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ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file storage work must be unconditional and full coverage. Main corridor leading to the town (road, river) village, the Central built-up area of the town on both sides must be to create a no unauthorised village. According to five hundred villages created and shanty towns, villages, old houses, reconstruction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files, the real no unauthorised village created into the benefit of the people of very good thing. (B) to strictly manage count as unauthorised controls. Promoting the new control work to move the center of gravity, management measures to the front, and earnestly pipes effectively. A strict new unauthorised network responsibility. Sectors such as land, housing and basic stations (stations) and the Township of grid accountability mechanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspections, suppression, demolition work to ensure that the new zero tolerance. Second, public security, water, electricity, water, oceans and fisheries, tourism collaboration, market supervision departments should strictly enforce the illegal construction of disposal of relevant provisions of the regulations, effective fulfilment of responsibilities, particularly in electricity and water supply, and other units may not be new illegal buildings to supply water and electricity supply. While more regulation to prevent personal privacy violations. Illicit trading in illegal construction in the Ministry of public security sector to strictly from the blow. Three is to create additional offence reporting system of incentives. According to building law and covers an area of nature, to report timely degree divided report grade, effective after the removal of certain incentives. (C) integrated implementation , building demolition, modification, use combination. Demolition is the means and purpose built is. To adhere to the building demolished, combination of construction and demolition waste, demolished with combined efforts to improve the scientific level of three to split; second, we must pay attention to three to split and five hundred and five water treatment, three of the four sides, the shackDistrict transformation, and dangerous old room transformation and two road sides, series work organic combined up, active do River, and along demolition work, and manpower advance village in the, and old residential demolition work, to improved masses housing conditions and live environment; three to put three modified a split as traditional low, and small, and bulk industry structure transformation upgrade of important initiatives to caught, speed up advance industry Park, effective optimization park environment渝黔铁路YQZQ-10标 滑坡、崩塌地段专项施工方案目 录1、编制依据12、工程概况13、滑坡、崩塌类型、造成原因及地质处理措施23.1滑坡、崩塌分类23.2滑坡、崩塌地质处理措34、各工序施工安排及施工形象进度135、人员、机具及劳力配置135.1管理人员135.2主要施工机具配置135.3劳力布置及调配136、安全防护措施146.1 消防措施146.2 雨季施工安全措施146.3 施工用电安全措施156.4 机械设备和车辆的安全管理措施166.5高空作业安全防护措施176.6 防止高空坠物的安全防护措施186.7易发生滑坡崩塌区段施工187、应急预案197.1目的197.2适用范围197.3组织机构及职责197.4启动条件227.5应急措施227.6应急物资237.7预案终结248、工程质量保证措施248.1保证工程质量技术措施248.2 冬季施工质量保证措施268.3 雨期施工质量保证措施279、安全保证措施2910、施工环保、水土保持措施29accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 210G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sa
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