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编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页浅谈礼仪在商务谈判中的作用IntroductionEtiquette is the process and means to show respect to each other in interpersonal relationship by certain, common procedures. The Etiquette can be said to be a persons external appearance of inward cultivation and quality. Firstly, it can help people raise their self-cultivation. Secondly, it will promote social interaction and improve peoples interpersonal relationship. It also can purify the society. Since different countries have differentpolitical, conomical historical and cultural backgrounds, as well as different ways of developing, there are a lot of differences in etiquettes in many fields and many aspects, especially something related to culttural background. The good understanding of different etiquettes between the Eastern and the Western countries are becoming absolutely necessary and popular.Negotoaotion plays a virtual part in business activities. Negotiation between the seller and the buyer normally covers aspects inculding quality, quantity, packing, price, shipping, insurance, payment, complatints, and arbitration. To reach an agreement or to sign a contract, appropriate negotiation tactics and etiquettes shall be adopted. In modern society, it seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller, people are very active with frequent exchanges. Many countries are paying great attention to the combination of international etiquettes and national etiquettes. So we should enrich our cross- culture awareness and hold a changing attitude toward all kind of equettes. Etiquettes are the culture wealth of human being.This paper explores the different etiquettes in different countries in the international business negotiation settings, so as to make it possible for future successful negotiations. I Different Concepts Reflected from Negotiation Etiquettes in the East and the West.The cultural varieties make the world splendid. In order to do business actively and successfully. It is necessary for the businessmen to have the knowledgement and the required skills in interculture communication and enhance basic skills in using different cultures in negotions. 1.1 Seen the Negotiation Etiquettes from IntroductionDifferent people show different appriciation of etiquettes in negotiations because of the differences of races, regions and characteristic features. Generally speaking, the western people are positive and agressive in negotiations, the Eastern people show the conservative and passive characteristic features. These differences rooted in the induvidual culture concepts. The most distingushed representive of the Western countries is America, The most distingushed representive of the Eastern countries is Japan. Let see the different culture concepts reflected in negotiations First, American concepts seen from negotiations. Amercians are outgoing and good at expressing themselves, and most Amercian speak directly.They often hold suspection to negotion who say something indriectly and implicitly. Their negotiation styles are as followConfident and positive Direct and strategic forestall ones opponent by a show of strength Clear attitude towards agreement and disagreement . Various ways of negotiations Cherish time and pay special attention to deadline Esp. Profitable Strong sense of laws and contacts Keen on package deal. Strong race superiority, hard to make concession An American businessman wanted to sell a new product to a Japanese businessman, they agree to meet. At their first meeting, the American businessman wasted no time. He introduced his product and after his introduction, he waited for questions in what he had said. To his surprise, the Japanese businessman showed no interest in what had said, Instead, the Japanese businessman asked about the weather and holidays in their two countries. The American businessman felt frustrated and even annoyed. He concluded that the Japanese was impolite, and did not know how to do business. Furthermore, he decided, the Japanese didnt like him, which explained everything.Anaiyze the situation and decide what went wrong? In fact, the Amercian businessman was ignorant of Japanese culture. He did not understand that before a business relationship can be established with the Japnese, he must first develop a good personal relationship with him. He should take the time to cultivate a closer relationship with the Japanese businessman, and then, taking about this companyproduct.Introductions are important aspects of our daily life. however, few people know how to make them properly. In business, there are two rules to be observed. First, the person of lesser importance, regardless of gender, is introduced to the person of greater importance. Second, the name of the more important person is mentioned before the name of the less important person.1.2 Seen the Negotiation Etiquettes from Eye Contact
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