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2022年考博英语-广西大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The basic causes are unknown, although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been ( ).问题1选项A.identifiedB.guaranteedC.notifiedD.conveyed【答案】A【解析】句意:尽管某些可能导致癌症的情况已经被证实,但是根本原因还不知道。考查动词辨析。选项均为对应动词的过去分词形式。identify 识别;辨认;认出;guarantee 保证;担保;notify 通知;convey 传达;运送。因此A项符合句意。2. 翻译题1. He researchers also used “cloud computing” services, which provide lots of cheap processing power. And they went to social networks like Face book and Linkedln, where most users post real names and photos of themselves.2. The notion or denying gays the spousal rights available to others makes little sense to a generation that sees marriage at least as much as a union of soul-mates as a formal structure for child-rearing.3.不像在西方的政党,中国共产党,是开创性的党,是全心全意致力于为人民服务的党。然而,如果中国共产党未能履行其承诺,也有可能侵蚀党执政的基石。4.南宁华润万家城是目前广西最大一站式购物中心,拥有PRADA、GUCCI、BURRERRY、Shiatzy Chen、OMEGA、Cartier等超千个国际国内知名品牌以及各国特色 餐饮等休闲消费购物娱乐设施。5.我的最大爱好是沉思默想。我可以一个人长时间地独处而感到愉快。独享欢乐是一 种愉快,独自忧伤也是一种愉快。孤独的时候,精神不会是一片纯粹的空白,它仍然是 一个丰富多彩的世界。【答案】1.研究者还使用了 “云计算”服务,因为它具有很强的处理能力,而且价格低廉。他们常上Facebook和Linkedln等社交网站,那里大多数的用户使用自己真实的名字和照片。2.这一代的年轻人将婚姻视作灵魂上的伴侣和名正言顺的生儿育女,至 少,他(她)们认为两者同等重要。因此,异性有权利结婚,而同性却不能够,年轻人对此种想法表示无法理解。3. Unlike political parties in the West, the CPC, a pioneering party, is committed to wholeheartedly serving the people. However, the cornerstone of the Partys governance may be eroded if the CPC fails to fulfill its commitment.4.The Mixc in Nanning is now the biggest one-stop mall in Guangxi Province, having facilities with leisure consumption, shopping and entertainment, which include thousands of international and domestic famous brands, such as PRADA,GUCCI, BURBERRY, and Shiatzy Chen, OMEGA, and Cartier, as well as special restaurants from different countries.5. My greatest hobby is meditation. I can stay in solitude for a long time without feeling unpleasant. To enjoy happiness by oneself is a pleasure; to bear sadness alone is also a pleasure. When you stay alone, your mind will not fall into a complete blank, but remain in a varied and colorful world.3. 单选题Caught in a squeeze between the health needs of ageing populations on one hand and the financial crisis on the other, governments everywhere are looking for ways to slow the growth in healthcare spending. Increasingly, they are looking to the generic-drugs (普通物)industry as a savior. In November Japans finance ministry issued a report complaining that the countrys use of generics was less than a third of that in America or Britain. In the stone month Canadas competition watchdog criticized the countrys pharmacies for failing to pass on the savings made possible by the use of generic drugs. That greed, it reckoned, costs taxpayers nearly $ 1 billion a year.Then on November 28th the European Commission issued the preliminary results of its year-long probe into drug giants in the European Union. The report reached a damning, though provisional, conclusion: the drugs firms use a variety of unfair strategies to protect their expensive drugs by delaying the entry of cheaper generic opponents. Though this initial report does not carry the force of law (a final report is due early next year), it has caused much controversy. Neelie Kroes, the EUs competition commissioner, says she is ready to take legal action if the evidence allows.One strategy the investigators criticize is the use of the patent cluster(专利群)A firm keen to defend its drug due to go off-patent may file dozens or hundreds of new patents, often of dubious merit, to confuse and terrify potential copycats and maintain its monopoly. An unnamed drugs firm once took out 1.300 patents across the EU on a single drug. The report also suggests that out-of-court settlements between makers of patented drugs and generics finals may be a strategy used by the former to delay market entry by the latter.According to EU officials, such misdeeds have delayed the arrival of generic competition and the accompanying savings. On average, the report estimates, generics arrived seven months after a patented drug lost its protection, though where the drug was a big seller the lag was four months. The report says taxpayers paid about 3 billion more than they would have had the generics gone on sale immediately.But hang on a minute. Though many of the charges of bad behavior leveled at the patented-drugs industry by EU investigators may well be true, the report seems lo let the generics industry off the hook (钩子)too lightly. After all, if the drugs giants stand accused, in effect, of bribing opponents to delay the launch of cheap generics, shouldnt the companies that accepted those bribes also share the blame?1. Why are governments around the world seeking ways to reduce their health-care spending?2. What can we learn from the report issued by the European Commission?3. The investigators seriously condemned the drug firms for( ).4. On average
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