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Ubuntu怎样修改软件源地址随着Ubuntu14.04LTS的发布,Ubuntu的中国服务器简直弱爆了,软件的更 新下载速度已经到了几十K每秒的地步,不过这也可以说是一件好事用 UbuntuLinux 的人多了呀!如果发现从Ubuntu中国官方的服务器下载过慢我们还是可以尝试修改软件更 新源,这样更新速度快了同时也减轻了官方服务器的压力,为那些不会修改 Ubuntu软件更新源的同学积点德吧!其实这个没有什么技术含量,主要是让大家知道我们可以主动在高峰时期为 Ubuntu官方服务器分担负载压力方便自己又方便别人的大好事何乐而不为呢?方法/步骤1. 一,打开系统右上角的系统设置菜单,找到软件与更新面板,如下图:Networkk star appsand explore out FavouritesTrashDelete2.或者点击右边设置按钮,如下图:Ubuntu Software 匚Ent曰Select AllSeiarclh.Software Sources.-.WhaUsHewM&ne9oo*HistoryDisplaysKeyboardOnlineAccountsSystem Settings7System SettingsSrightriEss & Lock3. 二,打开软件与更新面板,修改下载自服务器地址,然后选择其它站点,如下图:k也PrinlV 初 I ri JullS5-IdackupsDetailsLandscape serviceSoftware E updatesTimefi DateUniversal AccessSoftware 邑 UpdatesrsiiwiraUbuntu5oftware other Software Updates Au Lhentl cation Additional Dr I versDownloadable from the Intern毗占ppm Csnonical-supported free and open-source 5ofrwarp (main)Q 匚口mmunity-maintained free and open-source 5dftware(universe)HardwaQ proprietary driver? for devices (rr; trie ted)S Software restricted by cdpyright or Legal i5sues (mu止iuErsE)Source codeDuwaludd rfom;Mainsen/erServer for united statesInstallable frem Cother.systemRevertsoftware & Jpdat$Cdram with IOfficially 5 upprred trit led copyright4. 三,如果你不急着用的话,可以让服务器帮你选择一个最快的服务器,一般都 会叫你选香港的服务器*.hk,原因大家猜!个人比较喜欢选择国内*.edu.cn 的镜像服务器。Landscape Servi匚已softwares UpdlatesiTnirr or. bjtu.edu.cn mirroLluip awo rid . cd m mirror. Izu.eduxn mirror.neu.edu.cn miirr OLskyshe.commirrorsJGS.comiProtocol: http5. 四,更换过源地址后会收到可用软件的列表信息已过时要通过新加入或已变更的软件源来安装或更新软件包,您必须重新载入可用软件包列表。您需要一个有效的互联网连接才能继续。这样的提示,如果不没时间的话可以选择不重新载入!PrinlV 呻的 Fri Jul id 14:53 饶Software & UpdatesDetailBackupsLandscape Servicesortwares. UpdatesTime fi. date UniversalAccessrt-1 iunflubuntu Softwa re other 5oftwa re Updarfs A utherffic ndon Addi dona I Drive1 rs8 Cornmuolty-mdintained Free andopen-?oifrcesoFrflrr (universe)Hardwa0 Pfoprietarytlliters for devices (restricted)source codeBluetownbdd Ff &m: http:们 I rrur s. 1 &3.t. o m/ub untuInstalldble From CD-ROM/DVD5yt#mRevertDownloadable from the InternetQ Cano nil: al-suppofted treeand open-sou rce 5 o f twa r e (ma in)Cdrom with Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr1 Q OlYici ally s up portedRestricted copyrightSoftware restricted by capyriqht or kgalissues (multiverse)nllrri 鼬樓倉 5oftwart & updatesCloseAppa关闭(close):VUniversialAccessLiana sc ape ServiceUbuntu softart other software updates fluthentkarion Additional DriversDownl口mdiablE from the Internet
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