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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上第一课:The Company in Which I work1、章节知识点1) 背景知识(Background knowledge)Joseph Heller2) 词汇 (Vocabulary)a. Joseph Hellerb. drain c. bypass d. strain e. distribute f. grudgeg. incur h. stimulate i. motivate j. budgetk. boost 3) 短语 (Expressions)a. come upon / onb. credit sb. / sth. with sth.c. in the long rund. on triale. brood on / over sth.f. look aheadg. thrive onh. convert to / into i. fall victim (to sth.)j. take advantage of sth. / sb.4) 词语辨析 (Word analysis)a. occur, incurb. ingenuous ,ingeniousc. implicit, explicitd. compliment, complemente. stimulate, simulatef. wonder, broodg. grudge, maliceh. cunning, shrewd5) 难句理解(Sentence comprehension)a. All these twelve men are elderly now and drained by time and success of energy and ambition.b. They seem friendly, slow, and content when I come upon them in the halls and always courteous and mute when they ride with others in the public elevators.c. .and I will bypass him on most of our assignments rather than take up his time and delay their delivery to people who have an immediate need for them.d. They are always on trial, always on the verge of failure, collectively and individually.e. They strain, even the most secure and self-assured of them, to look good on paper; and there is much paper for them to look good on.f. The result of this photocopying and distributing is that there is almost continuous public scrutiny and discussion throughout the company of how well or poorly the salesmen in each sales office of each division of the company are doing at any given tune. g. When they are doing poorly, they are doing terribly.h. The company, in fact, will pay for their country club membership and all charges they incur there, and rewards salesmen who make a good impression on the golf course. i. In fact, I am continuously astonished by people in the company who fall victim to their own propaganda. j. Virtually, I am constantly astonished by people in the company who were fooled by their own exaggerated statements.k. Every time we launch a new advertising campaign, for example, people inside the company are the first ones to be taken in by it.l. These exercises in malice never fail to boost my spirits but only for a white. 2、考核知识点本课文章中作者通过描写公司里人人自危、相互惧怕的心态,讽刺了大公司对人性的摧残, 讽刺了为争名夺利而牺牲了人的尊严的可悲。学生要掌握课文中出现的重点词汇的用法、语境及同义词的辨析,能够用英文解释本课文章中的长难句,并能够给出恰当的中文翻译。综合相关的词汇、句法结构写作有关大公司里人的行为和心态的文章。3、重点及难点1) 课文重点段落:第三页第2、3段,第五页第3段,第6页最后1段2) 重点词语:bypass、distribution、monotony、motivate3) 重点短语:in the long run:最终,终究, 从长远来看、regardless of :不顾、take advantage of:利用4、考核要求深入理解文章内容并能用英文回答有关课文内容的问题;学会使用文章中出现重点词汇,并能掌握相关的词义辨析,了解其使用的相关语境;能够将课文中的长难句翻译成汉语,并能够用英语解释相关的句子;独立撰写150-200字的有关大公司里人的行为和心态的文章第二课:Eveline 1、章节知识点1) 背景知识(Background knowledge)James Joyce2) 词汇 (Vocabulary)a. James Joyceb. dust c. wearyd. provision e. lodge f. tumble g. impulse h. passage i. fervent 3) 短语 (Expressions)a. pass on to sth.b. say ofc. go ford. have / get an / the edge one. send upf. elbow ones way through / tog. see that / see to (it) thath. be about sth.i. lay upj. run outk. out of sthl. draw back4) 词语辨析 (Word analysis)a. Invariable, unchangeableb. unaccustomed, undesirablec. squabble, debated. pitiful, sympathetice. anguish, melancholyf. stumbled, tumbledg. unspeakable, pitifulh. spell, appeal5) 难句理解(Sentence comprehension)a. She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. Her head was leaned against the window curtains, and in her nostrils was the odor of dusty cretonne. b. Her father used often to hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick;c. She tried to weigh each side of the question.d. She would not cry many tears at leaving the Stores. e. Besides, the invariable squabble for money on Saturday nights had begun to weary her unspeakably. f. He had started as a deck boy at a pound a month on a ship of the Allan Line going out to Canadag. A2、考核知识点本课文章描述了主人公伊芙林无可奈何、无能为力的麻木生活,蕴藏了作者对都柏林生活的强烈不满和抨击。学生要掌握课文中出现的重点词汇的用法、语境及同义词的辨析,能够用英文解释本课文章中的长难句,并能够给出恰当的中文翻译。综合相关的词汇、句法结构写作有关人物行为、生活的文章。3、重点及难点1) 课文重点段落:32) 重点词语:anguish、fervent、tumble3) 重点短语:be laid up:病倒在床、go for sb.袭击某人、have an edge on: 较占优势,胜过、for sbs sake: 为了,看在的份上4、考核要求深入理解文章内容并能用英文回答有关课文内容的问题;学会使用文章中出现重点词汇,并能掌握相关的词义辨析,了解其使用的相关语境;能够将课文中的长难句翻译成汉语,并能够用英语解释相关的句子;独立撰写150-200字的有关人物行为、生活的文章。第三课:Whats wrong with Our Press? 1、章节知识点1) 背景知识(Background knowledge)Marya Mamies2) 词汇 (Vocabulary)a. Marya Mamiesb. conflict c. allot d.
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