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Analysis on Holden Caulfield in the Catcher in the RyeThesis statement: Holden Caulfield is in many ways a typical teenager of the complicated and paradoxical youth. He has a nave and kind heart with a great ideal, and he is willing to pursue the wonderful life. He only wants to be a catcher in the rye to be the guardian of innocence and the protector of innocents. I demonstrate his honesty, generosity, and kind from the descriptions and the incidents in some chapters.Outline. Introduction.The personality of Holden CaulfieldBrief introduction to the prospectus of The Catcher in the RyeA. Holdens honesty and sincerity1.His thoughts on Selma Thurmer2.His deeds to others3.His deeds comparing with that of the adultB. Holdens generosity1.Contribution of his time to accompany others2.His tendency to try to find some good in most people3.His donation to the nunsC. Holdens kindness1.Consideration for others2.His unwillingness to make life difficult for people3.His desire to protect the children. ConclusionAbstractThis paper analyses the personality of the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, who is a controversial character. In this paper, the author mainly figures out the positive character of Holden Caulfield. Then the author analyses the personality of Holden Caulfield from three aspects: Holden Caulfield himself is a sincere person, and he tends to espouse is authenticity, disgusting falsehood. Holden Caulfield can not help being generous. Holden Caulfield is a very kind boy. Key Words: honesty, sincerity, generosity, kindness内容提要本文主要对麦田里的守望者一书中的主人公霍尔顿考尔菲德这一人物性格进行分析。这是一个颇具争议的人物,本文主要从正面理解的此人物。首先大致介绍当时美国的历史背景以及作者J.D.塞林格本人的生活经历。接下来本文从三方面分析阐述霍尔顿考尔菲德的性格:一是霍尔顿考尔菲德他本人的正直和他对真实的追求和对虚伪的厌恶。二是霍尔顿考尔菲德帮助他人的慷慨大方。三是霍尔顿考尔菲德发自内心的善良。关键词:正直, 真实, 慷慨大方, 善良 IntroductionHis creator is not without his legend either. Jersome David Salinger, man of mystery and conscientious alien from all things connected with the society that his youthful hero laments over, has progressively withdrawn from the company of all but a select few of his fellow human beings, and upon these he appearsto have imposed a vow of silence. The facts of his earlier years, consequently, heavily outweigh the information we have later.He was born in 1919 to a well-to-do merchant family in New York City. The only other child in his family, a sister, was eight years older than he. His father was a prosperous meat importer who tried unsuccessfully to groom his son for the trade. An average student with an average I.Q., Salinger attended both public and private schools in Manhattan. Finally he was sent off to a military academy in Pennsylvaniaperhaps a partial model for Holden Caulfields Pencey Prepwhere he receive his only diploma. Aside from the typical extra-curricular activities, at school and at a Maine summer camp, such as acting, fencing, writing for the yearbook and the like, he was remembered for no dramatic escapades of the kind that characterize Holden Caulfield, and left no record of unusual accomplishment. After putting in his time in the military academy he spent less than a month trying out college at New York University and completed his academic career taking a short-story course at Columbia University. This course, given by the editor of Story magazine, resulted in the publication of his first short story in the same magazine in 1940.Drafted in 1942, Salinger spent the next four years in the Army. Apparently the young Salinger never stopped writing, since he is described by himself and others as writing in hotel rooms during weekend passes, in tents by flashflight, and even, if we can accept the more amazing aspects of the legend, in the foxholes. Certainly, if he was not writing all the time, he was alert to the artistic possibilities of his experiences, for many of them turn up in one form or other in his later stories. Biographical information becomes less available at this point, being based more on hearsay and conjecture and less on the small body of fact that Salinger has been willing to provide.What is so important about the facts of Salingers life? Certainly his work stands or falls on its own merits. But the mystery surrounding his life is elaborated because he is at once the most artistically established young American writer and the one about whom the public knows least. Unlike Hemingway, whom Salinger met during his military sojournHemingway thought he had a “helluva” talentSalinger does not have an affinity for dramatic experiences. He is not an activist living openly in the public eye; he is a practitioner of the cult of secrecy.However, some of the details about his life often have a fictional counterpart in his works.For example, both Salinger and his creation, Holden, attended prep schools and were members of the fencing team (although Holden is merely the teams manager). During the prep-school career of both Salinger and Holden Caulfie
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