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学校代码: 10128学 号: 200920201076本科毕业设计外文文献翻译(题 目:The Design and Implementation of 3D Electronic Map of Campus Based on WEBGIS学生XX:X 天 佑学 院:信息工程学院系 别:计算机系专 业:计算机科学与技术班 级:计算机09-2指导教师:庄 旭 菲 讲师 贾 然 工程师二一三 年 六 月County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, prehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense workXX工业大学本科毕业设计外文文献翻译The Design and Implementation of 3D Electronic Map of Campus Based on WEBGISI. INTRODUCTIONNowadays,digitalizationandinformatization are the themeofour times.Withthe development of information revolutionandputerscience,puter technology has penetrated intoallfieldsofscienceandcaused many revolutionary changes inthese subjects,the ancient cartography also cant escape. Withthe technical and cultural constantly progress, the form and the content of the map change andupdate as well. Asthe putergraphics, geographic information systems(GIS)constantlyapplied to the Web, the conventional way of fabrication and demonstrationhassuffered great change, andtheapplicationoftheMaphas extended dramatically owing to the development of advanced information technology. Under these circumstances, cartography will be faced with promising prospect. It has branched out into many new products. One ofthe products e into being is the e-map 1. With the rapid development of the puter technology, puter graphicstheory, remote sensing technology, photogram metric technology and other related technology.Users require handling and analysis of three-dimension visualization,dynamic interactivity and show their various geo-related data, so much attention should be paid to the research of threedimensional maps.This article based on the Northeast Petroleum University and its surroundings designs and creates the three-dimensional electronic map. II. FUNCTIONDESIGNThree-dimensional electronic map system of campus based onWEBGIShas general characteristics of the mon maps. Through pressing the arrow keys (Up, Down,Left, And Right) on the keyboard, one can make the map move towards thecorresponding direction of translation. Through dragging mouse, one canseewherever he likes. Using the mouse wheel, you can control a maps magnitude, according to the users needs to view different levels of map. The lower left of the map wherewilldisplaythecurrentcoordinateofthemouseon the map.Inadivlayer,wedepictahotspotofnewbuildings, this layercanbedisplayedaccordingtothedifferentmaplayers, it alsocanautomaticallyscale.Byclickingonhotspots,it can show thehot spotsspecific information. One can also type into thequeryinformationbasedonhisneed,and get some relevant information.Inaddition,onecanchoosetocheckthe threedimensionalmapsandsatellitemapsthroughclicking the mouse.Majorfunctions: User information management: Check the user name and password, set level certification depending on the permissions, allow users of different permissions to login the system via the Internet. The inquiry of Location information: System can provide users with fuzzy inquires and quick location. Map management: Implement loading maps, map inquires, layer management, and other mon operations such as distance measurement, and maps zoom, eagle eye, labels, printing, and more. Roam the map: Use the up and down keys to roam any area of the map, or drag-and-drop directly.III. THE PROCESS OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENTTothefirst,wecollecttheinformationwhichcontains the outwardappearanceofarchitecturalbuildings,theshapeof the treesthedesignoftheroads.Andthen,weconstruct threedimensional scenes with3DSMAX software2.Thatistosay werenderthesceneandachievethehigh-defmitionmap,after thatwecutthemapintosmallpictureswiththecutfigure program,atlastwebuiltthehtmlpageswhichcan asynchronousloadmapsandachievethefunctionofthe electronicmaps. The flow chart of the systemdevelopmentwill be shown in Figure 1:Figure 1 system development flow chartTraditionalmapshavestrictrequirementson mathematical laws,mapsymbolsandcartographicgeneralizationwhenin design.Theproductionofnetworklandscapeelectronicmap alsohasitsowntechnicalstandardswhichissuperiortothe traditionalmap.Thethree-dimensionalelectronicmaphas differentzoomlevels;thereforeitneedsnotthestrictscalebut theunifiedproductionstandards.Mapsymbolusuallyimitate therealworldasmuchaspossibleandsimplifyitselfatthe sametime.Thescopeofthescreenisfargreaterthanthefixed visionofpaperymaps.Cartographicgeneralizationsthink muchofthebalancebetweentheabstractmodelandtheactual performance results.As for the data acquisition and management, such as the introduction and the information users obtained from the map are final results of data acquisition. In the beginning, we collect the needed data including the name, theaddress, the introduction and the digital photos of the buildings and prepare for the subsequent three
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