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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 信息技术在高中英语文化教学中的应用 信息技术与英语教学中餐桌礼仪学习的整合温三中 张海映1教学内容、背景分析1 1背景分析:随着我国对外交流的深入,越来越多的国人需要出席一些正式的西餐宴会。西方用餐礼仪,对中国学生来说,是令他们颇有兴趣了解却知晓不多的文化常识,相对而言,高中生在日常生活中接触这方面知识的机会也不是很多。但是,了解一定的西方餐桌礼仪,不但是外语教学中对西方文化传授的要求,也是当今社会生活实际的需要;它不但有助于从文化背景上巩固外语教学,培养学生中西方文化差异意识与跨文化交际意识,同时也具有相当程度上的现实意义和实用价值。与此同时,以计算机技术为代表的信息技术近几年在中国传播、发展迅猛,特别是在青少年中,掌握相当计算机应用技能或对其充满兴趣的学生比比皆是。而将其利用在学习上,将会极大的提高学生的学习效率、扩展知识面,同时也是对学生自学能力的很大训练,“学会学习”与“学会生存”、“学会与人交往”一样,乃是当今社会对人的基本素质要求之一。1 2理论依据:目前外语教学领域的课程改革正在逐步深入和推广,中学课堂正越来越强调“生活化”,“任务型”教学的理念也越来越被重视和提倡。高中新课程标准告诉我们,课程内容与学生生活和现实社会的联系要进一步加强,课程要直接面向社会,与生活融为一体。在这样的大背景下,一堂关于西餐礼仪的英语阅读课充分体现了这一教学思想。它体现了英语作为一门课程在高中开设,它不仅是一种工具性的语言教学,同时也应当强调语言知识的学习和言语技能的培养,要在外语教学中发展学生的语用能力,培养学生的文化意识,进而使学生在情感态度、学习策略、价值观等方面得到发展。1 3教材分析:这堂课的教学内容是“西餐礼仪”,人教版的高一英语(上)第六单元“礼貌规矩”(SESB 1A, Unit6 Good Manners)的第三课时,课型为基于多媒体教学的阅读课(A Multi-media Based Reading Course),教学任务是学习一篇介绍西方餐桌礼仪的说明文“宴会餐桌礼仪”(“Table Manners At A Dinner Party”)。这样的课文内容贴近生活实际,非常有实际意义,对中国学生而言也相当有吸引力,学生对它十分感兴趣。这篇阅读课文由5个段落组成,各段内容分别谈及餐具的摆放,餐前礼仪,餐中礼仪,用餐过程中的谈话礼仪,饮酒、敬酒礼仪,餐桌礼仪变迁等方面,全面而简要地对西餐的餐桌礼仪作了介绍。课文生词量不大,较难的短语和句式也不多,语言点比较容易掌握。然而,课文内容是学生不熟悉的,它实际上反映出的是中西方文化在餐桌礼仪方面的差异。因此,在准备这堂课的时候,本人将教学的重心放在文章内容本身上,即如何让学生理清文章思路,了解文章含义,学习了解西方餐桌礼仪及其与中餐礼仪的异同对比,而把对语言点掌握的要求有意淡化。至于对文章中重要语言点的巩固,本人认为可在下一课时加以强调。1 4学情分析:本人所执教的两个班级的高一学生,英语语言基础普遍较弱,言语技能也不是很好,大部分的学生由于初中阶段习惯了依赖母语(汉语)来学习外语(英语),到了高中仍然不能完全适应全英授课的课堂教学模式。因此,基于学生的这些特点,本人在课堂用语上力求简洁明了,在问题设置上,从简到难,多角度提问,同一问题以不同句式和词语呈现,便于学生理解问题,以降低学生“听”的难度,不至于影响学生听课兴趣,有利于巩固课文内容,特别是语言点掌握。2教学目标通过学习这篇阅读文章,主要要达到以下几个目标:2 1知识目标:学习以下生词和短语的意义并掌握其在具体语境中的运用:make / leave / create a good impression on sb.; start / end with; ask for; drink to sth.; toast sb.; advice for n. / doing sth.;22能力目标:课前布置给学生信息查找任务,让学生搜集中西方餐桌礼仪的相关资料,以ppt.课件或网页的形式呈现出来,自学西方餐桌礼仪后,在这堂课上,让学生了解西方用餐过程,主要解决语言学习中的字、词、语法等问题,并能将所学礼仪应用于生活实际。在此基础上,让学生对比发现中西方餐桌礼仪的差异,不仅训练、提高学生的阅读能力,同时也渗透一定的文化教育,培养学生跨文化交际意识,以促进语言学习。23情感目标:教育学生懂得礼仪的重要性以及如何在日常交往中遵循基本礼仪,做到言行得体、合宜,体现个人修养,给人留下好印象。3教学重点、难点31 教学重点:让学生了解西餐就餐过程及礼仪,明确中西方餐桌文化差异,适当拓展到相关文化背景知识的了解;掌握重点字词的用法。3 2教学难点:如何提高学生的阅读能力,激发阅读兴趣;如何让学生意识到语言与文化的关联并在此基础上培养学生跨文化交际意识。如何培养学生搜集、筛选、整理信息的能力以及通过查找相关信息获取有用信息的能力。4教学过程设计及案例描述、说明Step1: Lead-in Activities1.1 Tell the Ss a story about a Chinese at a Western dinner party, who made a fool of himself due to his lack of cultural background. The story goes like this:Once a Chinese was invited to an American dinner party. When he saw the napkin on the table, he tied it around his neck just as Chinese parents do to their children when they are fed. As a result, he made a fool of himself. This part is to make the Ss realize the importance of knowing the cultural differences between countries, mainly the ones between English-speaking countries and China. T does this part as a warming-up before reading.1.2 BrainstormingJudge these manners: Which are good and which are bad? Can you speak with your mouth full? Can you use your hand to take food from the plate? Is it polite to touch the glasses when you toast? Is it polite to persuade others to drink up after toasting? These questions are not really for the Ss to answer, but to arouse their interest in this tipic.1.3 Ss Work PresentationSelect some of the Ss sample-work and show it to the class. This assignment has been done by the Ss before learning this lesson. The assignment is for the Ss to search for information on both Chinese and Western table manners as well as party culture. The Ss are required to collect appropriate information and present their work in the forms of documents or web-pages. This is Ss group work.Step2: Fast-ReadingAsk the Ss to read through the text “Table Manners at a Dinner Party” quickly for the first time and try to give the right order of these dishes: Dessert, Main course, Starter, Drinks, Soup. (Show them onto the screen and 2 minutes for the Ss to go.) (Present the correct order of the dishes and their pictures on the screen to make it more active and vivid.)In this step, the T wants to let the Ss get a general idea of the text and the main procedure of a Western dinner.Step3: Intensive-Reading Ask the Ss to read the text again carefully part by part with the following tasks:Questions for careful-reading: 1. What do you find on the table at a Western dinner party? Make a list of them.2. How is the tableware laid?3. What is the right way of using the napkin?4. Which hand do you use to hold the knife?5. How do people toast each other in Western countries? And how do we Chinese do when drinking a toast?3.1 Para.1 Careful-reading 3.1.1 Make a list of things on a Western dinner table.(List the items onto the screen when the Ss give their lists.)This task is aimed at letting the Ss know the tableware on a Western dinner table.3.1.2 Ask the Ss to draw a picture to show how to lay a Western dinner table with the tableware they listed in the step above. (When the Ss finish drawing, the T selects some of the work
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