ 15.pratice_ 16.eat _17.ask 18. spend 19.is/am 20. do 21. watch 二【课堂学习过程】(教师寄语:学会合作,乐于合作,提高自我)Step1: 在3a中划出动词的过去式。Step2:阅读3a完成下列表格。Time Activities 活动Number数量On Saturday morningOn Saturday afternoonOn Saturday eveningOn SundayStep3:阅读57页3a课文,选择正确的答案( ) 1. We asked students at_ about their weekend. A. No. 1 Middle School B. No. 2 Middle School C. No. 3 Middle School( ) 2. For most children, the weekend was _ A. boring B. interesting C. exciting( ) 3. On Saturday morning, the kids _ A. did their homework B. studied C. both A and B辅备人: 黄爱萍 时间 2020 年 5 月 日 第 14 周学生姓名: 班级: 号次:( ) 4. On Saturday afternoon, three kids _ A. went shopping B. played computer games C. went to the library( ) 5. On Saturday evening, how many kids stayed at home? A. seven B. six C. I dont know( ) 6. On Sunday, how many kids played sports? A. two B. nine C. five( ) 7. How many kids are there in 3a? A. 10 B. 12 C.16Step4:完成3b. 在小组内交流并讨论出本组不明白的知识点【观察与思考】1. spend 花费,度过 (1)spend 钱on sth 花钱买某物(在上花钱) 如I spent 5 yuan on the book. 我花了5元钱买这本书。 (2)spend+时间(经历、金钱等)+(in)+doing sth. 介词in可以省略。 e.g. I spend two hours (in) doing my homework every day. 我每天花两个小时做作业。 练习题:(1)Tom spent four years _English before he went to Canada to studyA.learned B.to learn C.learning D.learns2.He spends five dollors _the book .A in B on C at D for 3.They spend three days in _(visit) the city.【写作训练】写写你上周做了什么,开头已经给出I had a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I 五【当堂训练】掌控P.54六【课后作业】作业本(2) P.30-31七【课后反思】通过本节课的学习,我的收获和困惑是:提 示反思
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