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德阳诊断、模拟试题与09高考英语试题的比对德阳市教科所外语专委会朱鹏飞 杨万福多年来,德阳市教科所外语专委会励精图治,奋发图强,一步一个脚印,一步一个台阶,走过了令人羡慕而又感慨的辉煌岁月。09年高考已结束,德阳市的各年级的单元目标,导学丛书,期末统考试题,特别是诊断试题和模拟试题较之往年与高考试题更加吻合、相似、甚至重现! 单项选择题的考点学生全部练习过。这不是偶然,也不是巧合,而是我市英语老师们长期以来精研教学、深钻高考、准确定位的结果,是市教科所与专家名师、一线老师们风雨同舟、精诚合作的必然结果。仅就通过德阳诊断试题和模拟试题与高考英语试题对比发现,两种试题在试卷难度、词汇范围、命题形式和要求上高度一致。高考试题中有不少的要点和考点(包括完形填空、阅读理解、书面表达等大题)与德阳诊断试题和模拟试题上的内容极其相似。无疑,这大大增加了学生从容应对高考的“底气”。为了进一步提高我市的英语教学质量,我们对两种试题进行了对比、分析、思考,供大家参考,现将对比结果简述如下:一. 单项填空“单项填空”部分所有考点均是中学英语教学中的基础知识和重点内容,淡化了“纯语法知识”的考查,主要考查考生在具体语境中运用语法和词汇知识的能力,各题语境设置恰当、真实。今年的语法和词汇知识题,更加突出语言的交际性,强调英语基础知识在具体语境中的灵活运用,无偏题怪题,难度适中。该部分试题的考点几乎100% 地以极其相似甚至完全相同的内容和形式出现。这充分说明市教科所在指导学生高考应试方面起着非常重要的作用。下面是部分对比结果。1)09川卷第1题May I open the window to let in some fresh air? A. Come on! B. Take care! C. Go ahead! D. Hold on!德阳一诊第1题 Im thinking of the entrance exam this afternoon. Im afraid I cant pass this time. _! Im sure youll make it.A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up2)09川卷第3题 I like this house with a beautiful garden in front. but I dont have enough money to buy .A. one B. it C. this D. that德阳三诊第5题 Miss Li, will you see to _ that the fax goes this afternoon? Dont worry, sir.A. me B. yourself C. them D. it 3)09川卷第5题Have you ?No. I had the wrong number.A. got it B. got away C. got off D. got through德阳三诊第4题 The manager and the engineers all the details of the plan time and again to make certain that the project went smoothly.A. got throughB. went throughC. got overD. dipped into4)09川卷第6题 A great person is always putting others interests his own.A. below B. above C. in D. on德阳模拟第10题 The church tower on the top the mountain stood out clearly _ the blue sky. A. against B. by C. under D. above5)09川卷第6题 News came from the school office Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.A. which B. what C. that D. where德阳模拟第20题 There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars road conditions need .A. which; to be improvedB. that; to be improved C. where; improveD. when; improving6)09川卷第10题_many times, he finally understood it. Ks5u A. Told B. Telling Ks5u C. Having told D. Having been told K德阳模拟第7题 On the platform, _ by a lot of schoolmates, the little girl felt very nervous, _ what to say.A. Watching; didnt know B. Having watched; and not knewC. Having been watched, not known D. Being watched, not knowing7)09川卷第12题 Owen wouldnt eat anything _he cooked it himself. Ks5u A. until B. since C. unless D. while Ks5德阳模拟第9题 They were content with their marks after the exam, they expected them to be a bit higher.A. though B. if C. since D. unless8)09川卷第13题uI dont care what people think. Ks5uWell, you Ks5uA. could B. would C. should D. might Ks5u德阳一诊第26题These differences should not be a problem to our friendship; still less _ lead to terrible quarrels. A. should they B. they should C. did they D. they did9)09川卷第14题In order to find better job, he decided to study second foreign language. Ks5uA. the;a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; the Ks5u德阳模拟第4题 I wonder what it feels like to be one of _ really rich. Peter already has two cars and now he is buying _ third. A. the; a B. the; the C. 不填; a D. 不填; the 10)09川卷第18题 You speak very good French! Ks5uThanks. I _ French in Sichuan University for four years. Ks5u A. studiedB. studyC. was studyingD. had studied Ks5u德阳一诊第20题. This returned scholar has become one of the top experts in this field. Yeah, I know him very well. He _ in Oxford University for some years.A. has studied B. had studied C. studied D. has been studied11)09川卷第20题 Shell never forget her stay there _ _ she found her son who had gone missing two years before. Ks5uA. that B. whichC. where D. when Ks5u德阳一诊第15题. I can think of many cases _ students obviously knew many English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay.A. why B. where C. whose D. which 二、完形填空“完型填空”重点考查了学生在一定语境下运用语言知识的能力。挖空科学,答案唯一,不同小题之间相对独立,不相互影响,不同小题的难度和能力要求有梯度09川卷完形填空I was successful at my job. I worked very hard, but it _21_ me and my family a fabulous(极好的) lifestyle. Id worked for the same company for twenty years and had worked my way up to department director. _22_, one afternoon last May, I was called to the office, and it was _23_ explained to me that they were letting me go. I just sat there _24_ they t
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