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书面表达常见失误: 1审题不清 2拼写错误 3语言不地道 4词性概念薄弱 5名词单复数问题出错 6缺少动词 7介词冠词等限定词把握不住 8指人的各种代词混淆不清 9句子不完整 10谓语动词不突出,主谓概念模糊 11时态、人称和数的搭配错误 12信息采纳不全 13综合性错误 14面对半开放或全开放式试题,思路狭窄提高书面表达方法一 几乎所有英语句型都是五种基本句型的扩大、延伸或变化。因此,训练学生“写 ”就要抓五种基本句型造句训练。写作训练从词法、句法知识入手,结合课本里的重点单词、短语(特别是动词短语),进行五种基本句型的造句练习。例如: 1.S+VThe students swim in the river. 2.S+V+OChildren often sing this song. 3.S+V+PThe map is on the wall. 4.S+V+IO+DOMr Brown will give us a talk this afternoon. 5.S+V+O+CWe should make our classroom clean and tidy 二 扩展句子 在简单句的基础上进行扩展。主要是增强词汇表达的丰富性,尽量使用形容词与副词及其同义词或反义词,以避免重复。教师应抓住五种基本句型,适时引导学生扩展句子,鼓励学生利用课文中的句型造句。如: My mother likes growing flowers. My mother likes growing flowers in the garden. My mother likes growing flowers in the garden in spring. 三. 1 一句多译 是指用不同的词语或短语表达同一内容的句子(也包括语序的变化)。例如:表达“他七岁时开始学英语”可用以下的句子:He started /began to learn English when he was seven (years old).When he was seven (years old), he started /began to learn English He started/began to learn English at the age of seven.At the age of seven, he started/began to learn English. 有时候,看到某一特定的中文意思可能不会直译,这时,就要想办法,换成已知的表达方法,迂回曲折,达到目的。如:他在歌唱方面有天赋。 He is good at singing. He has a gift of singing. He does well in singing. His singing sounds beautiful. 2 例如用不同的表达方式表达“下班以后,他匆匆忙忙回家。”He hurried to leave his office for his home after work. (动词作谓语)As soon as he finished his work, he left his office and hurried home. (动词作谓语)The moment he finished his task, he went home in a hurry. (名词做介词宾语)After he completed his task, he got home in a hurried way. (形容词作定语) 必须指出的是,考生一定不要片面追求花哨文字,弄巧成拙,拼凑一些连外国人都看不懂的英语词句,结果自然是错误百出,使自己的实际成绩大打折扣。建议考生在平时有意识地作一些针对性的练习。 3另外要求考生能能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系;行文连贯是阅卷教师比较看重的一个方面,对于优秀考生,为了在书面表达上尽量少失分,为了使文章结构严密和行文连贯,考生应该在句子与句子之间,甚至段落与段落之间,恰当地使用一些过渡性词语。常见的类型有:A表示递进and ,and then, also, besides, whats more,even, what was worse B表示转折but ,however, yet, and yet, although, on the other hand, otherwiseC表示结果so, therefore, , as a result, luckily unfortunately, because of D表示时间 now, then, later, soon, before long, after that, shortly after that, soon after that , up till now, just now, just then, five minutes later,so far ,to this day 4 此外,以下几种也常用作连接词或过渡词: a表示例举、说明:for example, such as,that is to say, actually, according to this, believe it or not, to tell you the truth, and so onb表示时间、动作过程或时间顺序:first , firstly, first of all ,second, secondly, far , above, below, near, beside, to the right, on one sidec表示比较、对比:just like, just as , in the same way, on the other hands,more or less,d表示强调:above all, after all, at least, at most, indeed, in fact, surely, certainly, , of coursee表示结论:finally, at last ,in the end , in a word, in short, as you know四 指导自改初稿 初稿完成以后,学生可小声地朗读自己的作品,通过朗读,检查是否有下列问题:文章是否切题;要点是否齐全;首尾是否点题;条理是否清晰;布局是否合理;格式是否正确;内容是否连贯;有无语法错误;有无书写错误。通过自改作文,可以让学生自省和反思自己的不足,适时调整自己的作文。 五 以提示作文围绕旅游为例,对指导策略进行简明分析。如: 根据中文提示,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文,字数7080左右。 去年暑假你和父母到北京旅行, 要点如下: 1.来回的方式;2. 游览北京城: 高楼大厦; 3. 参观名胜古迹: 长城、故宫;4. 去商场购物, 品尝小吃; 5. 你的感受。 1、仔细审题,明确要求对所给信息仔细阅读,根据提示我们了解到这是一篇 记叙文,可以确定的是时间(last summer),地点(Beijing),人物(my parents and I),事件(visit places of interest and go shopping)。2、 定短文的时态(一般过去时)和人称(第一人称)。3、 后对所给信息进行整理、组织,按照自己的写作思路使之条理化。4、 指导学生应用一些过渡词和词组如:after that, we also 或as well 等。5、 确保语言精炼,在写作过程中,应提醒学生按照已给出的信息点去写,不必有太多的发挥。用自己熟悉的短语、句型去体现要点,做到长短句结合,适量使用复合句及复杂句,掌握好文章的长度,不要字数过多或过少。6、 自改初稿,然后仔细誊抄,卷面要清晰。 六 记叙文记叙文的特点 1叙述的人称 2动词的时态 3叙述的顺序写好记叙文的基本要领 1理清线索,脉络清晰 2突出中心,详略得当 3记叙文用语叙述/描写写作要求:(1)要有明确的中心思想。(2)记叙要清楚明白。(3)线索要清晰。(4)要有恰当的叙事角度。(5)选材要详略得当。写人的常用句 1. She has a round face. 2. She looks lovely in blue. 3. Amy is not as pretty as Sandy. 4. He used to be late for school. 5. I never feel bored when I am with my best friend, Amy. 6. She has a good sense of humour. 7. She always wears a smile on her face. 8. She cares about all her classmates. 9. Blue is her favorite color and she often wears blue. 10. Whats she/ he like? 叙 事 叙事的记叙文常以生活中发生的典型事件为主要叙述对象,以事件的经过为线索进行描述。叙事文往往由时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果六个要素构成。有时,根据表达的需要可省去某一个或某些要素叙事文写作要求:1构思巧妙,引人入胜。2结构完整,前后呼应。3人称清楚,线索连贯。叙事文常用句 1. Last year, I went on a trip to Hainan. 2. It was my first time to visit the Palace Museum. 3. I will never forget the experience. 4. I like to travel on foot very much. 5. What a pleasant trip! 6. The line of people was endless. 7. This will be an unforgettable experience. 8. I have never seen a comedy like that. 9. We spent hours on a pleasant talking.写作模版交代时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)A trip to Mount Tai; by bus详细叙述事件的经过(what / how)结尾句(结果 / 评价/ 感受等)Last summer holiday; Mount Tai; my parents and I 写景作文要求: 1 要做好词汇积累。 2 多观察,抓住景物的特征,细致新颖地加以描 述;多对比,要对比其他的景致,找到它的独 特之处;多思考,写景与
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