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真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。Unit 1 Computer Basics【教学目的】 Learn about the English terms of the basic physical portion of the computer, including CPU, monitor, motherboard, memory, RAM, ROM, mouse, keyboard, disk, USB and I/O port Improve the students ability to understand the long and difficult sentences in the text. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. consolidate the technical terms and important professional phrases by doing exercises. 【教学重点难点】Important technical terms: printed circuit board (印刷电路板), system buses(系统总线), memory modules(内存模块), plug-in cards(即插即用卡), daughterboard(子板), peripheral device (外围设备), binary number system(二进制系统), rational number (有理数), random access memory(随机存取存储器), read-only memory(只读存储器), disk drive(磁盘驱动器), removable disk(可移动磁盘), serial port(串口类型), parallel port(并口) Abbreviation: CPU, RAM(FPM, EDO, SDRAM, DDR), ROM, USB, SCSI; Difficult sentences: 1. It is equipped with sockets to which all processors, memory modules, plug-in cards, daughterboards, or peripheral devices are connected.2. .by utilizing the binary number system it is possible to produce arbitrary rational numbers and through clever formatting all manner of representations of pictures, sounds, and animations.3. A data storage device for which the order of access to different locations does not affect the speed of access, except for bursts.4. Note though that there are different competing format used for floppies, so that a floppy written by one type of computer might not directly work on another, also sometimes called “diskette”. Review the important points of essential Englishresponsible forbe equipped withbe identical to be similar to in conjunction withNote though thatbe capable of doing sth. / 【教学步骤】Step OneRead and explain Text A to the students and ask the students to keep in mind the following professional terms:1) printed circuit board (印刷电路板)Buy Printed Circuit Board Assembly(PCB) 购买印刷电路板 Wearelookingforsupplierinprintedcircuitboardassembly. 我们正寻 求印刷电路板的供应商。2) system bus (系统总线) bus that connects the CPU to main memory on the motherboard. 把CPU与母板上主存连 接起来的总线 The system bus is also called the frontside bus, memory bus, local bus, or host bus. 系统总线也叫做前端总线(略作FSB)。3) memory module (内存模块,存储器模数) Memory Module Picture 2007 2007年的内存模块照片 This article is an update of all the latest memory module found in the latest Intel Pentium. 最新的Intel奔腾内存模块的更新文章4) plug-in cards (即插即用卡)cf. plug-ins(插件):A software plug-in is an add-on for a program that adds functionality to it. 软件插件是一个给程序添加功能的附加软件。cf. Plug and play 即插即用Plug and Play, sometimes, abbreviated PnP, is a catchy phrase used to describe devices that work with a computer system as soon as they are connected. The user does not have to manually install drivers for the device or even tell the computer that a new device has been added. Instead the computer automatically recognizes the device, loads new drivers for the hardware if needed, and begins to work with the newly connected device.For example, if you connect a Plug-and-Play mouse to the USB port on your computer, it will begin to work within a few seconds of being plugged in. A non plug-and-play device would require you to go through several steps of installing drivers and setting up the device before it would work.While Plug and Play usually refers to computer peripheral devices, such as keyboards and mice, it can also be used to describe internal hardware. For example, a video card or hard drive may be a Plug and Play device, meaning the computer will recognize it as soon as it is installed. The only difference is that internal components usually require the computer to be turned off when they are installed, while external devices can typically be installed while the computer is running.5) daughterboard (子板)Small printed circuit board that plugs into a motherboard to give it new capabilities 接入母板的小的印刷电路板,以增添新的功能。6) peripheral device (外围设备)What are some examples of computer peripheral devices? Answer: A computer peripheral, or peripheral device, is an external object that provides input and output for the computer. Some common input devices include: keyboard, mouse, joystick, pen tablet, MIDI keyboard (musical instrument digital interface数码音响), scanner, digital camera, video camera, microphone. Some common output devices include: monitor, projector, TV screen, printer, plotter, speakers. There are also devices that function as both input and output devices, such as: external hard drives, media card readers, digital camcorders, digital mixers, MIDI equipment.While these are some of the more common peripherals, there are many other kinds as well. Just remember that any external device that provides input to the computer or receives output from the computer is considered a peripheral.7) binary number system (二进制系统)
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