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八年级英语上学期期中考试(满分:100分 时间:70分钟)命题人:MichlName: Cls: Mark: (听力部分-省略)一、单选(5小题,每题1分,共5分)( )1-Wher ol yu liket gis id-Autumn Fstiva? -Id e to go A.evrhe relxin B.somererexngC.peaculywhee D.eaceul somewhre( )2.he gir n rpleisne hre,so peopl now r. A.few B.afe .litle Da il( )2.Jmloked app.He seed the bad news. A.knowig B.kn C.knws D.to o( )24.ow id o g ? -Twic a month. How an tmes;hopping Bw long;t sop C. ow oe;shopping D.How soon;to so( )2.Shehrdly v sotsgae ToSundy evening .ah;o Bwces; Catch;by Dwatchs;on( )26.W ll donto the answer t queti o in . Dbot( )2Abot thirty th studentsy thlie gliery muc A.prcnt Bpercens C.prcnt D.pecent of( )8.ItstoootWd omimy he window? - Di syo lik,lee. .t opn;OK Boeng;Crinl not C.g;O crs D.oen;Goddea( )2. llh sbjets, Iink Chnese is . AO;inersting . ;minerestg Cf;themsinerstng D In;muc oe interetng( )0.Shanhaisbge ta ciyinChin Any .atr ot .ohe( ).hat do thik Hua? Oh,he is m votesier.I hinko one casn . A.go Bll C.tte .b( ).Frms hve beco in our omeownrcentyeas. A.oeandmore ric Bricerd rche Co rih more rich Dricestn rst( )33. syur rothin o e whenh up? AWha;grw B.;gro .Hw;row .ow;o ( )4.Thereisoin o a talnshow Friday .i Be .e D.ha( )35L Ming isaeful thah ways lookove ihmok to heere mistas.A.ak sre n ou .thin o D.looko 二、完形填空(10小题,每题1分,共10分)Thatay wa ke an ohe day hisif. fer scol Michael wle past te sop inth steet core H spp to6 thefront wo shoe, a he l srr fohmself. He37waned t ave p fshoes ris bithda Hwalk awysadld thouhof wh otll h moher e knew woud ve hm 3 ifshe could. u he ls knewer well eh 9 mony. He deidno goome40,as he led woed nhewolnoice it.S he ttte paka sa done gr.he esawaboyina wel chair. Henoticed thatth yoved thewhes wt as. Michlokd t hm rll andas 41 t seethte oy adn fet. He lookd 42at his ownfe. “It is43 ttrto be withuteth e” hehout. There was no rsfor h to 5 o rryand ad.Hewetawa n sled,hinknghewase luky nhis lie( )36 se B.look at C. hear . tce( )37. A gladly B. early C rey D.quk( )8 A. something . eveying C. othing .nhi( )3A. lt B. alittle C.mh D lot of( )40.at nce . tn C. ustnow D. a a( )4. A. eas B exe supised .ineresed()2. A u B. trou ut D.down( )43 Amuh B. stil . ev D.lss( )4Aut of B. wit .wio Dithin( )45. oo B. l C. aar Dm三、阅读理解(2小题,每题分,共40分)(A)The Sringestva is the iggs fesial forinee popll roundhold.The cebaon uall las for1 day. Theis lot . On t v of t ri esivl, family emrget tgetr d vebi mlsTer fvuridish n tsdayis duplgs. Dys eor the Sing tva, famiie wl cln thei homes.eple tink langswe away bd uck.It maesth hosrfo good uc. Th colour rd seerwre rig teSprig Fesiva. People thin is happylurn wilrig them a rght future Pepl wearr,
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