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河北省邯郸市大名一中2019-2020学年高二英语10月周测试题.阅读理解(共8小题;每小题3分,满分24分)AOur children and grandchildren may not have a chance to visit many of the most famous places around the world. War, weather, age, traffic and pollution all damage these famous places. Looking after these places often costs more than one country can afford.In the early 1970s, world governments decided that if they joined together, they would be able to preserve (保护) our history. If every country paid some money, they said, it would be possible to look after important historic places. Also, if they discovered that a monument had been damaged by people, they would have money for repairs. For these reasons, countries around the world united to form the World Heritage Organization (世界遗产组织) in 1972. Today, the organization helps to preserve and repair the most important places from our history.However, one of the biggest problems for historic places is vandalism. People sometimes enter the sites and destroy or damage the buildings. At some sites, such as Stonehenge in England, governments have built high walls to protect the site from vandals (故意破坏者).There are many different ideas about how to solve the problem of vandalism. Some experts say that if guards patrolled (巡逻) the sites, vandals would not be able to get in. Some experts say that if they fixed more television cameras, they would not need so many guards. Other experts say that the best solution is education. If people learned to respect history, they would not destroy or damage it. They would also want to spend money looking after old places. For this reason, the World Heritage Organization helps to spread information about the value of historic sites.1. According to this passage, _ is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 1 for the reasons why the famous places are damaged?A. peoples awareness B. pollution C. war and climate D. traffic2. Which of the following shows us the action of vandalism?A. Governments build high fences to protect the site from vandals.B. Guards patrolled the sites and they fixed more television cameras.C. People enter the sites and cause damage to the buildings.D. They collect as much money as they can to preserve the buildings.3. Whats the best way to solve the biggest problem of preserving our history?A. Every country spends more money looking after the historic places.B. All the countries unite to repair the historic sites.C. Too many guards are needed to prevent vandals getting in.D. To make people know more about the value of historic sites.4. From this passage we learn that the World Heritage Organization_. A. was founded in 1970 B. was founded only to repair the historic places C. helps to preserve our history D. offers people information about vandalismBA bicycle may be seen by most people as just another vehicle (交通工具), but for many Londoners, cycling is a way of life. According to an official UK government survey in 2017, about 570,000 bike journeys are made every day in London. In fact, almost half of the vehicles that pass over London Bridge each day are bikes.London introduced a public bike-sharing system in 2010. “There can be no doubt that our trusty bicycles have changed the way people get around our great city,” Johnson told the Guardian in 2015.In London, bikes are used for more than just taking short trips to and from the subway. No matter where you want to go in the city, taking a bike is usually the quickest and easiest choice.And its not just shared bikes that the government is encouraging people to ride. In many companies across the UK, the UK governments Cycle to Work scheme (骑行倡议) allows employees to buy a brand new bike without having to pay any tax (税). This means that its common to see many people cycling to and from work, and some employers even provide workplace showers and lockers (储物柜) for their workers. More importantly, a cycle-friendly boss may let you off for being late if you rode a bike to work. Not only is it great for the environment and our body, cycling is also good for the mind. According to National Geographic Magazine, “Bike riding can improve peoples happiness.”5. How does the author show the popularity of cycling in London?A. By making comparisons. B. By using numbers.C. By giving examples。 D. By using famous sayings.6. Whats Johnsons attitude toward the bike-sharing system in London?A. Supportive. B. Doubtful. C. Disappointed. D. Uninterested.7. What can employees get from the government under the “Cycle to Work” scheme?A. Free bike-sharing services. B. A tax-free bike.C. Shorter working hours. D. Workplace showers and lockers.8. Whats does the underlined phrase “let you off” in the last paragraph mean?A. 不惩罚 B. 解雇 C. 请假 D. 释放. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分) When my husband and I got married, he work
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