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阶段评估(7)必修4Modules13第一部分:英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 第二节情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(In a restaurant) Good afternoon,how can I help you today?Id like a table for one,please._6_Thank you.Can I have a menu? _7_Well,todays main course is fish and chips.Fish and chips?Is the fish fresh? _8_Fresh off the lake this morning.Alright,Id like the fish and chips._9_Let me see.Yes,a green one.Very good._10_Yes,Id like some mineral water,please.OK.So thats a green salad,fish and chips and mineral water.Yes,thats right.AHere you are.BCertainly,madam.CRight this way,please.DDont you believe,madam?EWhat would you like to drink,madam? FWould you like something to drink?GWould you like to have a salad? 第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)11English can help _ people and make them stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable.Aagree withBcommunicate withCcommunicate to Dwrite to12He is used to _ the matters that I dont know_.Adealing with;what to do with themBdealing with;how to deal withCdo with;what to do withDdo with;how to deal with them13All cases _ children are dealt with in a special childrens court.Arespectable Brespected Crespective Drespecting14The old professor has a strange way of making his lessons _ and interesting.Alive Bliving Clively Dalive15She tried hard to keep calm in face of the students,but the sweat on her forehead_ her_.Agave;away Bturned;down Cshowed;out Dshut;off16The bus got _ in the snow and we had to walk the rest of the way.Ato be stuck Bstick Cstuck Dsticking17May I use the equipment in the lab?_.Unless you have the deans_.AOK;permission BSorry;permitCIm afraid not;permission DIm afraid not;permit18_the plan has been made,lets get down to _it out.ANow that;carry BBecause;carryCSince;carrying DNow;putting19It is _that all the celebrities in the entertainment circle pay their taxes to the government.Acommanded Brequested Cadvised Drequired20Generally speaking,the limits of a persons intelligence are fixed at birth,but whether or not he reaches those limits will _his environment.Adepend on Blive onCfeed on Dbe depended on21_his food _,the man had to come out of his hiding place.ASince;runs out BBecause;run outCWith;running out DFor;running out22Lets go to a movie after work,OK?_ANot at all. BWhy not? CNever mind. DWhat of it?23The teacher still keeps the cards of most of his students,_their names and addresses.Amarking with Bwhich markedCmarked with Dthere are on them24What about the coming Fifth China International Air Show in the city of Zhuhai?Oh,air shows are _to be the most exciting part of the programme.Aexpected Bwished Cpreferred Dproved25When _,the library will be open to the public next year.Acompleting Bbeing completedCto be completed Dcompleted第四节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I was parked in front of the mall wiping off my car.Coming my way from across the parking lot was_26_society would consider a bum (无业游民)From the_27_of him,he had no car,no home,no clean clothes,and no money.He sat down in front of the bus stop,but it seemed that he didnt have enough money to even_28_the bus.“Thats a very pretty car,”he said.He was_29_but he had a(n)_30_of dignity around him.I said,“thanks,” and_31_wiping off my car.He sat there_32_as I worked.The_33_beg for money never came.As the silence between us widened something inside said,“ask him if he needs any help.” I was_34_that he would say “yes”“Do you need any help?” I asked.He answered in three_35_but profound (深远的) words that I shall never_36_.“Dont we all?” he said.I had been feeling high,successful and important_27_those three words_38_me like a shotgun.Dont we all?I needed help.Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep,but I needed help.I_39_my wallet and gave him not only enough for bus fare,but enough to get a warm meal and_40_for the day.Those three little words still ring_41_.No matter how much you have,no matter how much you have_42_,you need help too.No matter how_43_you have,no matter how_44_you are with problems,even without money or a place to sleep,you can_45_help.26A.that Bwhat Cwhich Dhow27A.expressions Bmanners Clooks Dattitudes28A.ride Bbuy Cdrive Dstop29A.generous Bdisappointed Cmodern Dragged30A.air Batmosphere Cappearance Dfigure31A.finished Bstopped Ccontinued Dbegan32A.quietly Bcasually Caimlessly Deagerly33A.intending Bexpected Cboring Dsupposed34A.afraid Bglad Cdoubtful Ds
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