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2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题In those days, executives expected to spend most of their lives in the same firm and, unless they were dismissed for( ), to retire at the age of 65.问题1选项A.denialB.deductionC.integrityD.incompetence【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A项denial“否认,拒绝”,B项deduction“扣除,减除”,C项integrity“完整,正直”,D项incompetence“无资格,无能力”。根据句中的关键词dismissed(被解雇)可知,只有D项可以成为被解雇的理由。句意:在那些日子里,高管们希望在同一家公司度过他们的大部分生命,除非他们因为不称职而被解雇,否则他们将在65岁退休。因此,该题选择D项正确。2. 单选题He will be considered to have nothing less than full acquaintance with the nature of the thing and to share in the knowledge of it.问题1选项A.limitation tB.remark tC.ownership tD.understanding【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。acquaintance表示“了解,相识”;A项limitation“限制”,B项remark“注意,言辞”,C项ownership“所有权,物主身份”,D项understanding“理解”。句意:他将被认为完全了解事物的性质,并分享对它的知识。根据句意可知,该题选择D项正确。3. 单选题Despite the suspects( )to be innocent, there is compelling evidence that he was involved.问题1选项A.convictionB.assertionC.accusationD.speculation【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A项conviction“定罪,确信”,B项assertion“断言,声明”,C项accusation“控告,指责”,D项speculation表示“投机,推测”。句意:尽管嫌疑犯声称自己是无辜的,但有令人信服的证据表明他参与了此事。因此B项正确。4. 单选题These illegal immigrants have to work long hours a day despite the appalling working conditions.问题1选项A.bewilderingB.exasperatingC.dismayingD.upsetting【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。appalling表示“可怕的,令人震惊的”;A项bewildering“使人困惑的”,B项exasperating“使人恼怒的”,C项dismaying“令人震惊的,令人惊恐的”,D项upsetting“令人心烦意乱的”。句意:尽管工作条件恶劣,这些非法移民每天还是得工作很长时间。根据句意可知,选择C项正确。5. 翻译题The Olympic Games are a display of international goodwill. The ceremonies, with their emphasis upon both nationalism and internationalism, are a thrilling sight to see. At the start, the king or president of the country in which the Olympic Games are being held is presented. The national anthem of his country is sung. Then follows a parade of all the contestants, each bearing his countrys flag and shield. This march is accompanied by a fanfare of trumpets. When the Olympic flag is raised, guns fire a salute. Doves, symbols of peace, are released. Finally then sacred fire is lit. The Olympic flame is set alight by a torch that has been carried by relay runners all the way from Olympia, Greece. The sacred fire then burns throughout the entire Olympic Games.【答案】答:奥运会是一个展现国际友好的平台。这些强调民族主义和国际主义的仪式是一种令人激动的景象。仪式一开始出现的是举办国的国王或者总统,并伴随着该国国歌的奏起。然后是各个国家的运动员队伍高举自己国家的国旗和国徽,依次列队入场。伴随着这些游行队伍的是声势浩大的喇叭声。当奥林匹克会会旗升起时,鸣炮敬礼,象征和平的鸽子被放飞。最后,奥运圣火由从希腊奥林匹亚山脉一路传递过来的火炬来点燃。神圣的奥运会火焰将会照亮整个比赛进程。6. 单选题My kids tell me that I am “so 20th century”, which troubles me. A person likes to feel that he is “with it”, as we used to say in the 20th century.So I have been thinking how I might change myself into a true 21st-century man. Clearly, in my advanced state of age I would be foolish to attempt some wild leap into the contemporary fashion. And anyway, my distinctive taste attracts much favorable comment.But if my clothing is too characteristic to change, perhaps I should do something about my lifestyle. So last week I took myself to the NEC for the Smart Home Show which is “the exhibition dedicated to all the latest trends in smart home technology”. It was a shock. How could I have lived for half a century without a fingerprint-operated front door? (“Never lock yourself out of your home again!”) Or vacuum cleaners that suck dust straight into a dustbin, via a system of pipes in your house walls? (All you have to do is rebuild your entire home.) Or automatic garden sprinklers which are so smart that they turn themselves off when it starts to rain? Of course, you could just look out of the window, observe that its raining and turn them off yourself, but that would be so 20th century.Besides, those were just the simpler things. For the true smart home owner, a plasma (等离子) TV fireplace is a must. At first glance its just an electric fire with a mantelpiece, but press your remote and a giant TV screen rises from the mantelpiece. “Thieves wont even know its there,” a spokesman claimed. Just as well. At 65,280, it would be a pity to have it broken. But the real revolution has happened in the bathroom. Never again need you feel cut off from world events as you go about your washing. Forget the mirrors that turn into TV screens. Theyre old hat. The buzz in bathrooms now is all about heated towel-racks that turn into TVs.Enough! I was convinced: I want a smart home. Theres only one problem: The cost you are looking at 18.000 to 25,000 for an average home. Hmm. I wont be entering the 21st century just yet, then.1. To be “21st century”, the author decided to( ).2. The authors comment on the vacuum cleaner implies that( ).3. What is the most revolutionary smart home technology according to the author?4. The Smart Home Show( ).5. What does the author think of buying the smart home products?问题1选项A.move to a new houseB.change the way he lived
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